Wednesday, September 18, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Even though they were the victims of an orchestrated broadcast ambush by Food 4 Thought would-be muckraker Ryan Wolf and the Cheezmeh hordes alleging that they had been forced to close because of sanitary violations, the new owners of a barrio panaderia say they have nothing to hide and are open for business.
Capistran Panaderia, at 3324 Southmost Road, was targeted by Ryan in his sensationalistic Food 4 Thought segment and he posted pictures he said had been submitted to him by the Brownsville Health Department. His breathless FB posts insinuated that he was on his way to the bakery to confront the owners on the errors of their ways. In that broadcast Sept. 4, he insinuates that the bakery has closed as a result of the reports and the broadcast, failing to tell his viewers and social media followers that the business had changed owners and that extensive remodeling approved by the health department inspectors who gave the a clean bill of health and gave the the green light to open for business. (That's the department's permit to operate on the side of the fire extinguisher on the back wall.)
Ryan did his broadcast even after knowing that the panaderia had closed for remodeling and despite the fact that the new owners had noting to do with the past citations for health violations by the former owners.
The appearance of Cheezmeh adherents while the remodeling was going on demanding that the new owner advertise and if he didn't "atenagse a las consecuenencias", that is, prepare himself to face the consequences, 
indicated some collusion between Wolf and the "advocacy" group.
We had a freelancer with El Rrun-Rrun interview the new owner who said that while he was remodeling the building, the Cheezmeh Gang (partisans of Head Cheez Erasmo Castro and sister Linda Dragustinovis) had descended en masse at Capistran's and asked him if he wanted to advertise on their internet page and when he declined, they said that if he didn't play along with them, he should be ready to "face the consequences."
"Eran esos whe se llaman, Brownsville, como dijieron, si, si Cheezmeh, esos son'" he told our reporter. (They said their name was Brownsville Cheezmeh and said that since I didn't advertise that I would face the consequences.)
Sure enough. Even before Wednesday's Food 4 Though segment, Head Cheez Erasmo Castro published on his FB page that Wolf had posted that the "Food Patrol is exposing shocking filth at Panaderia Capistran at Brownsville at 10 (p.m.)"
This has been a pattern that has developed in other Food 4 Thought broadcasts involving Brownsville businesses such as Oyster Bar Too and Mr. Taco. In the case of Mr. Taco, even though the owners took care of the violations made in a July 25th report the very next day – July 26 – Wolf's broadcast was made on August 28th, with a tease that the "Shocking photos expose fly infestation at Mr. Taco with insects on food" . Wolf failed to failed to tell his viewers that it been more than a month after the restaurant was cleared.
In contrast, Wolf has continually posted FB photos of food he said he ate at eateries in McAllen extolling the virtues of the fare there compared to the filthy establishments in Brownsville. 
If anything, the evidence emerging from the Food 4 Though segments indicates a certain slovenliness creeping into the Ryan segments. We understand he has an open request for all food inspections done in the city of Brownsville (and others, we're sure) on a weekly basis that is renewed automatically by the city's health department. Could it be that he goes for the most sensational without bothering to ascertain whether the problems have been addressed (as in Mr. Taco), and whether they even exist anymore when he chooses to target a small barrio business?
The relationship between him, Cheezmeh and the apparent scheme to force small businesses in the barrios to pay bucks for good publicity is something that neither he, Cheezmeh, nor the station's management has answered satisfactorily.


Erasmo Castro said...

el pinche conspiracy!!!

= )

Anonymous said...

Everybody involved in this is looking pretty sleezy but come on, don't you think it means something when a restaurant is allowed to get in a condition that it fails a health inspection even if, once it is caught, it gets cleaned up? That it failed to begin with means it has been feeding people while below standard for at least a short while. Wouldn't you like to know that the operators had such low standards until forced to clean up? I may decide to eat there even knowing the potential for problems but I would like to be able to make an informed decision. Wouldn't you?

Anonymous said...

Don't try to down play it Erasmo Castro. You have been caught in the extortion plot. You may soon be singing a different tune. Very soon your sister will be looking for an orange suit that fits her fake body.

el chupacabra said...

el ryan wolfie es puro cabrito y cool arrow, anything to get viewers attention, no mas cause channel 5 beats them fair and square, what kgbt tv 4 news needs o do is fire the wolfie and the marcie girlie all they know que el i-pad i-tablet y el facebook and twitter, hey i want to see the news on tv and not on the internet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you look carefully, you can see lots of dropping on one of the pieces of bread on the picture. No! No! No! Now that I have my reading glasses, I can see that they are candy sprinkles on the bread. I am sure glad that I did not call Ryan Wolfe.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pinche Marrano (Erasmo), es "La pinche conspiracy." Pinche pocho.
