Saturday, September 7, 2013


By Juan Montoya
With about 20 people present – about half of them candidates for political positions – the Cameron County Democratic Party set the course for the 2014 elections at their Saturday morning meeting.
We had wondered who would replace chairperson Sylvia Garza-Perez once she announces for Cameron County judge and we have our answer. With about eight precinct chairs present, Ms. Garza-Perez herself nominated current Port of Brownsville commissioner and former District Attorney candidate Carlos Masso to replace her when she makes her announcement before the January 1 deadline.
Those present at the meeting said the Masso appointment was a done deal because even before he got there, Garza-Perez had nominated him but the item was tabled until he arrived. He replaces vice-chair Doroteo Garcia, JP Erin Garcia Hernandez's husband, who also was not present but whose resignation was announced by Garza-Perez.
When Masso arrived, the item was revisited and the voting was going to take place when someone asked whether Masso shouldn't say that he accepted the nomination before the vote. He did and he was duly voted in.
The appointment of Masso means that he will become the party's county chairman and that he will direct that party's activities once Sylvia is gone. More importantly, he will become a member of the county's elections committee representing the Democratic Party on decisions affecting countywide elections and candidates.
At least one other candidate, port commissioner Martin Arambula, has already announced that he will also run for county judge. We have also heard that there are others waiting in the wings to throw in their hats for the same position.
The selection of Masso has led some people to assert that the Democrats have no qualms about following the grand traditions of the past. Masso, if you'll remember, ran in tandem with Erin Garcia Hernandez and Abel Gomez during the 2012 primaries and runoff.
All three were the recipients of the majority of mail-in votes during that election, currently the subject of a joint Texas Attorney General's Office and US Attorney investigation. At least one person said to have cast five mail-in votes from one address has already been indicted and is awaiting trial.
Gomez topped the list with 415 mail-in votes followed by Texas Board of Education candidate and eventual winner Ruben Cortez (son of JP Linda Salazar) with 407, Masso received 345 and Erin Garcia Hernandez (daughter of Commissioner Ernie Hernandez)  followed with 319.
Garcia and Gomez (running in smaller precincts) went on to win the election based mostly on the difference of the mail-in votes.
In Masso's case, the mail-in votes harvested by well-known politiqueras were not enough to overcome the turnout in the northern part of the county and Luis Saenz, the current DA, beat him in the totals with a mere 351 votes (8,064 to 7,715) in that runoff.
Masso later defended politiquera Maggie Ozuna on a pro bono basis when the well-known vote harvester was indicted by a grand jury for her activities involving mail-in votes back in 2010 during the runoff election between Ruben Peña and Ernie Hernandez.
Ozuna pleaded no contest and was assessed a fine and a year's probation with the condition that she stay away from political activities during that time.
Masso, like Sylvia Perez-Garza, apparently sees nothing wrong with the activities surrounding the vote harvesting through mail-in ballots or hauling in the elderly from compliant day care centers in vans during elections. When party chair Garza-Perez makes her announcement to run for the county judge seat, Masso will probably try to steer the Good Ship Cameron County Democratic Party on the same course as she did.


Anonymous said...

Dan Sanchez is stepping down as Commissioner to run for County Judge. It'll be a dandy of a primary, indeed.

BobbyWC said...

I was asked to go to this meeting, but there is not enough anti-STD medicines in this town to have me caught at such a function. The nomination of Masso was a clear signal to the feds and the AG - "we are unimpressed with your efforts."

If I were Cascos I would be celebrating about now - and rightfully so

Nice write up Juan - typos and other things aside - because you know what people looking for knowledge read substantively and not for typos which we all know are merely typos and nothing more.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

(know are merely typos and nothing more.)

Exactly, Bobby!

Anonymous said...

Just what we need, another crooked politician in charge of the Democratic party. Being the party chair will also put him on the county elections commission. Same old, same old... the OAG and the FBI really have their work cut out for them.

Anonymous said...

the dems up to their tricks again not even halloween yet. not even worth it !!!! hope people vote independent and open their eyes and really see what is going on !!!! then more people will run for county judge on the democrat side wow !!!! let's not forget the politiqueras too we need to eliminate that system all together. we need people to recognize that there are the other two parties .

Anonymous said...

Wightman-Cervantes loves to kiss ass. wtach out, Juan. that vato is a loser!

Anonymous said...

Otra Rata de dos patas. Ese Masso hizo mucho dinero con su familia en las maquinitas. Mas chueco que el espinaso del diablo.

Anonymous said...

(Juan. that vato is a loser!)

You should have signed it with "DPM". Otherwise known as the IMP!!!

Anonymous said...

There is concern on my part regarding the manner in which the nomination and vote for Mr. Masso took place without the majority of party members present or able to participate. I would expect that when such an important position were available, a county wide email requesting all members to nominate who they think would best suit the Executive Assistant position to the County Party Chair be circulated before we vote, if we are truly a democratic party.

It was disappointing to see such swift action take place without all members having a say in the process.

It is considered a chess move setting Mr. Mass up to be hand picked for our County Chair upon Sylvia exiting the position to run for County Judge, when in fact people should be allowed to campaign for the position within a fair and equal playing field.

I personally have nothing against Mr. Masso, I am only acquainted with him nothing more. It is the manner in how this was handled and not the man where my concerns lay.

Though I am new to Texas and there is much for me to learn, business as usual does not seem to be healthy for our party based on my observations and feedback from our constituents.

Teresa Saldivar
Pct. Chair 62

Anonymous said...

That vato is deranged and on Ernie and Erin Hernandez payroll, he is always whining that Juan gets payed for adds, he gets payed to promote the most corrupt family in the County, how stupid can you be. Oh and he stinks, how come you don't wash? Crazy Bobby?

Anonymous said...

Masso is As bad as they come, but then sylvia Garza Perez too, and our mayor, poor Brownsville!

Anonymous said...

This was all orchestrated by Ernie Hernandez. He says jump and Sylvia asks how high. Ernie and Sylvia are one in the same. Both will lose their elections.

Anonymous said...

I hope Sylvia loses. She has done nothing for the Democratic Party but destroy it.

Anonymous said...

Ernie and Sylvia are one in the same. Both will lose their elections.

^ true

Anonymous said...

According to the rules of the Democratic Party --The County Chair names their own officers period. their is no voting the decision is the Chairs alone. The vote that was taken was simply for suggestions and or other nominees to be considered by the Chair out of politeness. All efforts were made to get the other precinct chairs to come to the meeting by email, phone, etc. P.S. please tell Mary Helen to read the rules and increase her dosage.

Chief cool arrow said...

same old same old, did anyone really think the democratas were cleaning up their shop? NO way jose, its business as usual. How come mr smarty pants old yellow dog democrata joe rivera didnt run for county judge? Why does he not go for it? no le saques joe. pos no que muy chingo? puro pedo dude.

Anonymous said...

SGP 2014

Anonymous said...

Carlos Masso, what the heck was she thinking! He has no interest in the ideals of the Democratic Party and what issues we stand for. He will be a puppet to Sylvia, Sylvia had no interest as well or she wouldn't be leaving this post so quickly. What a bunch of self-serving losers!

Anonymous said...

Descending deeper into irrelevance.

"My vote depends on who the Cameron county democrats are supporting" ...said no one ever. Seriously.

They relied entirely on a compadre system to steal elections with politiqueras. all running scared from the feds now too lol

Anonymous said...

The filth in Sylvia's Democratic Party stinks to high heaven. Of course, she will bash anyone who exposes her and her sordid affairs. Only the flies hovering for cash campaign jobs, desperate candidates and the errant precinct chairs that give that woman an audience for her clown show.

Anonymous said...


Batman said...

same old stinky stuff and matter feces, este dumbocRATA party, no mas yo yo y yo. Should change their name to el YO-YO party because its only me me me and no new people or faces are allowed to come into this sacred food chain system just ask Joe Rivera el marrano grande. joe gilberto, magelllenes, sylvia are always out to block anyone who tries to come in as a new fresh candiate, why? because the kingdom, serfdom will fall and then peolpe will really know the truth behind all their shenigans. adios batmancito
