Monday, September 30, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Days after Brownsville Independent School District trustee Minerva Peña was overheard criticizing the Pace High School Principal over a grade-changing allegations and even called for her to be disciplined, a call from a reporter brought forth denials that she had known anything about the matter.
In fact, she not only denied making the remarks critical of the principal, but said she knew nothing about the matter.
It was only later – after an information request from this blog was made to the BISD administration – that the Texas Attorney General ordered the distritc to release the results of the investigation into the allegations.
The principal got off with a slap on the hand even after some 14 persons at the school filed statements with the district outlining what they saw.
Nonetheless, Peña's denials that she had said anything or knew any details of the allegations constituted – to be charitable – an outright lie. Now, this observation is not to be taken lightly given the fact that she is, after all, a retired Texas Department of Public Safety trooper whose integrity should be above all reproach or question.
The same goes when she vehemently denies that she has any contact with blogger Robert Wightman. Wigthnman, who makes no secret that he holds a deep running grudge against Catralina Presas-Garcia and accused Lucy Longoria of "lying in bed" with various people in town and elsewhere during her last campaign, repeatedly cites "inside sources" for his "exposes" of alleged corruption inside the district.
Just recently Mi"Never say Never" Peña was seen in a deep conversation (interview?) with Wightman who was scribbling notes as she elucidated him on some issue on the board. Will she now deny she even knows Wightman or that she spoke with him at length in public?
So does Minnie consititute the famed "inside sources" of the blogger?


Anonymous said...

two fatsos under a mesquite. So Browntown.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Now we know that you are just like the Catita the Ratita. You spin the truth, don't you. What it appears is that this woman Minerva Pena was arguing with the man in the photo. I saw them, this was at the Cameron County Court House. Why did you not put this in your column? I will tell you why. Because Catita la Ratita is paying you to defame the woman Minerva Pena. Well, the only one you are defaming is yourself. It appears you have been trying to get this woman to feed you info just like the Cata and Luci do. Well get out there and look for the lady Minerva Pena and find her on the street, just like it appears the man in the photo did. Oh and you know what is sad? That this photo that was taken at the court house shows the kind of people who live in Brownsville. Cameron County Court House appears to have stalkers. Everyone needs to be very careful while going and coming from Cameron County Court House. Someone is apparently watching the Cameron County Courthouse. Wow!

Anonymous said...

The way that woman is standing it looks like a confrontation.

Anonymous said...

How low can you go Juanio? Following people around. Guess you were there for the DA and got this as a bonus article for yourself.

Anonymous said...

MInergva Pena is a pendeja bien echa

Former DA employee! said...

Montoya, what do you expect from a retired DPS officer who supports child molesters in court???

Anonymous said...

Post 5:46 pm is none other than a Former Cameron County DA employee, who is currently associated with current DA's Office in Willacy County. That former employee tampers with defense witnesses in front of his investigators and no one says anything about it. This former employee forgets that there were several people who witnessed his tampering. Even the Judges choose to ignore how this former DA employee tampered with defense witnesses. Bet that individual is still doing that now where he works at Willacy County. Had forgotten about it until the poster brought up that DPS officer. Guess that is why poster hates that DPS Officer. He knows what he did was totally illegal!

Anonymous said...

(Montoya, what do you expect from a retired DPS officer who supports child molesters in court???)

She was in charge of the women who process the driver license issuing paperwork. I witnessed her attempting to direct traffic at the site of an accident at a location very near the DPS office (probably assumed she had better get involved), and she couldn't even do that. She had already been in at least 10 years, but she acted like a rookie fresh out of the academy.

Anonymous said...

1:59 So margarita ozuna the other politiquera.

Anonymous said...

no one need to follow Mi'Never say Never Pana, she is the kind that wants attention and will show up everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding?
Who would stalk the Pena, only la babosa WBC?

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Pena married to the guy that used to transport questinable cargo on those tow trucks?

Anonymous said...

That pose is not because she is arguing... the pose is because she is tired after having to carry that huge ,Discusting stinky fat ass.. you gonna say how I know its stinky. Well theres no way she can clesn all up in that huge ----......

Anonymous said...

The most annoying stinking Bobby Wightman Cervantes, is upset that nobody but the hernandezes pay him, and he attacks people that have adds with other bloggers, just because, his writing is crazy and convoluted and his conversation is even worse.

Anonymous said...

This does not look like a confrontation, he is taking notes and she looks like she is complaining about cata and lucy as always

Anonymous said...

First two comments is Minerva herself, dead give away. Stop fooling yourself Minerva, we all know how much you hate Caty and pay Bobby to print shit on her. Remember we see you live on TV and have seen everytime Caty speaks you always go against her. You are a sick woman.

Anonymous said...

No, if the woman was arguing or confrontational, her arms would be crossed. Hands on hips - she is indignant about something. And she is spilling her guts. The real question is - was the man able to write quickly enough to keep up with her?

Hope he knew shorthand....

Anonymous said...

CHINGA TU MADRE MINERVA....and you want to be JP! YOU ARE PATHETIC!! GORDA, FEA!! Cut your stupid bangs MENSA!!

Red Fusteberg said...

This sewer of human waste known as Cameroon County will never change as long as idiots like this continue to operate without consequences!
Although the Feds hauled a few judges off, the thievery and double dealing at BISD, PUB, UTB, Nav District, on and on, business continues unabated.

Anonymous said...

It is so unfortunate that you are allowing your blog to mirror that of 'El Chizme". The name calling is so low class. You can disagree and call people out without being downright vulgar. Plz....

Anonymous said...

Give me f break, vulgar? You haven't heard yourself Minerva nor these people sticking up for you. You are worse than a cholo.

Anonymous said...

Minerva Pena is a low life lying snake. Doing absolutely nothing to serve those in most need at BISD. She and her cohorts have absolutely no vision and are robbing the district blind. I can bet she paid her back taxes since getting re-elected.
Mission ISD was busted and BISD hires people who worked for MISD. We the people are the ones getting screwed.
One meeting a month. So where are the majority of 5 meeting all of the other times. Instigating and salivating as to how much money they will all make and who their next target will be. Do they really think the public is stupid enough that we don't know they are meeting as a quorum outside of the regularly scheduled meetings? They can't hide for long.

Anonymous said...

A MInerva le apesta el culo...ujule!

Anonymous said...

(A MInerva le apesta el culo...ujul)

Como que si se lo lavara no se lo cuparas....

Anonymous said...

Oye Cata ya parale de echar a esa Minerva Pena. No ves que entre mas le echas a esa mujer peor te ves tu. Concentra en avanzarte tu con lo que tienes que es bueno. No concenters en buscarle mal a otra gente porque nunca vas avanzar tu vida. No me crees, fijate donde estas ahorita en tu vida, y versa que es verdad lo que te digo.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't someone tell her to shut the f### up, she's the sorriest piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, someone please Tell Cata Presas-Garcia to SHUT UP! I'm with you post 12:08 AM, Cata Presas-Garcia is sorry!

southmost kid said...

La porter belle? wow muncho grande now a days
