Thursday, November 14, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Time and time again textbook county government has met with the cold reality of influence-peddling and patronage in the trial of Cameron County Pct. 2 Administrative Assistant Raul Salazar.
Salazar, the right-hand man of Cameron County Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez, is charged with two counts of tampering with a government document in the illegal hiring of his boss's brother-in-law Roberto Cadriel.
Cadriel is the brother of Ernie's wife, Norma Hernandez.
Witness after witness in the three-day-old trial hasve come forth to say they were pressured by Hernandez and Salazar to "move along" Cadriel's application through the county's Human Resources Dept. to get him hired first as an animal-control officer and later as a security guard in the county's international bridge system.
Robert Lopez, the former director of HR testified that Hernandez called him to his office and told him he wanted Cadriel, who has a fifth-grade level intelligence and was a special needs student, to get hired by the county.
In what has emerged as a repetitive mantra, Salazar's defense attorney Victor Ramirez has continuously queried the witnesses whether county policy allows a commissioner or a commissioner's administrative assistant (secretary, he calls Salazar) to hire or fire county employees.
The answer, of course, is that they aren't supposed to.
But time and time again, witnesses say they were contacted by Hernandez and Salazar and pressured by them to get Cadriel hired.
This in spite of the fact that Cadriel could neither read nor write bin English or Spanish, could not pass the civil service exam twice until a low-level HR employee was ordered to take it in his place, is a convicted felon, and was last fired from his two previous jobs for misconduct and for not showing up for work.
This afternoon International Bridge System director David Silva said that "commissioner Hernandez and Salazar were continually calling for us to hire him as a security guard."
Despite the fact that Cadriel would not have qualified for civil service or county personnel polices under the guidelines, Cadriel's application was approved at HR after he had a third test for dog catcher taken for him and he was given the answers by Salazar to pass the security guard exam.
And in spite of the fact that if Silva had followed the county's personnel policies Cadriel wouldn't have made the cut as a bridge security guard because he had a first-degree affinity to a sitting commissioner (Hernandez), he was nonetheless chosen over other candidates to get the job.
Defense attorney Ramirez tried to counter that the civil service manual never mentioned nepotism in tis guidelines but was rebutted by Asst. DA Ismael Mendoza with a county personnel manual that prohibited hiring the relative of someone working for the county.
"Nonetheless you know of people who have relatives working for the county," Ramirez insisted.
"Every time I went to the county building he would tell me that once I got the application we should hire him," Silva said.
"I was being pressured by (assistant county administrator) Mr. (David) Garcia, Raul Salazar and Ernie Hernandez," he told Mendoza. "They were continuously pressuring me."
Interestingly, Silva said that once Cadriel had resigned after four or five days of work and after a controversy erupted in the media over his hiring, "his application disappeared."
Deputy Cameron County Administrator David Garcia told Asst. DA Gus Garza that when both Hernandez and Salazar had contacted him to hire Cadriel, he had "felt uncomfortable in that situation."
"At times, the commissioner does get involved with other personnel," he said. "The commissioner to a certain extent was getting involved in the issue."
"Were you asked to make sure Roberto Cadriel got hired?" Garza asked.
"I was asked to move his application along for further review," Garcia said, adding that he at first hesitated to sign the statement because he feared how it would "affect me personally and career wise."
He said that after he reluctantly signed a statement to that effect, Hernandez had been the driving force to strip him of a $70,000 stipend he received from the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority.
Ramirez countered that the commissioners court had removed the payments made by the CCRMA to at least four other county employees, not ust Garcia.
The amounts they were paid, however, were not anywhere near the hit that Garcia took after he had written the statement saying he had been pressured by Hernandez and Salazar to move Cadriel's application along.
The commissioners court  at Hernandez's initiative – in order to counter criticism of double-dipping by at least a half-dozen employees, particularly Garcia, passed a motion to have the CCRMA reimburse the county for work performed by full-time county employees.


Anonymous said...

Damn, this dude gives convicted felons a bad name.

Anonymous said...

The Hernandezes are the worst of the worst. However, 80% of the county jobs have been filled by friends or relatives of the county commission. Carlos Cascos has his cousin running the Cameron Park Community Center even though the woman speaks little or no Spanish.

Anonymous said...

it must suck for the hernandez family to be the most hated family in cameron county.. how said and the one's who feel it the most are the children poor kids they must be ragged in school about their mother erin and grandmother norma and piggy grandpa ernie.. what a laugh stock of people, but like they say . you made your bed now lay on it.. good bye hernandez family this comming election is gonna suck for you both erin and ernie,, so how far you and your clan will go to pick up those votes..

Anonymous said...

Pura Tranza, most of them are a bunch of crooks,

Anonymous said...

The shit is getting way out now Hernandez...your SOL!!!!!

Former county employee said...

You are right Montoya! Politics is worst than religion and money! Why is Susan Marifleno and Dalia Salinas going to be demoted? Is it because they spoke out or didn't? Really, do they deserve a demotion? The one who should be demoted is David Silva and David Garcia for not having the balls to tell that piece of pig shit in Ernie Hernandez and Raul Salazar to take a flying leap. Dalia Salinas, who appears to have the only common sense, spoke out. Now, she is being rewarded by being demoted? Sounds like a "whistle blowers lawsuit" in the making? Any attorney can win that one! So, now that we know that Ernie Hernandez was involved to a percentage and obviously sending his crony in Raul Salazar to be "nosy." Will he be Indicted for violating his authority and capacity as a worthless questionable commissioner?

Former county employee said...

And to think that this piece of shit in Ernie Hernandez wants to run again and represent the constituents of Cameron County and the employees working for this county! Remember this at the voting booth!

Anonymous said...

If Ernie is able to dodge this bullet, which I think he will, he'll take the election. And for some reason, your candidates always lose, Montoya. Are you the curse?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Official Opression and or Abuse of Officical Capacity...DA needs to look in to that???????

County Watch Dog said...

Again this Falls on (Pistol Pete/I Love You Too, David)HR doesn't make a move unless they have the OK from the County's Adm. offices,This Two Clowns need to be Demoted,&placed under PCT.2 Foreman Of Public Works;So they can work with La Raza;where they came from;cause this PCT.2is run by Zomies&Clowns;they will Fit in just Fine;Or place them with the PAWs to know where they came from;We don't need all this Rejects Running the County;We can do Better;Where is the County Judge,To put a stop to this Dark Cloud Over Cameron County;Fire,this Clowns&Zomies;Please!!Looking Good Alex and Ruben;(Prisoner At Work)AKA PAWs

Anonymous said...

Will the new Democratic party take a stand. Does corruption, illegal hiring, tampering with documents, represent the Democrat party values? The Party should request he remove the Democrat logo from all of his signs!

Anonymous said...

Between sticky fingers Erin and the fake waivers, and Ernie and illegal hiring, and the voter fraud indictments about to roll out...

Anonymous said...

Doesn't the State Democratic Chair (Gilberto Hinojosa) have the final say to reject candidates from the Democrat primary ballot?

Allowing people indicted for crimes and corruption, to run as Democrats makes the party look bad.

Ernie Erin etc can always run as independents.

Anonymous said...

Hernandez's list of misdeeds was already long when he was last elected. Apparently in Washington DC, Toronto, Canada and Cameron County, Texas you can do anything and get elected. This is the down side to democracy.

Anonymous said...

we need honest people like Dalia to run for election. You have my vote.
