Let's say you've just obtained your marriage license from the Cameron County Clerk's Office.
You know that you have to wait 72 hours before you can get married. So you saunter over around the corner to see a justice of the peace to see if you can schedule the marriage ceremony. In your ardor to consummate the union, you ask the office personnel if there's a way that you can get a waiver on the 72-hour waiting period.
If you went to JP 2-1 Linda Salazar, you would be told that the only one who can waive it is a court with jurisdiction over family law (a district court), a justice of the Texas Supreme Court, a judge of the court of criminal appeals, or a judge of a court of appeals if they find a good cause for the waiver.

So you turn away disappointed and – passing by Erin Garcia Hernandez's JP 2-2 court – ask if she can help you since you're going out of town.
A clerk in her office says the judge will be glad to help you and produces a form bearing the county seal, her name and office, and a place below the document to be signed by the judge.
Why wait 72 hours as the law prescribes? For an additional $40 plus the $250 or $300 for the ceremony, Erin will gladly sign the petition for the waiver drafted by her office, affix you and your loved one's names to the "official document," and have you out the door as husband and wife minutes after you got your license from Joe Rivera's office. Why wait? Get your license and marry the same day despite the law.
Well, there may be a little problem with that "marriage."
It may not be legal.
For months now, it has become common knowledge that these illegal waivers have been flowing out of Erin Garcia's JP 2-2 office and making their way through the county's bureaucracy. There's only one hitch. There's no place – no file, no basket – where they belong. Conveniently, many of these "waivers" found their way to the shredder and the waste baskets in the county offices.
But what, you may ask, is the big deal about the use of waivers justices of the peace?
The law is quite clear on that:
The section of Texas Family Law quoted above reads in full:
"An applicant may request a judge with a court of jurisdiction in family law cases, a justice of the supreme court, a judge of criminal appeals, a county judge, or a judge of a court of appeals for a written waiver permitting the marriage ceremony to take place during the 72-hour period immediately following the issuance of a marriage license."

Notice that there is no mention of family law in a justice of the peace court.
This was intentionally done so that justices of the peace, who stand to benefit personally from the wedding ceremony fee do not issue these like candy for self-profit. The 72-hour waiting period was included in Texas Family law so that the groom and wife can have time to think if they really want to go through with the ceremony. The fact that Erin Garcia's staff – at her direction? – had to devise an instrument that her court was not authorized to issue indicates that the forms were made with the intent to profit since they were sold for an additional $40.
The Texas Penal Code speaks to that as well. In Section 37.10 (Tampering with Governmental Record), (a) 2 states: A person commits an offense if he:
(2) makes, presents, or uses any record, document, or thing with knowledge of its falsity and with intent that it be taken as a genuine governmental record.
Then, it states two lines later:
(4) possesses, sells, or offers to sell a governmental record or blank governmental record form with intent that it be used unlawfully;
(5) makes, presents, or uses a governmental record with knowledge of its falsity; or
(6) possesses, sells, or offers to sell a governmental record or blank document record form with knowledge that it was obtained unlawfully.
The Penal Code states that "if the actor's intent is to defraud another, ...the offense is a state jail felony.
The offense becomes a felony of the third degree if "the actor's intent in committing the offense was to defraud or harm another."
What harm could there be?
Suppose that someone got tired of married life and found out that he was married through the use of an illegal "waiver." What's to prevent him or her from throwing out the other spouse on their ear? And if the couple is trying to legalize their immigration status and federal examiners find that their ceremony was held in violation of the law, would they be rejected?
A spouse in this situation wouldn't need to recur to divorce court. He or she could just get the marriage annulled and be done with it since it was not based on a legal document.
We are looking into how many of these "waivers" were issued and how many couples in Cameron County may have paid Erin Garcia's office the $40 to get the fraudulent waiver issued so they could marry before the 72-hour waiting period. Doubtless, there will be many since it appears she wasn't going to let a potential customer walks away without plunking down the $40 for the waiver and another $250 for performing the ceremony.
What we do know is that according to figures provided by the county clerk's office from December 2012 to June 2013, she had racked up 170 wedding ceremonies. How many of these used the fraudulent waivers? We don;t know yet, but we're looking.
If you know someone who may have been charged the $40 by this court and was married before the 72-hour period had passed, you may want to tell them to file a police report with the local cops. Their marriage may be illegal. Feel free to email us at rrunrrun@gmail.com if you hear of a case.
We are unsure what liabilities the county may incur as a result of these fraudulent waivers, but as an officer of the county, we suspect there are some of which we, as non-lawyers, would not be aware.
We'll keep you posted.
Way to go JMON!
The Hernandezes can't help themselves, they are what they are
Not surprised!
The waiting period should be seven years not 72 hours. This would save an untold amount of human misery.
Not supprising about this, they think that they are above the law...maybe not this time. IF THIS GETS LOOKED AT BY THE LAW ENFORCEMENT...certainly and hopefully not by Abel Gomez's group of constables...they ran on the same ticket on fraudent votes!!! The sheriffs Office maybe, BPD maybe...for sure the DA's Office. Masso was the DA's oposition!!!! We'll see...wait till INS starts rejecting appications for residency.
so who should look into this? Let's judge everyone the same Dam CROOKS.
How about a "hit piece" on Rosie Sheldon-Sotelo, Juanito?
Right or wrong that thing has been going on for years...how many marriages have been recalled because of the 72 hour waiting period?? Is there immunity for judges? The only ones who would complain are the couples themselves.
Maybe they can get married and promise to wait 72 hours before cuchi-cuchi....does that count??
Great article.
To the annony
Right or wrong.......
You dumb ass, she is a Judge and has a much touted law degree, and "legal experience" (from the worst law school in the country, the same Limas graduated from) but the hernandezes, like Limas and Villalobos, are self serving, greedy, shameless scoundrels, she was cought double dipping, in only a few months in office, i can imagine if she stays longer, Ernie must be proud, she learned from the best
To the annony
Right or wrong.......
You dumb ass, she is a Judge and has a much touted law degree, and "legal experience" (from the worst law school in the country, the same Limas graduated from) but the hernandezes, like Limas and Villalobos, are self serving, greedy, shameless scoundrels, she was cought double dipping, in only a few months in office, i can imagine if she stays longer, Ernie must be proud, she learned from the best
Pura lana no mas. not there to uphold any laws just to fill up my purse. but we already knew this so we cant cry about.
The apple does not fall far from the tree.
Right Erin and Ernie
No story her Montoya. All it took was a few phone calls and it turns out all of the JP s do it. Apparently they were cleared by Lettie Perez from Joe Riveraa office. Don't just target Erin Garcia on this one. If its wrong, then go after all of them.
Aren't judges supposed to uphold the law? Not break it for money making scams
Are any of those marriages even legal?
The semi-literate "application" may as well have been written on a cocktail napkin.
I hope she knows that this playing fast and loose with state marriage law has the potential to incrementally explode the bastard population in Brownsville, not that we don't have enough already.
Wrong is wrong, si me abiento al pozo tambien lo vas a hacer.
The fraud exposed. She stole her election for just such an opportunity to scam the public. She's just like her parents.
OOOOH, that Erin. I think she's sooo delectable!
For those who voted for this "dumb bitch? Shame on you! If you had kept up with the county courthouse? You would have known that she had never tried a case or much less do any business in the courthouse. You got to remember that she was running her dad's county business, which was a conflict. The Hernandez' are nothing more than power hungry mongrels that get away with shit and have idiots like Raul take the heat when it gets too hot!
No shit!
the timing is right a fired employee from her office .. possible opening of pandoras box.. what else will she be spilling from her foaming mouth... perhaps other infractions going on in her court room..perhaps favors ..quid pro quo... just saying ... la que nada debe nada teme!!
She's just like her mother, how disappointing. They could have been good for the community if they weren't so mean spirited people.
pura mafia esta girl
From what I understand. She is a real estate attorney. BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!
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