Wednesday, September 11, 2013


By Juan Montoya
This time Food 4 Thought self-style muckraker Ryan Wolf doesn't say who his Food Patrol has targeted in Brownsville, other than to say it is yet another bakery.
Presumably, it is so that the scam being perpetrated against small business owners in Brownsville don't get wind of what is coming and will prepare for the ambush laid out for them.
The last time that Wolf went after a mom-and-pop bakery and broadcast alleged health violations at the Capistran Bakery, the pictures turned out to be bogus since the bakery was undergoing renovation and was closed at the time that the Cheezmeh Food Patrol showed up. What Wold didn't know (or did he?), was that the former owners of the bakery said they had been paying Cheezmeh protection money. When the new owner – who was working on the renovation of the business and didn't cave in to their demands for cash – refused their entreaties, they took pictures and left saying that he should be ready for the consequences.
We understand that the Head Cheez from Austin (Erasmo Castro) is in town now and holding court at the Vermillion Restaurant on Paredes Line Road. If you remember, the business next door – the Oyster Bar Too – was also the target of a Wolf "expose" by the Food Patrol.
So was Mr. Taco and Panaderia Capistran.
In both these cases, the "Food Patrol" provided Wolf pictures of alleged health and safety violations and Wolf made the mistake of posting their FB messages to and from him. It's funny that one of the posting involving a national restaurant chain never made it n Food 4 Thought. Could it be that a national restaurant chain would have legal (in the Food Patrol, perhaps lethal) eagles ready to pounce on these thinly veiled extortion schemes?
This parody of avenging journalism has to be exposed one of these days. To allow these anonymous "Food Patrol" agitators to keep their hands hidden while they hurt the livelihoods of working people (small businesses) is ignoble and dishonest and unbecoming of a broadcast conglomerate like Channel 4.
A post to Wolf inquiring who had sent him the pictures of the new bakery victim went unanswered.
Will the station continue to encourage these unseemly abuse of the public airwaves and allow itself to be used to abuse struggling businesses in Brownsville?
Will the Food Patrol at the Vermillion suddenly come across a cockroach in their food and stomp out refusing to pay threatening to sic Wolf on the owners? Or did they already pay?


Anonymous said...

I bet you that fat fucking felon in Castro doesn't squeal on the buffet businesses?

Anonymous said...

You forgot to add that A. Villalobos was also at the V for lunch (and the V not being a womens body part)and so was former mayor Nacho Garza and the Tipton brother(s) etc... What is your hard-on with Cheezmeh?

Anonymous said...

The Vermillion should kick them out. EXTORTION CHARGES SHOULD BE FILED. THE Brownsville P.D. should ARREST him and the sister.

Whatever happened to the federal charges for practicing immigration law without a license or permission of the Immigration Service.?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Channel 4 is a joke.

Anonymous said...

The Big Cheeze? U mean to Say he ate ALL THE CHEEZE. Pinche Professor Clump y su Hermana la slutshious snake continue to cause problems for the Brownsville business. They just need to mind their own business n join a fat farm. Pincho gorde jediondo y sevoco......I sometimes confuse him as nephew of Aurora de la Garza.

Erasmo Castro said...

LESSON FOR TODAY: don't believe everything you read...

Anonymous said...

reply 11.20. if you support CHEEZMETH, LESSON NUMBER TWO 'FUCK YOU'
