Thursday, October 31, 2013


By Juan Montoya
After discussing the item in executive session to consider paying for legal representation for JP 2-2 Erin Garcia-Hernandez as a result of her charging couples a fee to forgo the 72-hour state-mandated waiting period, the Cameron County commissioners court turned down the item.
Only one person spoke against the measure during the public comment period before the vote.
Speaking as a "businessman and taxpayer" Ezequiel Silva said that since the JP had taken it on her own to issue the waivers and profit from it in the form of performing the ceremony for which she was paid a fee of between $150 and $250, she should pay for her own defense.
Additionally, a federal lawsuit by  a couple against her, Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez (her father, and Ernie III (her brother) and Cameron County had been dropped.
Silva argued that the Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz had just requested an opinion from the Texas Office of the Attorney General (OAG) to determine whether the issuance of the waivers was illegal, whether she could charge for them, and who should get the money. Saenz also requested that the AOG expedite the opinion to determine if any more action should be taken by his office.
The OAG Saenz sent back a letter of acknowledgement but said he could not expedite the process and that the DA should expect an answer within the required 180-day (six months) period required by the law.
The item in the special meeting held at 9:30 this morning was for the purpose of determining whether to provide legal counsel to all three Hernandezes named in the federal lawsuit (since dropped) or to retain outside counsel for one or all of them. Neither option passed.
The waivers that Garcia-Hernandez issued were decidedly different than the ones issued by district courts.
In those cases, there is a specific waiver form that must be completed at the district clerk's office, signed by a district judge, and a new case file opened. When such a waiver is issued, the district court charges the applicants $237 that go into the county treasury.
In the case of the form generated in Erin Garcia-Hernandez's office, there is no existing file for them. In fact, there are no such forms left at the county clerk's office. In those cases, no one knows where the money went.
 However, the waivers issued by the JP 2-2 office that did survive bear the logo of Justice of the Peace office of Erin Garcia-Hernandez and her signature below the body of text approving the waiver of the 72-hour waiting period. Once the waiver is issued, the marriage ceremony could be performed and the justice of the peace can collect whatever fee that particular office charges.
There is no uniform fee for the ceremony and the county does not receive any of the marriage ceremony fee charged.
So far, Erin Garcia-Hernandez has married just under 300 couples since she took office last November. It's easy to see that the marriage racket is hugely lucrative. At an average of $200 per ceremony, that amounts to $60,000 that goes into her pocket. It is also easy to see that being able to issue waivers – whether legal or not – gives her a leg up on the competition next door since the couples don't have the need to come back to the court three days later.
Silva said that since the actions by the justice of the peace were not condoned by the county, taxpayers should not have to bear the costs of defending them.


Anonymous said...

all bullshit Montoya...the only reason the issue was dropped was because the lawsuit was dropped. If the lawsuit is refiled they have to represent her. Such bullshit. Frivolous lawsuit filed by sorola will cost the taxpayers to defend her. Send the bill to Sorola.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why does she not represent herself, she is a lawyer? And, she can hire ex-lawyer, "Percy Foreman Cervantes" as assistant.

Anonymous said...

Good she pockets money. Then she. Wants couty to pay for legl advice. Bull shit she should just resign

Anonymous said...

Pinche vieja fea, let her pay for her own defense.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't her daddy Ernie go crying to Tony Martinez and have his law partner Horacio Barrera defend Erin like he did during the appeal with Yolnada Begum? Do you know why they are asking the County to Pay for legal representation is because she is Guilty of pocketing the money (which is theft) and no attorney in their right mind will do anything for free. Everybody is running away from the Hernandez. They are a bad Omen to anyone associated with them. They are on their own and they have no more power and money. Truth is people are just FED UP with the Hernandez living off the tax payers and stealing from us.

Anonymous said...

Reference Oct. 31, 12:30 pm...Speaking as a former County employee,the County does not have to defend or represent her. It is a decision of the majority of the Commissioners court to represent her or not. (the county is not representing Raul, and David Garcia got his own legal representation when called to the DA's office to discuss Raul's case)

So, watch close to see that Ernie does not cut a deal with the County Judge to vote for representation for any of the Hernandez clan.

Anonymous said...

Frivolous!? Norma! Your daughter got caught! Suck it up butter cup. You should get the bill! Your the one who let her get away with eating to many twinkies, and ho-hos as a child! Now she thinks she can get away with anything! The one thing people are forgetting, is that, not only did she issue a form that she has no business issuing, not only did she doctor a federal form, not only wa she using out a leverage to lure in more weddings, but none of these people actually met the requirements of the law to be issued the waiver! Sounds like she got into the moon pies too! Dale otra a la Ms. Piggy, Norma!
