Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Regarding your article Saturday, Nov. 2, “Oliveira to pay $1,500 after state bar rebuke,” what a shameful and sad state of affairs Brownsville politics is in, with state Rep. Rene Oliveira representing the constituency. Here is a man who has been a lawyer for more than 20 years, a state lawmaker for more than 20 years, who claims, “I made an error in judgment and contacted a judge.” 
After his innocent error, he is merely reprimanded with a small fine by the state bar, basically a slap to his wrist.
Here is man who happened to get caught on tape due to other individuals being investigated by the FBI, who blatantly broke the law and legal ethics by contacting a judge during an ongoing case to ask for special treatment for himself and his client, a clear violation of the law. Yet he is a man who helps write laws and has major influence in the law and policy making in the State Legislature, has for 20 plus years and will continue to do so after the advent of his crime and unethical actions.
How many other times has he broken the law or committed these unethical types of actions? 
It so happened this was the only time he was caught in the act. Here is a man whose firm represents political subdivisions, apparently makes backroom deals with judges to benefit himself and his law firm and to the detriment of his constituents in many instances, but continues to operate in our courts with impunity.
It is sad and unfortunate that no one or no entity bars him from practicing law in Texas or from continuing to be a state representative. It is despicable that this man remains free to continue his business as usual with impunity.
In the end and at present, the only ones who are being held back are the Brownsville constituents who Oliveira Represents; that’s a joke.
Alejandro Hinojosa Jr.
(This letter first appeared on the editorial page of the Brownsville Herald.)


Anonymous said...

Rene brings shame to our community. He has no ethical or moral compass and has proven by his actions that he is self-serving and an opportunist. He is a "hay rider" politician....one who goes along for a ride on legislation built and pulled by others. He has sold his soul(if he has one) to special interests and lobbyists. He regularly takes advantage of his legislative position to delay judicial proceedings in the courts....a reason many criminals seek him as their attorney. Rene is a scumbag!!! Just another Cameron County Dumbokrat....looking out for himself.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He is a Dirt Bag to the Bone...

CC Watcher! said...

It is a slap for Justice! But, what do you expect when they are investigated and judged by other lawyers? The State Bar cannot do it right for they would have no lawyers. What's wrong with that? There are lawyers who do it right and their the ones who have to scratch and fight to survive! Rene Oliviera could be related to that other piece of pig shit in Ernie Hernandez!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone say "term limits"?

Anonymous said...

What do you expect fron the State Bar? What have they done to the other attorneys involved in the Limas mess? NADA! Thats the State Bar always looking after and protecting their own. Why hasn't the Cameron County Bar Association stepped in to take some sort of action or done a referral to the State Bar? All the county bar is good for is to endorse candidates that they will benefit from for public office. Remeber the grade they gave Limas? A great and worthy judge. Yeah right.

alex hinojosa jr said...

my original op ed was this the following, they edited the last sentence:


Regarding your article Monday, Nov.4, “Oliveira To Pay $1,500 After State Bar Rebuke,” what a shameful and sad state of affairs Brownsville politics is in, with State Representative Rene Oliveira representing the constituency. Here is a man who has been an attorney for over 20 years, a State Lawmaker For over 20 years, who claims “…I made an error in judgment and contacted a judge.” After his “innocent” error, he is merely reprimanded with a small fine by the State Bar; basically a Slap to his wrist.

It’s no secret that all in his industry and circles know him as corrupt, underhanded and dishonorable. Here is man who “happened to get caught on tape” due to other individuals being investigated by the FBI, who blatantly broke the law and legal ethics by contacting a judge during an ongoing case to ask for special treatment for himself and his client, a clear violation of the law. Yet he is a man who helps write laws and has major influence in the law and policy-making in the State Legislature, has for 20 plus years and will continue to do so after the advent of his crime and unethical actions.

How many other times has he broken the law or committed these unethical types of actions? It so happened this was the only time he was caught in the act. Here is a man who’s firm represents political subdivisions, makes backroom deals with former and current Judges, to the benefit of himself and his law firm and to the detriment of his constituents in many instances but continues to operate in our courts with impunity. It is sad and unfortunate that no one or no entity bars him from practicing law in Texas or from continuing to be a State Representative. It is despicable that this man remains free to continue his “business as usual” with impunity. In the end and at present, the only ones who are being held “by the b---s” are the Brownsville Constituents, who Oliveira Represents; that’s a joke.

Alejandro Hinojosa, Jr.

Mi Masacaras said...

And sadly the world marches on,in the bible it says the rain comes down on the just and unjust, thats is God's law. Pity the poor souls and devils of these folks and citizens of Cameron County that have to put up with all this shit and filth, but they will endure and all of these piggly wiggys need to be voted outta of office asap.

chief cool arrow said...

Rene o o sure looks like a pirate, acts like a pirate and is a pirate. Now thats a big joke for cameron county.

Anonymous said...


Faithful County Taxpayer!!! said...

MOntoya, the patch on his eye? Is that from the accident that the cunt was driving when she wrecked his car? Was he the passenger that disappears? Things that make you go hmmmm?

Anonymous said...

RENE.eso pasa por andar viendo perros cagar.

Anonymous said...

If it happened near a resaca, we could have had a Brownsville Chappaquiddick. Just saying .....
