Friday, September 6, 2013


By Juan Montoya
For the past three years, Lucio Mendoza has overseen the Mission Independent School District's financial and operations department.
A majority on the Brownsville Independent School District board were apparently so impressed with his track record there that they voted to make him the new BISD Chief of Finance.
At Mission ISD, Mendoza was assistant superintendent for finance and operations and oversaw everything from keeping a balanced budget, maintaining the school's infrastructure and other sundry duties. He also personally oversaw the purchase and installation of security cameras and surveillance equipment.
But even with a $504 million budget, BISD is cash-strapped and is considering a property-tax increase to offset the difference between revenues and expenditures.
That's why it seemed strange that the screening committee for the BISD chose Mendoza from among the applicants for CFO.
A review of the Mission ISD budgets over the last three years indicates that the district has run on  deficit since 2011.
Records indicate that although local and immediate sources of revenue, state program revenues, and federal program revenues increased every single year over that time span, and the total budges for the three years were $140,755 (2011), $146,204,309 (2012), and $152,201,509, Mendoza managed to run a deficit each one of those years.
In 2011, the deficit was $416,747. In 2012, the deficit grew to $5,391,160. In 2013, his last year at the helm as CFO there, the district will have a $16,565,429 deficit.
Many CFOs like to say that these are not really deficits, but rather that these are "shortfalls" between revenues and expenditures that have been solved by a mere transfer from fund balance to the operating budget. We guess that you can put lipstick on a pig, but it will still remain a pig, won't it?
The fact of the matter is that if a CFO cannot get the district's administration and board to control the balancing of revenues and expenditures, what does that say about his or her performance?
One of the hits that the Mission ISD's budget took this year was the upgrade of its security and surveillance system for a hefty $801,319 price tag. The process was personally overseen by Mendoza, who conceded to the McAllen Monitor that he recommended that the contract be awarded to a Brownsville security company.
And although the winner was not the lowest bidder, they were allowed to whittle down their proposal from the original $848,11.78 and eventually lower than the lowest bidder who was Star Telecom LLC.
The Brownsville company was American Surveillance and what makes this worthwhile noting is that it is owned by Jaime Escobedo, who just happens to be the brother of Enrique Escobedo, the president of the board of the BISD, his new employer.
Some of the companies bidding for the Mission ISD have cried foul and are contemplating taking some action against the Mission ISD and Mendoza, in particular for his performance in the bidding process they claim was altered to favor the Brownsville company.
They say that the BISD president, whose offices are located in the same building as his brother's surveillance company, personally measured the buildings to prepare the bids for his brother's company. They also said that even after Mendoza had stipulated that any company that did not participate in a walk-though of the area for the proposed security update could not submit a bid. They say that even though no representative from American Surveillance was present for the mandatory walk-through, Mendoza ordered that the be allowed to submit its bid.
It should be interesting to see whether American Surveillance will bid on the next phase of the upcoming Mission ISD's upgrade of its security system and how it will fare under another CFO now that its former chief of finance and operations now works for the BISD.  
But given the fact that the district is now $16,565,160 in the red in its 2013 budget after his departure for BISD, they might just have to follow his lead and go back to the well-worn path to the deficit well left by Mendoza.
The vote to hire Mendoza was 5-2 with Escobedo, Jose Hector Chirinos, Minerva Peña, Otis Powers and new trustee Cesar Lopez voting for and Catalina Presas-Garcia and Lucy Longoria against.


Anonymous said...

He was let go from Valley Telephone Co., then worked at Monte Alto ISD, then Mission ISD.

Anonymous said...

Great track record, but do we need more like him?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Great track record, but do we need more like him?


Anonymous said...

He bought the camera system for mission isd and ran . Saying and laughing " hope you guys make it work i am out to new job" jaja . What a CFO model.

Anonymous said...

Esos pinches Escobedos! Here we go again with the corruption....

Anonymous said...

Where's the FBI? Isn't this the same thing goung on at Progreso?

Enrique Escobedo has no shame, what a fucking mother fucker. Not to mention the other fuckers supt montoya, otis, chirinos, cesar and dumbass minerva. Hope they all end up in jail. MF, MF, MF.

Anonymous said...

How can we see what you are saying is true Juan? If you have the facts we'll be happy to take it to the FBI.

Anonymous said...

It's time the citizens speakup and stop the abuse of these five board members and hold the superintendent accountable. What a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

The Escoratas have it made as long as people like Lucio Mendoza and Carlos "El Overpaid Guard" Garcia are in power......all contracts will find a way into the Escorata's hands!

Anonymous said...

FBI should be on all this people. Unless the agents on the area were bought by enrique escobedo. Remember that port of brownsville chief and city of brownsville chief of police are escobedo's best friends.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The talk is Cesar Lopez and this guy gave Enrique's brother the contract and as payback he appointed Cesar to the board and pressured dumbass Montoya to hire this loser.

Enrique is banking on these two corrupt losers to help him milk the district as much as he can before his term is up. These assholes belong behind bars.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Juan, give us whatever proof you have and we will take it to the FBI.


Anonymous said...

Is this new CFO along with the hand picked board member doing Escobedo's dirty work?

Anonymous said...

wow, these people should read the papers, this kind of stuff is no longer tolerated by the people that pay taxes at the school districts. I don't care where you look, the board is always in bed with some vendors and the same people that pay taxes in the city or school district where they bid on don't get an opportunity to work there. It is what it is, nothing will ever change until they start putting people like this in jail. They are put in these positions by the people and they can and will be taken down by the same people. NO one is ever to big or too strong to get caught, your time will come.

Anonymous said...

Yeap, give these guys enough rope to hang themselves. Look how Limas, Villalobos and Marchan ended up.

The bad, the ugly and corrupt never end up winning.

Anonymous said...

The word is that they also have some connection with the SBCISD school board member Gonzalez. Can't wait till all her "deals" are discovered and the citizens of san benito are aware. Medrano and Cruz are the only ones doing what's best for the district.
