There are at least three Democrats vying for a shot at Republican incumbent Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos. And more may be waiting in the wings.
And there are also three declared candidates for Pct. 2 commissioner, three for JP 2-3, two for County Court-At-Law No. 1, and three for District Clerk.
As of last Friday, the list of candidates who had filed an appointment of campaign treasurer for the 2014 Primary in March included:
Ruben Peña, filed 11/7/2013
Sylvia Garza-Perez, filed 9/27/2013
Martin C. Arambula, filed 3/15/2-13
(Rumored to be waiting in the wings to declare, Pct. 4 commissioner Dan Sanchez, County Treasurer David Betancourt)
Incumbent Ernie Hernandez, filed 8/6/2013
Gerardo "Gerry" Linan, filed 10/21/2013
Steve Brewer, filed 11/7/2013
Rosie Sheldon-Sotelo, 5/2/2013
Eric Garza, filed 8/2/2013
Neida Ruth Soto-Grantland, filed 8/22/2013
Maria Esther Garcia, filed 1/4/2013
Pete Avila, filed 3/15/2013
Minerva Peña, filed 9/23/2013
Arturo Americo "Art" McDonald, Jr., filed 7/24/2013
Daniel Robles, filed 9/4/2013
David Gonzalez III, filed 10/10/2013
There are, of curse, numerous other justice of the peace positions throughout the county and we will doubtless see more names appear as we head into the political season. For example, it has been rumored that Betancourt may jump in once he doesn't have to resign to run for office. In his case, he already has a campaign treasurer on file from the past election.
The JP 2-2 position is also up for contention since incumbent Erin Hernandez-Garcia was elected to finish the late Tony Torres' unexpired term which ends in 2014. Former candidate Yolanda Begum is said to be considering making another run at the position. The current controversy over the issuance of 72-hour marriage waivers and the impending opinion by the Texas Attorney General on whether justices of the peace may issue them might have a bearing on that outcome.
In the county judge's race, Peña makes a comeback after losing to Hernandez three years ago in a race said to be marred by suspect mail-in votes harvested by Hernandez supporters and politiqueras. Perez-GArza, who cleaned up on Democratic Party chairman heir-apparent Jared Hockema is grabbing for the brass ring and going for broke to get the Demo nod to go against Cascos. Some people say it may be too much, too soon. Arambula, a Port of Brownsville commissioner, is also a Brownsville Independent School District employee. Those three will be beating the hustings for the same number of votes, and campaign contributions.
Hernandez faces Dominguez and Linan in the Pct. 2 commissioner race. Voters may have had enough of the Hernandez clan this time around with the scandals surrounding the apparent illegal hiring of his brother-in-law to a security guard position at an international bridge. Currently, his administrative assistant Raul Salazar is being prosecuted for allegedly tampering with a government document in the hiring.
Some observers say that Dominguez actually has a good chance of defeating the scandal-tainted incumbent in this one.
We will revisit the races separately in future postings.
Steve Brewer is the mayor of La Feria. Does he have to resign?
1.42 pm, state law says that if an elected offical has more than one year on his term left he must resign, and then in some cases if he gets paid, if not then its ok, he can stay on board. Also you may want to check out the la feria city charter to see what that is on the books there. legal eagles
"Arambula, a Port of Brownsville commissioner, is also a Brownsville Independent School District trustee."
No shit, Juan? News to all of us.
"Arambula, a Port of Brownsville commissioner, is also a Brownsville Independent School District trustee."
It means Arambula no es pendejo he is been milking both tetas.
Arambula, like the Sucios Lucios, Oliveira, the Ernie Hernandez and kis Klan had been jumping from chichi to chichi at the taxpayers expense.
If we got rid of Salomon who was the one the recruited Arambula, we can get rid of the Lucios, Oliveiras, the Ernies and the Arambulas.
Arambula has lots of baggage with many ties to the Underbelly. So does Ruben Pena. The lady is a giggling ninny! Ship of Fools.
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