Sunday, September 15, 2013


By Juan Montoya
After having shunned the folks over at Valle Hermoso when they invited him to a ceremony where they presented keys to their city to some consular representatives from the U.S., Mexico and Guatemalan consulates, Mexican consul in Brownsville Rodolfo Quilantan decided he now wanted one.
Valle Hermoso city officials graciously complied with Quilantan  and hastily held a private ceremony to present him with a key to their city and pacify him.
Quilantan did not deign to attend the May 20 ceremony when Valle Hermosan officials pulled out all the stops for their foreign guests.
City officials of Valle Hermoso invited U.S. Consul in Matamoros Thomas Mittnacht, Quilantan and Guatemalan Consul for South Texas Alba Dalila Caceres Lopez to a reception in their honor.
The city council of had staged a ceremony where the three consuls were to be recognized and honored for their labors and given keys to the city.
Quinlantan, although he had been invited in plenty of time for him to attend, was the only one who did not bother to show up, much to the disappointment of his hosts.
It was especially galling for city officials to realize that the U.S. and Guatemalan consuls made time to attend their town's event, and that the only one not to attend was their own country's representative.
For hours, the city's students and their band stood in the summer heat awaiting the honored guests. They were rfeceived by a reception line formed by the outstanding citizens of the Valle Hermoso led by Mayor Efrain de Leon.
The city put on the nines for the affair, with a lavish ceremonial dinner, a tour of the city, and a presentation of the city's 75-year history in a bound volume written by local writer Dr. Renato Vasquez Farias and ordered for the occasion.
The flags of the three countries graced the reception area and special glasses were made to commemorate the affair. Mexican flag motif decorated the reception area. Qailantan was the only no-show, in spite of the fact that he was closer to the city than Guatemalan consul who had to travel from McAllen to honor the invitation.
"It's only 20 minutes from Los Indios bridge to Valle Hermoso," said a businessman who attended. "If Guatemalan Consul Caceres could manage to attend from McAllen, Quilantan had no excuse to stand them up. Of course, if it was a chamber of commerce event, or a Mister Amigo presentation, I bet he would have made the time to show up."
This is not the first time that the illustrious consul has stood up local Mexican officials. In fact, he did not attend the Matamoros mayor's State of the City address even though he posted on the consulate's website that he was working in the city at the time.
Matamoros officials still bristle when they remember that he refused to participate in that city's parade this past Charro Days and ridiculed those that did about attending the ceremonies on the Mexican side.
And to add insult to injury, Quilantan also did not attend last week's State of the City report in Matamoros, a fact that was pointed out in the local press.
We understand that Quilantan are busy writing a book to be titlted: "How Not to Make Friends and Influence People."


Anonymous said...

Rodolfo Quilantan Arenas no tiene verguenza..asi de facil.Pero eso si cuando se trata de promoverce socialmente es un maestro. Ya basta de su soberbia e insolencia, hasta cuando sus jefes se daran cuenta del dano que causa su actitut antidiplomatica.

Anonymous said...

Mcallen is getting all the "artesanos", the celebration of 16 de septiembre. The mexican nationals that live in Brownsville will have No "grito" ? Oh, I forgot, it is raining.

Anonymous said...

Este se llama diplomacia "a la Mexicana".

Anonymous said...

Francamente, no entiendo todo este pedo con el grito. Primero, Hidalgo no tenia nada que ver con la supuesta independencia de Mejico que se hizo Iturbide, un reaccionario en favor de la iglesia y el rey de Espana y en todo contra los democratas en Espana de y sus Cortes. El mismo se instalo como "Empreredor de los Aztecas" con plumas y todo. Mejico todavia esta esperando su independencia.

Anonymous said...

Rodolfo Quilantan es el peor consul de Mexico que hemos tenido en Brownsville, que tipo tan antipatico se cree superior y ademas intelectual..ja ja

Anonymous said...

Rodolfo Quilantan es una reata bien parada, culeros. Quieran o no. El qu no vale una chingada es este culerito que se hace pasar como periodista... periodista de que? Pura negatividad, chisme e ignorancia... haz algo productivo hijo de puta y ponte a trabajar, huevon!
