Saturday, October 5, 2013


By Juan Montoya
It has gone trough several reincarnations, but the old Pancake House on the corner of the frontage and Price roads is going though yet another face lift.
The last time it was former Mayor Pat Ahumada's Goldmine 777 before Cameron County DA Luis Saenz and Operation Bishop checkmated it and brought it to a screeching halt. That case is still making its way trough the courts.
For years, everyone referred to it as the Pancake House, not to be confused with the IHOP at Sunrise Mall. Then, until the rent got too high, Gilbert Rendon filled it with Beatles memorabilia and posters and made it the New York Deli. Rendon moved his business a block east on Price and now does a brisk business there complete with a beer and wine license. Live music, we've heard, is in the offing as well.
As we understand it, Ahumada still has some interest with the new business and now that Sanez has made it abundantly clear that he won;t stand any of the dreaded maquinitas in this here town (at least not out in the open como descarados), that racket went out the window.
We wish Pat success in his new venture. Whether you agree with his politics or not, he is a bona fide Brownsville character who has contributed to its economic and political development. Suerte, Mr. mayor!


Anonymous said...

So what is it gonna be now? A bar (akin to the Palm Lounge), at that location would $$$ooo RULE!

Anonymous said...

MONTOYA ... no la chingues lo que este cabron es un RATA y lo malo es que se quiere lanzar ota vez.

Anonymous said...

"...he is a bona fide Brownsville character who has contributed to its economic and political development..." net-negative fashion. Without exception, any buisness Ahumada has been involved with has been a resolute failure.

Anonymous said...

You all should leave Pat alone.
Que tire la primera piedra el que este libre de pecado.

Anonymous said...

At least Pat would return phone calls personally and acknowledge your presence if you addressed him. He is still eye candy to me vs
the howler monkey we have now.

el monkey shines said...

Pat for County Judge on the republican ticket. Yea thats the ticket alright for cameron county. Pat you got to run, the haters are everywhere, it dont mater, just do like forrest gump and I just ran. ems

Anonymous said...

Pat is NOT the owner of Texas Country Diner he is only sub leasing.

Anonymous said...

Where Pat was shut down AV Lopez on hwy 281 installed machines, where the prize is food. Yeah right. What sense does it make to pay to play, just to get food tickets, when you can just buy the food outright? Things that make you go hmmm. They now have a security guard when you walk in. Does that sound like harmless gambling to you?

Anonymous said...

Pos no te digo es poreso estamos como estamos en brownsville lol
