Unless they sneaked in and out the back door at the last possible moment, participants at the Wendy Davis
For Governor Bash at the Cameron County Women's Democratic Club did not see former county party chair Sylvia Garza-Perez, commissioner Ernie Hernandez, wife Norma, or daughter JP Erin Hernandez-Garcia there.
And even though a large campaign sing for Pct. 2 commissioner Hernandez adorns the grounds in front of the building located at the intersection of Boca Chica (Hwy. 4) and Palm Blvd., participants at the affair said he was nowhere to be seen.
"I was looking for them specifically and they didn't show up to the meet-and-greet before her speech and weren't there when she spoke," said one. "If they came, they probably arrived at the end when people were already leaving."
Both Davis and Abbot are vying for their party's nomination for governor in the March primaries.
Depending on what poll one believes, Davis is either within a handful of single digits behind Abbot or lagging far behind. The differences, pollsters say, is in the methodology used to gauge their popularity with voters.
The Democratic firm Public Policy Polling finds that Davis (D-Fort Worth) is lagging 15 points behind Abbott.
That poll unveiled Tuesday poll finds Davis taking 35 percent of voters to Abbott's 50 percent, with 15 percent of the voters polled remaining undecided.
However, the Texas Tribune-University of Texas poll unveiled Monday indicates that Davis at 34 percent and Abbott at 40 percent. That survey found a much higher percentage of undecided voters – 25 percent, rather than PPP's 15 percent – and also gave more positive favorable ratings to both Abbott and Davis.
Passersby at the Davis appearance said the Demo Women's Club affair was heavily attended by Democratic party stalwarts and elected officials. Among those were Cindy Hinojosa, president of the club and wife of Texas Democratic Party chair Gilberto Hinojosa, a former Cameron County judge.
It is no secret that Cindy Hinojosa formed the club after a rift developed between her and Garza-Perez over the way that the local party went about installing its officers. In a strongly worded letter to Garza-Perez, Ms. Hinojosa charged that the party was not adhering to the elections and nomination process outlined by party regulations.
Garza-Perez ignored Hinojosa's protests and proceeded to install the officers despite allegedly not following party procedure. However, when she attempted to install local attorney Carlos Masso as party chair, a breakaway group voted in Amber Medina – also a local attorney – who was not associated with their group. Medina was present at the Davis bash.
One office holder who did attend and both private and public meets was Cameron County Luis Saenz. He posted his support of Davis on his FB page despite having been labeled as anti-women by some local pundits.
"The place was packed," said an attendee. "Thee is a huge overwhelming support for her in Cameron County. Most Democrats stand with her."
Garza Perez and the Hernandez brought a real stench to the Democrat party. No surprise there's a huge turnout now that they are gone.
I think they realize Abortion Barbie is a long shot. She's a one trick pony, has no experience, and has done nothing in her district to show she can handle the job. I know nationally Democrats swoon over candidates like that but this kind of crap isn't going to work in Texas. If you want a Democratic governor, you're going to need an intelligent and worthwhile candidate like the late Ann Richards. Otherwise, the GOP can run Elmo and win. In this case, they just happen to have a candiate that is miles above St. Wendy of the Empty Uterus in talent, integrity, and leadership.
Joaquin, are you saying the Hernandez and Sylvia have hurried off in a huff to join your Republican party? LOL good riddance! Thanks for the trash pickup.
This hyper liberal Obamacrat is not who we need in the State House. I will send money and vote for Greg Abbott.
She is a shill for the abortion lobby. I don't see how any Roman Catholic would pull the lever for her.
No, Annonymous. I'm saying I think they don't want to waste their time with a loser like her. Wait until Hillary runs for President and makes her way down to the valley. You'll see them all lining up to kiss her ass. Wendy is a pawn being used to raise money but it's unlikely she can take on a candidate like Greg Abbott. I think even a Democrat like you will agree she's wasting everyone's time.
Estas Pendejo Joaquin, la chava esta bien chula y tiene puro cerebro, cabron, mamon.... no como el pendejo amigo tuyo, Perry!!!!
" Anonymous said...
Estas Pendejo Joaquin, la chava esta bien chula y tiene puro cerebro, cabron, mamon.... no como el pendejo amigo tuyo, Perry!!!!
November 6, 2013 at 3:15 PM"
Perfect illustration of the low-information amalgam of citizens this bimbo will attract. Fortunately, they're too stupid and poor to figure out how to get an ID so they can vote, eh Democrats?
I can not understand why so many people from Brownsville are excited to meet the lady who championed the right of killing living things in the wombs of mothers. I do not care what you do with you body but I do take issue when people do not accept the fact that a beautiful living thing is being killed because someone says it is thier right. what about the rights of the defenseless living thing and its body?
"this bimbo" went to Harvard Law School. Where did you go, South Texas Law School or old PAUB Law School?
She is an abortion babe, alright; it would be good to know if she has a quota of the number of babies she will kill during his first month in office? Part of her opening act was to slide down a slide wearing a mini-skirt. I wonder how she'll follow that up? I see a lot of frenzied old-maids wishing they could find somebody to give them a reason to have an abortion.
DITTOS Joaquin DITTOS luv your line "Abortion Barbie" we could also call her BABY KILLER BARBIE LMAO LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
You fools. Women rule the elections. Because men don't bother to vote.
I understand it's a hard pill to swallow. But we've been swallowing your swill for a long time now.
Women are standing up for Wendy. We are sick and tired of the government ruling our bodies. And - if it were your guns - you would feel the same way.
i want to see how far the hernandez family and sylvia garza perez go .. trying to pick up mail in ballots.. ha!!!!!! isn't Herminia becera anut of Sylvia Garza Perez, that is the work out in the street, and is Herminia in the hide out my sources say she had not even tried walking in the high rise residentual.. we will there are special people being set up in alot of locations, to see who walks in with sample ballots.. not only cava is working hard but other organizations are up to par with this .. so you hernandez and garza perez we are watching you and every move you make,, yes just like the song ( police)
reply ESTAS PENDEJO...tienes razon.joaquin si que estas bien PENDEJO Y BRUTO, fijate lo que paso en matamoros gano la 'LETY' PORQUE ESTA BIEN BUENA. OTRA VEZ JOAQUIN SI QUE ERES BRUTO Y PENDEJO.
Sylvia Garza Perez has not spoken to Herminia in over 15 yrs . You all have been feeding this garbage for awhile get a life and better sources . Sylvia Garza Perez FOR Cameron County Judge !
If only being a Harvard graduate was enough. I’m sure when you found George W. Bush graduated from the prestigious Harvard School of Business you were equally as impressed? I didn’t think so. You, sir or ma'am, are a hipocrite and a partisan hack.
It is true women rule elections. I don’t think women are “with Wendy” as much as she’d like them to be, however. I find it interesting her “I am woman, hear me roar” narrative changed when she got to the valley. In fact, she doesn’t even want to talk about abortion. I wonder why?
No fueron por que se confundieron y le llegaron al Wendy's a comer unas hamburguesas!
We wanted to attend but Wendy and our party wouldn't have us!
The Hernandez's
What hypocrisy!!
Mr "Abortion is Murder" when faced with having a baby of his own at age 20, was the one who desperately begged his girlfriend to abort!! What a two face! He panicked and begged his college girlfriend to get an abortion, couldn't sleep at night worried about being a 19 year old, unemployed dad, of losing his freedom and big future plans to be changing diapers and living off WIC and food stamps. Now riding his high horse screaming BABY KILLER the loudest with that pathetic "conservative Catholic" line. Get over it!! Your guilt, hypocrisy, whatever. You know who you are.
Contrary to what the fanatics want you to believe, most women who have abortions are happy and relieved afterwards. Thousands wrote about it in I'm Glad I had an abortion and so are the men who are able to keep working toward their dreams.
No one should ever be sorry for making a decision for themselves about something that would impact their life forever. Nothing is ever picture perfect. Better to have a child when you're ready to be a parent. GO WENDY
I'm glad to see the outpouring of brotherly love and concern for your fellow unborn man. It's a shame you can't find it to display the same concern for them after they are born.
I bet the previous posters are male. Now, before I am accused of being pro-abortion please re-read the post.
Juan the reason why Saenz is smiling is because the picture does not show where his hand is at..
You talk about the goverment ruling your body, what about the rights of the body of the helpless living thing that you want to kill to demonstrate that you are in charge?
those pathetic Republicans los REPUBLICANOS
obtener su Identificación y voten
It's good to know that Saenz is supporting Wendy and her pro-abortion views. Pendejo. He should go groom his ugly facial hair before he gets tagged by code enforcement for tall weeds. Que asco!
The question of abortion really comes down to one thing. Is a fertilized egg human or isn't it? This is a scientific question but Planned Parenthood would rather view it as a philosophical one. Whatever.
My point is, if you believe a fertilized egg is human, then abortion is not right in any situation. There are those who will argue “life of the mother” but that is medically NEVER necessary. You can save the life of the mother by removing the fetus even if it will likely die. You don’t have to cut its head off and flush it down a sink. So again, if you believe the fertilized egg is human, then abortion is not right in any situation.
If you don’t believe a fertilized egg is human, then it doesn’t matter. Be honest and say abortion can happen at any time whether the mother is a minute pregnant or 8 months, 30 days pregnant. Keep your silly “safe, legal, and rare” bullshit to yourself and stop being a hypocrite. It doesn’t matter. This is a clump of cells and it should be done whenever and wherever a woman chooses.
My guess is most people are uncomfortable with the latter. If so, you’re Pro-Life you’re just too big of a Democrat hack to admit it. In your vernacular, you’re a fucking coward.
Apologies to Mr. Montoya for hijacking his topic. I'm done, sir.
¡Chingado, como quicieramos, que hubieran abortados a todos los Hernandez!
How did the aborted living thing feel afterwards?
I feel sorry for the living thing that had to die. I'm sure the child would have rather lived even though the parents weren't ready. It's too bad that a living things in a hostile womb doesn't have a choice.
Whether you call it a baby an embryo or a fetus something gets killed for an abortion to happen. So you get over it!!
To the ignorant person above who compared George W. Bush's academic career to Wendy Davis' accomplishments, please look up the term LEGACY student. W. does not have bat brains but got into Yale and Harvard because of his legacy, read MONEY. Wendy Davis earned her degrees. By the way, the Law Library at Harvard is financed by Bin Laden's family.
"A $1-million gift "from the generosity of the Bin Laden family" promotes the study of Islamic law at Harvard Law School. At Harvard's Graduate School of Design, another $1-million donation from the Bin Ladens endows students and professors who pursue the field of Islamic art and architecture."
Don't be an imbecile. Getting into a university is one thing. Graduating is another. They both deserve credit for their education accomplishments. My point was that an education does not equate what is best for the country or our state. Brush up on your reading comprehension, cupcake.
¡Que abortan a los republicanos tambien!
Ha! Ha! Ha! Too funny guey!
so maybe all of these other elected cameron county democRATAS would not go to her reception because why? a. not really dmeocratas. 2 maybe cant be bought like many of you elected officials here in Cameron county are. 3. just a thought they could care less of the democRATA party unless they are milking their elected postion in some way shape or other form. you decide, my mind was just wondering. adios have anice weekend
Bush is a retard whose daddy bought him a harvard diploma, C- average, Joaquin. Anyone else but the President's half baked son would have been flunked out their first semester.
Silly Republican wack jobs!
Republicans are in favor of stopping abortion, but are against supporting them once they are born. Republicans love and favor soldiers but are against veterans, what a bunch of misleading two face mother fucken hypocrites.
Abortion. It's the 2000's version of Prohibition: a well-intentioned social cause fueled by nuns, political opportunists, maniacs and other fringe individuals, trying to impose their particular moral order on the multitudes of Americans who love booze and unprotected sex.
History students will look back at Texas in the 90's and 00's the wingnuts who breathlessly, maniacally claimed that legislating against abortion WILL somehow stop it from happening - just like legislating alcohol in the 1920's WOULD STOP booze from being produced or sold or drank by ANYONE, EVER. Um, yeah.
We look back at Prohibition as a pathetic, idealistic lost cause, that might have worked if maybe, people hadn't been drinking since before recorded history and we happened to live in utopia. But alas, we don't. An utterly stupid waste of money and time.
Much like trying to ban abortion, which has been practiced since history was recorded, the GREEKS and ROMANS and EGYPTIANS 4000 B.C. and before women have ALWAYS wanted and GOTTEN ABORTIONS with herbs that naturally produce miscarriage aka "herbal miscarriage" such as cohosh, pennyroyal, high dose vitamin C and dong quai.
What idiot seriously believes that a little law or state mandate can change anything in the long run? Rich women will go out of state if they have to, to get an abortion for themselves or their daughters and Texas will be left with the illegals who can't see a doctor, the poorest and least capable mothers forced into having babies.
Incidentally, isn't this what Republicans are against, ANCHOR BABIES?? Silly rabbit, you can't prevent anchor babies and ban abortion at the same time!
More unwanted babies from drug addict mothers, from illegals, more dropouts, more anchor babies, more violence in school, more crime in the community. The truth is, only a moron and/ or pathological hypocrite would want to ban abortion.
You really think Harvard and Yale would flunk Jr. W? And, by the way, it is not just Republicans, Teddy Kennedy, before he drowned Mary Jo, was caught red-handed cheating on a Spanish. Era mas pendejo que la madre. And, they still let him graduate from Harvard University.
“The Education of Edward Kennedy,” by Burton Hersh, the future U.S. Senator and presidential candidate had the roommate of one of his football teammates take the exam for him.
You LOW INFORMATION VIEJAS PENDEJAS BABY KILLERS, pad argument " we don't want the government telling us what to do with our bodies. But you BABY KILLERS most certainly want the government to support your sorry ASSES. If you viejas want to control your bodies than pay for your own sorry existence.
"But you BABY KILLERS most certainly want the government to support your sorry ASSES."
Stupid Republicans can't be coherent or rational. You just defeated your own argument, stupid. If you don't like taxpayers paying for all these woulda-been-aborted unwanted kid's expenses, the obvious solution is to make abortion easy, fast and FREE. Duh. Especially for illegals. Since, you Republicans just can't stand paying WIC, foodstamps, Lone Star, taxpayer funded prenatal care, Medicaid, taxpayer funded hospital care, and 18 years of taxpayer funded free public education for some Mexican woman's baby.
But you pass laws preventing her from getting an abortion AND you refuse to hold the fathers to an equally stringent criminal punishment, nor do you force the dads to be equally "responsible" and pay for their kid's 18 years of expenses. Whose fault is that? YOURS, DUMBASS.
sure whatever, dude. your girlfriend who you pressured into having an abortion 10 years ago said otherwise btw
Fun fact: the ancient Greeks found that the herb silphium was so effective at producing abortion, at one time had an economy based almost entirely on the production and export of the plant silphium, a powerful abortifacient. Silphium figured so prominently in the wealth of Cyrene that the plant appeared on coins minted there. Silphium, which was native only to that part, was overharvested by the Greeks and was effectively driven to extinction.
When fathers are faced with bomb threats, criminal punishment and garnished wages for not supporting their unwanted kids, ok, ban abortion.
Until then, fuck no
Don't you all get it! We need more babies to be born, so that there can be an increase in consumers of Guns! We need to sell more guns!
Actually, the Hernandez are a great example of why abortion should be legal.
“You’re killing your unborn baby!”
That’s what they yelled at me and my wife on the worst day of our lives. As we entered the women’s health center on an otherwise perfect summer morning in Brookline, two women we had never met decided to pile onto the nightmare we had been living for three weeks. These “Christians” verbally accosted us—judged us—as we steeled ourselves for the horror of making the unimaginable, but necessary, decision to end our pregnancy at 16 weeks.
After extensive testing at a renowned Boston hospital three weeks earlier, we were told our baby had Sirenomelia. Otherwise known as Mermaid Syndrome, it’s a rare (one in every 100,000 pregnancies) congenital deformity in which the legs are fused together. Worse than that, our baby had no bladder or kidneys. Our doctors told us there was zero chance for survival.
I’m not a religious person and I’ve never believed in heaven or hell. But there is a hell on Earth. Hell is sitting next to the person you love most and listening to her wail hysterically because her heart just broke into a million pieces. Hell is watching her entire body convulse with sobs because she’s being tortured with grief. For as long as I live and no matter how many children we have, I will never forget that sound. And I vowed to do everything in my power to make sure she’d never make it again.
Across a crowded street, two people with “God Is Pro-Life!” signs and pictures of torn-up fetuses managed to drive the blade in even deeper. Again, I was left trying to console the inconsolable, feeling even more helpless this time, because I wasn’t allowed into surgery with her.
Running on pure adrenaline, and without even a hint of a plan, I grabbed my cell phone and crossed the street. I didn’t know what to say or how to say it, I just knew I wanted to make public the cowardice of these protesters.
I learned a few important things from this encounter. First, these people aren’t used to being confronted. They prey on the weak and they pounce on the wounded. It’s easy to berate people and shame them when they’re too beaten down to fight back. But I chose to do just that, and you can see what happened.
They spout the same tired rhetoric passed out at rallies and subway stations. They don’t have one salient response to any of my questions.
The most telling thing about their cowardice is when the woman on the right gets upset that I’m recording the conversation (which is perfectly legal) and then threatens to call the police. The irony is rich. She wanted to call the police because I was peacefully expressing my opinion on a public sidewalk and exercising my First Amendment rights, which is exactly what she was doing. But I’m not on “God’s side,” am I.
After I took a walk and calmed down, it was time to pick up my wife and go home. When we pulled out of the clinic, the protesters were gone, and a police cruiser was parked nearby with the lights flashing. My wife, still groggy from the surgery, managed to crack a little smile, and asked, “What did you do?”
I have no idea if it was my interaction with the protesters that got them to leave. I doubt it was, but my wife was convinced that was the case. At first, I didn’t think of it as a big deal, and I actually felt a little foolish for getting so heated.
My wife, suddenly serious, pointed out a women entering the clinic. Within minutes, she said, that woman would be making a serious choice. Whether she kept her baby or not, it didn’t matter—what matters is that she can make the decision that’s right for her. And she can make it without people screaming at her.
My wife and I wanted our second child. We loved her. We even had a name for her, Alexandra.
You never know the circumstances surrounding this kind of decision. Consider this my plea: stop terrorizing women. Stop adding trauma to their trauma. If you’re able, stand up to these bullies in nonviolent ways. Speak out. And if you have a camera, use it.
See the video of a real man, defending his wife against the pro life wackos here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYS9HUIRUVo
Typical Democrats. All they ever spew is red herring, straw man, and Ignoratio Elenchi. If the country is in trouble, the valley has already lost with voters like you.
My response above was clearly not for the Anonymous poster who bravely shared his abortion story. I'm sorry it looks that way.
To him I say, I’m sorry you had to go through that. My heart goes out to you and your family. I realize these people only made the situation worse. Nothing I have said above or before should give any one the impression I condone that sort of behavior. I have gone to pray at abortion facilities before but have never or would never engage anyone. When faced with difficult decisions like these, there tends to be cognitive dissonance so addressing your specific situation would not be fruitful. I know you’re not a religious man but my thoughts and prayers are with you nonetheless.
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