How is it that a disbarred lawyer run out of Dallas can come to Brownsville, set up shop filing questionable lawsuits to squeeze money from his victims (or their insurance companies), and then get people to believe his own idolized version of himself as the keeper and guardian of ethics and morals?
And how is it that this same person can then lecture other lawyers, including the siting District Attorney, federal judges, the FBI, the Texas Attorney General's Office, and the Texas Ethics Commission, on how to do their jobs?

But, yet, he's cunning enough to cultivate certain employees in the DA's office to get the information he needs to put down their boss and their colleagues. Crazy like a fox.
How many people have not been threatened with everything short of hind-and-quartering them by this same individual as if he has been handed some sort of divine authority by Providence? His accusations against elected officials and innocent bystanders are so commonplace they have lost their power to outrage. It is now merely an expected characteristic of him to throw out unsubstantiated slurs and accusations against anyone he wishes and to be ignored.
Not one entity – the city, the county, school district, college, university, judiciary, etc – has not received instructions on how to do their job to gargner his approval. And yet, scant few of his candidates have ever won an election.
When someone calls him on some blatant offense, on an issue or for assailing someone's motives, he says he meant it in a figurative way, as satire, as protected speech, and walk away smirking. Like the mischievous boy who throws the log on the track to derail the train of civilization, he delights in besmirching people and reputations with aplomb.
Then, when all else fails, he whimpers that people here are all liars, morons, etc., and finally, homophobic and insulting – the inevitable "queer" card. This, mind you, from someone who encourages other men to delve into the pleasures of anal sex and is an untiring promoter of "clothing optional" (read naked) beaches at Boca Chica Beach as one way to pump up the local economy.
You know how he can continue to pander this drivel?
Because we let him. How long are we going to put up with this misanthrope in our midst? He's not just a nut case. He is a dangerous nut case.
Ese bunny es la meten por atras cada rato...He's got to have Syphilis of the Brain...that explains his pendejadas, el Pinche Puto, Mamon.
Don't like it, don't read it.
This man is deranged, anybody with half a brain will not give him the time of day, unfortunatelly this is brownsville, we have enough dimwits to make him dangerous
What is wrong with this guy? Who cares if someone wants to give you a phone, and he seems to be the only asshole in the county that thinks that Norma Hernandez is a "blanca paloma"
Bobby has a mental illness that is why he is so unreasonable, he is like a loose cannon, maybe the syphilis already went to his brain
SHE is scared that Bobby Whitman will start writing stuff about her. I believe the SHE is her and will give Bobby anything he so desires at a snap of his fingers. SHE is soooo scared of him. I wonder what he has on her. I feel sorry for DA Luis Saenz that has to deal with SHE and Bobby. If anybody is giving the DA a bad wrap is SHE.
Syphilis...Ha!!! I though it was the dildo up his ass that's so tight, that it deprives oxygen to his brain!!!
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