Friday, November 1, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Perched on the convenient soap box provided to her by the Brownsville Herald, Justice of the Peace 2-2 Erin Hernandez-Garcia admitted she issued and sold questionable waivers for the state-mandated 72-hour waiting period between the issuance of the marriage license and the wedding ceremony but that she did it "in good faith" and that other JPS's were "allegedly also issuing the waivers."
This is an interesting statement coming from a candidate to the JP's office who asserted that the voters in her would have "the legal experience you deserve."
She admitted not only to following the interpretation of other JPs who don't have a law degree (left unnamed in the story) but also that she is not certain whether the law authorizes JPs to issue waivers.
"If the law is in black and white, there is no need for the (Texas Attorney General's) opinion (which Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz is seeking) or if it is open to some interpretation," she told the Herald.
True to form, Hernandez-Garcia has been adept at playing the "gray area" between legality and violations of the statutes for some time now.
In 2009, the county signed a contract for vending machine services with with Norma Hernandez, wife of Pct. 2 county Ernie Hernandez and Erin's mother. However, when he ran for commissioner, the renewal was with CV Services and his daughter Erin (Hernandez) Garcia signed the contract on behalf of the company.
There's more.
If that didn't pass the stench test, consider this.
When Norma Hernandez submitted the proposal to Cameron County in 2009, she identified herself as the owner of C V Services. As Emma Perez-TreviƱo, then reporter for the Brownsville Herald  noted at the time: "According to Cameron County’s vending machine policy, "The County prohibits operation of machines on county property of which profits go to county employees or county elected officials."
Everyone could see that the name changes and the shuffling of ownership of the company doing business with the county was just a ploy to keep the profits in the family. But the curious thing about this is that no county legal eagle never seems to have bothered to consult the state code to determine if the stratagem passed the conflict of interest test.
It is this kind of "legal experience" that the Justice of the Peace brings to public service.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The citizens of Cameron County continue to get what they (majority) want....corrupt government. Erin and Ernie Hernandez are the perfect officials for those who don't care, are ignorant, don't want to know what's going on, and who are willing to pay more taxes to these corrupt politicians. As long as all the elected officials lack morale courage....things will remain corrupt here. Time for the public to get their heads out of their assess and demand honest, professional government in Cameron County.

Anonymous said...

OMG,bunch of rats people we need to get this rats out of office, like yesterday all they care is money money money Judge Hernandez Garcia is never in her office the only time she is there is to do "of course Weddings" and then she is right out the door.

Anonymous said...

BOOOOOOOOORING. I think it's time to rename your blog to the Hernandez Blog - that's all you write about, bro.

Anonymous said...

people we should work super hard so this two do not get elected anymore, enough is enough how can they even sleep at knihgt.

Former county employee said...

What a family of corrupted souls!!! Then you have an elected official by the people for the people saying, "Salazar acted alone??? Yet, that corrupted soul lying scum still has him as his right hand man??? Raul, you're not that stupid, burn him!!! We the voters of CC know using our common sense that this fat worthless lying scum initiated and brain stormed the whole idea!!!

Anonymous said...

Sure they can be reelected. They just have to hand a few more tamales and promise a few more favors. That is all it take to be elected down here.

Anonymous said...

Erin should move her office to boca chica. To salazars employ house. Everything is being run from there.

Anonymous said...

The perfect storm is brewing for them, finally

Anonymous said...

please stop posting pictures of the hernandez family with Doroteo. He is the most respectable young man. He doesn't deserve to be dragged into the mud with this family. Enough Montoya! Next time I see you I will tell you to quit it!

Anonymous said...

Well, if Doroteo would quit being in all the pictures, maybe Juan wouldn't have them to post? Just a obvious thought......

Anonymous said...

the county JP's should move out the building they should be somewhere else.. to leave room for the other offices there .. offces like the county court at law .. they are over crowded.. move them out and i bet all this bickering about marriages will cease. i vote to move them out of the courthouse..

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
please stop posting pictures of the hernandez family with Doroteo. He is the most respectable young man. He doesn't deserve to be dragged into the mud with this family.

If dorito would have not been involved with urine, he wouldn't smelled like putrid caca.


Anonymous said...

Yes folks, they are the face and bodies of Brownsville: bloated triple chins, puddly bellies, flippity flop flop, are the men's sagging boobs or the women's sagging pancake breasts the most saggiest? quien sabe, feminized hips, puddle fat faces and lard jiggling to and fro as they rush to beat each other to the front of the line to scoop a sixth helping of enchiladas caked with solid white manteca from the slop can... OINK OINK OINK!!! GROSS!!! lol

Anonymous said...

"fat fuck" "saggy tits" and "greasy Mexican" the essence of Hernandez

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, does this woman think that all people in this County is a stupid as she is? Black and w
hite, it is black and white if you do not have the 72 waiver form you Moron. Any one with common sense knows that you do not go around making up forms, specially when she claims is she an attorney. As for Saenz, what a woss, checking? Don't you know the law, in your position you too should know what you are doing. You should of asked for a bigger blanket so both of you could have covered yourselves. Man it is shame that our county is being run by idiots. But not all of us are stupid, I for one did not vote for either one of them. I never will. How stupid is this woman, showing the email that they could not use the 72 hour waivers after the fact. You should have already known that, you claim you are an attorney. HA! Not a good one at that. I have heard that you exaggerate your fees for anything you do just because you are an attorney. HA!!! a stupid one at that.
