Friday, September 27, 2013


"She loves me , 
She loves me not..."
Childhood jingle

By Juan Montoya
There is a saying in some parts of the Midwest that if you don't like the way the weather is, just hang around for a while and it will change.
This mercurial characteristic is nowhere more evident than in the postings of two (sometimes) diametrically opposed poles of the cyberspace compass.
One of those is blogger Robert Wightman. The other is the self-described paladin of the Brownsville grassroots Cheezmeh, with its (also self-described Head Cheez Erasmo Castro). For the last two or so years, both have been on the love-love-me-not end of the proverbial daisy with Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz. At one time or another Wightman lauded Saenz for being the best thing since sliced bread and the worst legal thug in history. As the barometer moves, the mercurial blogger either praises Caesar or comes down with both feet on Saenz's chest.
Ditto for Cheezmeh. Cheezmeh was the torches-and-pitchfork mob who was scaling the walls of the electoral process dishing out slings and arrows against Saenz for being anti-woman. For a while there, so did Wightman. The group resorted to digging out newsclips and airing them to the wind at the behest of their then-hero Carlos Masso, Saenz's runoff opponent.
Then, after the doors to the inner sanctum of the DA's office were firmly slammed on Wightman's advances, the reaction from "La Babosa" – as Wightman is called in some legal circles – has been nothing short of ballistic. He has written that everyone from the local dogcatcher to the highest offices of the U.S. Dept. of Justice have the goods that he, Robert Wightman Esq., has provided them.
"The indictments are coming," he bellows from his cybermegaphone Brownsville Voice. "Cameron County will pay."
Well, those of us who have lived through the reincarnations of his blog know that if we wait long enough, the tone of the vitriol will – like the Midwest weather – change.
In his latest diatribe, "La Guerca" – another nickname used for Messer Wightman Esq. – is calling on the county commissioners for a "vote of no confidence as a way of telling the community (that the Commissioner Court finds Luis Saenz inept and an acceptable DA.)"
After Saenz became DA, and partially in response to being painted broadly with the "anti-woman" brush, Saenz set up the domestic abuse unit in the DA's office and publicized the fact that he was taking a pro-active stance on these type of violations. He also set up a child-abuse unit in the county. The latest is a website in an effort to enlist the social media to find fugitive convicted murderer Amit Livingston.
And somehow (and this intrigues us), Cheezmeh now has heeded the call to find Livingston by establishing  a link to the "find Amit" site in a gesture of peace and friendship with the DA they slurred all though out the campaign and even afterward.
Well, to be befriended by a group which blatantly attempted to extort small business by threatening bad publicity using Ryan Wolf's Food 4 Thought "exposes" as a self-appointed posse or "Food Patrol," this takes some gall (if not balls). Who approved this link, we wonder? Is there and alcahueta in the background manipulating these factions? (Wolf, by the way, is now ignoring their entreaties by not tagging his posts on their FB site, probably at the direction of the stations' legal counsel).
As to Wightman's call for a vote of no confidence, there was a vote taken on the matter of who should be the DA, and   if we remember correctly – the voters of Cameron County chose Saenz. How can three commissioners, who each represents at most 100,000 residents, unite to deprive the other 300,000 residents of the county of their wishes?
Now, we ask ourselves, are these posturings by these two opposites just one and the same thing? Is everything that appears different in the final analysis the same (la misma gata, pere revolcada)? And which suitor will Saenz heed? Or does he even care at all?
"He loves me, he loves me not..."  


Former DA employee! said...

Wightman is an idiot!!!

Anonymous said...

Some politicians think that being on Facebook all the time is informative to the public.. guess what it isn't. It shows that the politician is always seeking approval or praised from the public. Brownsville Cheezmeha and Bobby Whitman are a joke. They are self centered ego maniacs that don't like it when people contradict them or don't agree with them. It is either their way or the highway. I have no idea the District Attorney would have anything to do with these 2 losers. He won and we are happy with him he just needs to stay off face book and let his convictions spear for themselves. IMOP

Anonymous said...

¿Oye, Zeke… que significa "IMOP"? ¿Eres un trapeador, o que?


Anonymous said...

You know this Cheezmeh crap is really getting old. It has personal vendetta written all over it. Get over it. Move on with your life.

Anonymous said...

"Spear for themselves" ??? IMOP! I mop, you mop, he/she mops, we mop.

Anonymous said...

Le gustan los chamaquitos al pinche buey de Bobby....Pinche, Puto, ojete !!!!!

Anonymous said...

4:17pm No soy Zeke.


Anonymous said...

(17pm No soy Zeke)

LOL! Like the name, though. For some reason or another.

Anonymous said...

There's no P in the abbreviation pendejo!

Anonymous said...

Erasmo/Brownsville Cheezmeh this is not Zeke and just because you post it is Zeke doesn't mean it is him. What you think he is the only that know what you are doing and done to the ignorant people of Brownsville, TX? What is baffling is how STUPID the Elected Officials are to TRUST you and believe that you carry votes. You are only a threat to those that are crooks and have broken the law to get elected. For the Elected Officials that have nothing to hide you are a joke. Wore of advise to the people who want to run for office STAY AWAY FROM BROWNSVILLE CHEEZMEH/ERASMO/LINDA. Don't walk from them RUN from them.

Anonymous said...


This is what IMOP stands for. FYI this is not Zeke but I hope someone is talking to the FEDS to get you guys under the RICO act.

Anonymous said...

Wow I just googled it and it looks like you made that acronym up

Anonymous said...

(it looks like you made that acronym up)

How extremely convenient for him, huh? How typical.
