Tuesday, November 12, 2013


By Juan Montoya
While Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez goes mum in the criminal trial of his administrative assistant Raul Salazar, a block away down Harrison Street, the husband of City of Brownsville commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa, Arturo Kalifa,  is answering to federal labor authorities for charges that he underpaid workers at their car wash.
In December 2012, four employees at the Car Wash Plus located on Paredes Road and owned by the Kalifas charged through Texas Rural Legal Aid attorney Kelsey Snapp that they were grossly underpaid and only when they were actually washing cars.
“The workers were working 9 to 10-hour days but they were only getting paid when they were actually cleaning cars,” Snapp said. “However, they were required to be there the entire day."
City Commissioner Jessica Tetreau said her husband owned the the car wash but denied any of these allegations.
However, their updated website names both as owners and her application to run for city commissioner lists the car wash as her place of employment.
Although the law requires that employers pay their workers the federal minimum wage, the the TRLA attorneys say that the workersd at the car wash and two other businesses had been paying as low as $1.50 to $2.30 an hour.
The Kalifa couple, aside from coming into the public spotlight for their alleged unfair labor practices, also have racked up an impressive nine police calls for domestic altercations between the two. Five of those have come after she was sworn in as city commissioner.
She has also publicized the fact that she was instrumental in drafting a restrictive boarding house ordinance which now requires apartment house landlords to submit annual reports to the city. She claims she did this to assure the constituents in her district have adequate dwellings.
However, given the wages paid the workers in the couple's car wash, it seems doubtful any of them could afford to live in even the most humble rentals.  


Anonymous said...

Tetreu is a dumb bimbo, and we are insulting bimbos when we compare her to them. You hit the nail right on the head Juanio. She was the one that spearheaded this stupid ordinance to require landlords to have an inspection done on their apartments every year. It is like going through hell dealing with the permitting department to get a certificate of occupancy, a matter I bet Mrs. Tetreu is ignorant of. She plays the caring commissioner for her "constituents", saying that they should not have to live in poor conditions,...well how about paying the at least minimum wage commissioner, so they can afford it! And nine domestic violence calls?! What was the D.A. thinking having her be the keynote speaker on his domestic violence campaign? Its like having Hitler being invited to speak on the compassion for humanity! I know she did not make it because her daughter was sick, but who's ever idea it was to get her for that particular event did not know what they were doing.

Anonymous said...

They say "Bobby the Brain" told him these guys are independent contractors. No pedo.

Anonymous said...

If we used this "Kalifa System" to pay all public employees, the community could save millions of dollars a day. If we only paid firemen when they were putting out fires or rescuing cats in trees; if we only paid police officers when they were chasing bad guys or actually on patrol; if we paid public officials for productive time; then we could save millions. But, then, we have a Mayor, who isn't paid, but gives away millions to his compadres and comadres. The tax payer is to Tony Martinez as the car wash guy is to Commissioner Kalifa.

Former law enforcement officer said...

To the Feds! There are still crooks in Brownsville! And, don't forget in Harlingen!

Your 4th Reader said...

And now we know the reason for all the cop cars at their residence. She was beating on the hubby to pay these workers their fair share. Ain't that right, Commissioner?

Anonymous said...

It was Melissa Z that told the City to put Jessica Tetrau to give the Proclamation for Domestic Violence, in which neither one of those 2 women showed up. Melissa wants Jessica image to turn into a positive one to be able to control her. She always controlled Jessica but Jessica is so naïve that she only believes Brownsville Cheezmeh, Erin Hernandez and Melissa. Jessica is just a money hungry, power stupid wanna be politician with no clue what she is doing and she is hopeless. You want her to like you TAKE A PICTURE OF HER AND TELL HOW GORGEOUS SHE LOOKS. She eats that up like candy. That is how gullible she is. She is nothing more than a Liar and A CON. Just like her friends. First she says she owns the Car Wash now she says she doesn't. Does the Ernie Hernandez, Erin Hernandez defense ring a bell?

Anonymous said...

Correction for Anonymous 2:27pm. It was the Soonsors of Friendship of Women that invited Jessica. NOT THE DA Saenz.

Anonymous said...

Sponsors of Friendship of Women not Sooners
