Friday, November 22, 2013


By Juan Montoya
The expected second mano-a-mano between incumbent Erin Garcia-Hernandez and opponent Yolanda Begum for the Justice of the Peace 2-2 race will have another challenger, political newcomer Jonathan Gracia, a local attorney.
Although neither Begum nor Gracia have officially announced their candidacy, their supporters say that they will enter the race against Garcia-Hernandez, daughter of Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez and currently under a cloud of suspicion that she sold illegal waivers to couples so that they would forgo the state-mandated 72-hour waiting period between the time they got their marriage license and the performance of the wedding ceremony.
That allowed her to marry the couples who arrived at her office immediately and pocket the between $150 to $250 JPs charge for performing the ceremony.
Currently, Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz is awaiting an opinion from the Texas Attorney General's Office to determine whether he will present the documentation of the profiting from the illegal waivers to the grand jury which subpoenaed the JP's marriage records.
Likewise, her father commissioner Hernandez is likewise being investigated for his role in the illegal hiring of his brother-in-law Robert Cadriel, Erin Garcia-Hernandez's uncle. Cadriel is the brother of Norma Hernandez, the commissioner's wife.  His administrative assistant Raul G. Salazar is awaiting sentencing on his conviction on two counts of abuse of office by a public official and tampering with a government witness in the same case.
Begum, who ran on her outsider image and on her years of community service helping low-income students in the colonias, has indicated she will run against Garcia-Hernandez again. In their first encounter during last year's Democratic primary, Begum beat Garcia-Hernandez by more than 500 votes, only to have a torrent of illegal mail-in votes cast for Garcia-Hernandez give her the go-ahead votes by about 150.
One politiquera associated with the Hernandez vote-harvesting machine has already been indicted in federal court and has cut a plea-bargain deal with prosecutors. The on-going joint state-federal investigation into the braze hauling in and the mail-in ballots of elderly, mentally disabled and even illiterate voters from adult day care centers is focusing on those votes.
Gracia, whose family has roots in the Southmost area, is a licensed attorney who worked with the Cameron County District Attorney's Office from October 2009 to March 2012 as the felony second chair, He was assigned to the 107th District Court and prosecuted murder, burglary, sexual assault, drug and aggravated offenses. This is his first stab at elected office.
Before that – from March to October 2009 – he was the Asst. DA misdemeanor first chair at county-court-at-law 1, 2.
For three months in the summer of 2005, he served as an intern to federal judge Hilda Tlagle following his internship as a legislative assistant to former U.S. Rep. Solomon Ortiz from 2003 to 2005.
He is a graduate of the UT-Brownsville's Institute of Public Service with certification in Public Management, has Bachelors of Art in Economics and Political Science from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and a law degree from the University of Texas-Austin where he served as editor-in-chief of  the Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy.
A Begum supporter said he welcomed the entrance of Gracia into the race.
"The more the merrier," he said. "We know we beat Erin the last time. We're ready to do it again, this time without the illegal politiquera votes that she used to win last time."
For their part, Gracia's supporters are hoping that a new face not associated with the existing political factions will attract the voters.
"We're going to offer the voters a choice," said one. "Jonathan is someone who is not associated with any voting bloc and we're hoping this will resonate with an electorate that's tired of the nasty campaigns of the past."


Anonymous said...

How long is the wait for the freakking Attorney General's opinion. I heard Saenz already has it!!!

Anonymous said...

I am just hoping that the hernandez family get their votes the right way not hunting down poor little old ladys and men, in nursing homes and adult day care centers, I know that amadeo Rodriquez is always driving vans around. the candidates always rent out vans or borrow them from local car lots, for early voting.. I hope someone catches those who are picking up the elders to taking them to go out and vote.. say not to illegal corruption in brownsvill, work hard hernandez and hold your own political signs during early voting or erin are you gonna be on the pay roll during early voting.. hum lets see still gonna still from Cameron county time.. I am gonna do an investigation when early voting comes around.

Anonymous said...

This piglet is done.

Anonymous said...

Yo voy a votar por la guapa. Esa Erin parece una arcilla.

Anonymous said...

Neee el Gracia no es nuevo, la familia si tiene sus conecciones y billete. Ta bien que haya mas de donde escojer, es mas cualquiera de los dos menos la Erin, me caga en las bolas la pinche vieja.

Former DA employee! said...

Good luck Jonathan!!!

Anonymous said...

I know Mr. Gracia and he is a capable and upstanding man with a great moral compass. If only more young and honest professionals would run for public office, maybe our community would not flounder around in such an embarrassing way.

Anonymous said...

This will be an anyone-but-Erin election because of all the controversy she's created. With the light being turned on the politiquera roaches it will be very hard for her to pull this one off. Begum has accomplished nothing, has no experience or education to be anywhere near qualified to hold any office. I don't know this Jonathan kid but his odds are looking pretty good if you ask me. He's got my vote.

Anonymous said...

The "Vote Out the Hernandez Klan" banner will hurt Erin and her "Popi" next year. We need to get rid of these self-serving opportunists and vote "NO" for corruption in Cameron County. "Anyone but a Hernandez" is a good vote.

Anonymous said...

The issue is that Begum won last time and she should be appointed to that position because of the voter fraud commited by her opponet.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan Gracia is David (kangaroo) Garcia's attorney. They worked together for Lencho ( six fingers) Rendon and Solomon (the cadaver) Ortiz.....PURA puss. David Garcia talked his attourney into running, in his quest to screw Ernie anyway he can. He also put Martin Arambula to run...another Solomon Ortiz Lambe guevos...what a web we weave when we first practice to deceive...

Anonymous said...

I voted for Begum last time and will vote for her again. Erin can't steal the votes this time.

Anonymous said...

Ese Jonathan no mas no. He ain't got the balls to stand up to anyone.

Anonymous said...

Wow I don't know what is worse stolen or bought votes and we all know who has the money

Anonymous said...

Politiqueros don't work for free. The stolen votes were paid for. Stolen votes, coerced votes, bought votes - all brought to you by Norma Hernandez.

Anonymous said...

I know Mr. Gracia and he is a capable and upstanding man with a great moral compass. If only more young and honest professionals would run for public office, maybe our community would not flounder around in such an embarrassing way.

I agree with this, I also recall meeting Begum, and her many years spent volunteering to help at risk kids to find a new life. These are two good candidates. The one that needs to go is the corrupt vote stealer.

el chupacabra said...

juan i want to run too, im crooked like a mesquite tree, drink beer and dont like to work, there i qualify, where do i sign up?
