Wednesday, November 13, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Using the Brownsville Herald as his public mouthpiece, Cameron County Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez said that the reason that he has pleaded the Fifth Amendment and won't testify in the ongoing trial of his administrative assistant Raul Garza Salazar is because he might commit perjury.
And his flat-out statement that he had been no-billed by a grand jury convened to examine his actions surrounding the illegal hiring of his brother-in-law Roberto Cadriel were rebutted by Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz who had said earlier during the pretrial motions in the Salazar case that Ernie was given no such clean bill of health.
“Commissioner Hernandez’s public statement that he was ‘no-billed by a Grand Jury’ is totally false,” Saenz told the local daily. “The investigation continues and the Grand Jury has not yet been asked to deliberate on Mr. Hernandez’s conduct.”
Hernandez, his wife, her brother Roberto Cadriel, former Human Resources director Robert Lopez, and a number of his staff have been subpoenaed to testify in Salazar's the trial of his administrative assistant Raul Garza Salazar, Hernandez invoked his Fifth Amendment right not to testify.
“First of all, I was advised by my attorney not to incriminate myself. I was no billed by a grand jury. There’s a sworn statement by me of about 35-pages of testimony,” he told the Brownsville Herald. “I was advised that if I said one word contrary to that statement that I could be charged with perjury.”
Salazar has pleaded not guilty to two counts of tampering with government records.
The Lopez trial has brought out Hernandez's direct involvement in the hiring of his brother-in-law. Prosecutors say that Hernandez told Cadriel that he would get him a job with the county after he had lost three jobs before. Cadriel is a convicted felon who is said to have a fifth-grade intelligence due to a childhood near drowning.
Salazar is charged with acting as the go-between Hernandez and the county's HR department and the international bridge system to get Cadriel hired as Hernandez ordered.


Anonymous said...

Must have been advised by his daughter, and all her, "Vast Legal Experience"! The Hernandez, are all jokes! The punchline...Erin"Pig Face Demon"Hernandez! Ha! Ha! Ha! All Losers!!!

mil mascaras said...

ernie, bubba is waiting for you inside the jail, come and get your love boy.

Anonymous said...

Ernie is scared of perjurying himself in the judicial process, but seems unafraid to continually bullshit/lie or perjure himself to the public. The Hernandez Klan assumes it is untouchable by authorities for their political corruption in Cameron County. But, let us hope that some officials in the judicial process have the huevos to pull the rug from under the Hernandez scumbags.

el santo said...

sounds like the three little pigs, ernie, erin and norma

Red Fusteberg said...

The only way some people will not get caught in a lie is to keep their mouth shut! Some haven't learned that yet.

Anonymous said...

Every time this guy opens his mouth, he ruins the risk of getting caught in a lie. Wanna know how it is that we know you are lying, Ernie? Your lips are moving!!!
