Wednesday, October 30, 2013


By Juan Montoya
What do some of our best-paid county employees do with their spare time while on the public dime?
Well, the administrative assistant to State Rep. Eddie Lucio III opts to spend the taxpayer's money sending out invitations on his state-provided computer to promote the reelection of his boss and send the email to David Garcia, the Asst. Cameron County Administrator.
Garcia – who works for the county at a reported $115,000 a year – in turn, sends the invite to the entire commissioners court and to his boss Pete Sepulveda.
Now, we have been led to believe that Garcia is a savvy, world-wise raconteur of the public hall who knows the ins and outs of the public service racket. An former assistant to former U.S. Rep. Solomon Ortiz, a former paid consultant to the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority, who by this time should know better.
Below is the email and invite he forwarded at O'Bell's request. The invite is for an open house and announcement of reelection of Lucio III for District 38. None of these gents thinks that the state and county's laws and policies apply to them, apparently. Will anyone cal their hand on it?
Below the email are the applicable code of conduct, email use, and political activity polices of Cameron County. Are they worth the paper they are written on if this kind of behavior is allowed?    

From: Ruben O'Bell []
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 3:49 PM
To: David A. Garcia
Subject: FW: Open House Invite
David, thanks for helping our the Representative. Here is the invite for the grand opening of the office. Please see attachment. Please fwd to all RMA Board Members and the ED as well as the County Judge and Commissioner’s Court.

From: "David A. Garcia" <>
Date: 10/29/2013 4:12 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: "Carlos H. Cascos" <>;,"Sofia C. Benavides" <>"Ernie L. Hernandez" <>"David A. Garza (Commissioner)" <>"Dan A. Sanchez" <>
Cc: Pete Sepulveda <>
Subject: FW: Open House Invite

The invite and emails was sent out by Garcia on his county-owned computer during working hours. County policies prohibit anyone in the county from promoting any candidate or showing bias toward anyone, which would be the case if he gets an opponent, whether Democrat or Republican, which he surely will.

No county official or employee shall engage in activities that may, directly or indirectly (or have the potential to:
3) Demonstrate bias, discrimination or create the appearance or unfairness on the part of the county 

Employees using Cameron County e-mail system must adhere to the following policies and procedures:
1. Cameron County e-mail system, network, and Internet/Intranet access are intended for business-use only. Employees may access e-mail and the Internet for personal use only during non-working hours, and strictly in compliance with the terms of this policy.
13. Participating in activities, including the preparation or dissemination of content, which could damage Cameron County professional image, reputation and/or financial stability.


Employees of Cameron County are encouraged to vote and to exercise other prerogatives of Citizenship consistent with state and federal law and these policies.
 1. A county employee may not use his or her official authority or influence to interfere with or affect the result of an election of nomination for office. The wearing of buttons or display of other advertising on the employee during working hours is prohibited when the employee is dealing with the public, and when in the course of dealing with the public in unreasonably disrupts the smooth operation of the department.
 2. A county employee may not directly or indirectly coerce, attempt to coerce, command, or advise a state or county official or employee to pay, lend, or contribute anything of value to a party, committee, organization, agency or person for political purpose. 


Anonymous said...

Joe O'Bell, I think I remember that name from the Ray Ramon Eddie Lucio Joe Villreal days!

Anonymous said...

They have office spaceS.B.Annex;Comm.ers will look the other way;this two clowns (I love you too David& Pistol Pete) need to be re-assign to the Public WorksDept. Road Crewman;make them quit;save the 2 salardies;make each Dept.Head control thier employees,hire grant writer for the Eng.Dept.&Public Works,they need the monies for Equip.since the persent Grant writer,don't care

chief cool arrow said...

Juan the problem is no one is watching them and accountable either because when they get caught no one will bring them to justice, aka luis saenz el loco DA, so really all the taxpayers lose. no sense in crying about, the democRATS rule here in Cameron county and its what they want that gets done. ni modo chuy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

THE COUNTY JUDGE;is the one that should be controling all this events;(only one vote)he never has time to talk to you;talk to Pete,When is Cameron County,going to rise above?we need to clean house(Court House/Dancy)and hire people with common values,not zomies;with long legs/cann"t talk english;on another note,hire people,with people skills /Houston we have a problem/Let's Stop The Cancer,NOW;Like the Clown running the Mech.Shop/Warehouse/only the Whites Get the Red Carpet treament;the Hell With the Rest(They Don't do Any Thing any way)his Comments;more to come;

Anonymous said...

Obell es un Gordo lleno de mierda!
