On it's face, the laws of the State of Texas when it comes to parking spaces provided with people with disabilities seem to be pretty clear.

At a parking meter:
Accessible parking privileges exempt the owner of the vehicle from having to pay a fee or penalty for parking at a meter, if:
a) the vehicle is being operated by or for the transportation of a person with a disability, and
b) a valid accessible parking plate or placard is displayed on the vehicle. (Note: qualified veterans have addition parking privileges at meters; see discussion below in “Veteran’s additional parking privileges”).
This exemption from fees does not apply to a fee or penalty imposed by:
(1) a branch of the United States government, or
(2) a governmental unit for parking at a meter, in a parking garage or lot, or in a space located within the boundaries of a municipal airport. State and local governments may choose to pass laws exempting people with accessible parking plates or placards from fees or penalties imposed by the government at structures

We understand that the City of Brownsville administration – until last week – had been directing its parking inspectors to cite disabled people for parking on parking meters without feeding the meter. Apparently, they got so much heat or finally understood that state law states that disable people are exempted from parking meter fees. Now, apparently, they are now backing off and letting them park free on meter spaces again.
Yet, some point out that there are still handicap spaces in the downtown area with signs giving them time limit to park there and that is against state law.
(See photos. The one on the right is a handicapped-designated parking space with a meter and a time limit on how long they can stay, apparently against state law. The one on left – while no meters are employed – clearly limits the time they can be used by the handicapped , also in apparent violation of Texas law.)
How can Brownsville pretend to become a super bike-friendly city, but becoming less of a friendly city for disabled people?
Because Brownsville or shall I say the City of Brownsville, COB, to be exact, does not give a rat's ass about the welfare of the
common folk, the ones who pay the millions of dollars in taxes that are
misappropriated by COB.
Just drive around town...the blue handicapped tag is more prevalent than plastic bags on mesquite bushes. Half the population is under 30 and the other half is handicapped. The city would have to make half the parking spaces in town "handicapped" to accommodate those with tags or plates. But, if you look carefully, you will find than many of those cars are driven by "non-handicapped" people...using a family tag or plate to get an edge. Ever notice how many "fat" people have handicappted tags....perhaps the handicapped spaces should be a greater walking distance to give them some exercise.
My father is 90 yrs old & he stills drives a vehicle everyday. He has a handicap permit & he parked on a parking meter last Thursday. He almost had a heart attack when he came back to his car & saw a citation on his windshield. He saw one of the meter maids & officer #7 rudely told him he would no longer park for free. That his boss Sgt. Jesse gave him orders to cite every disable person who had meter expired. I'm glad to hear from Mr. Montoya's article that my dad could again park free on meter spaces. That is the least you can do for an old man who served our country in Wll.
That's stupid, how can they expect a disabled person be back in an hour if it's hard for them to get in and out of the car and to walk. Who was the rocket scientist that came up with the 1 hour limit? How stupid!
cameron county also charges disabled people for beach parking which is also illegal
The Anonymous comment posted on October 6, 2013 at 8:10 PM is right on. All of these tags need to be revoked and these people need to re-apply. I'm tired of seeing people take these spots because they're lazy or fat but have the right connections.
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