Tuesday, November 19, 2013


By Juan Montoya
It'll be up to Melinda Gilman Gonzalez and her defense attorney Noe Garza to decide whether she will accept a plea bargain offer by the Texas Attorney General's Office on charges of theft by a public servant and the misapplication of her fiduciary duties on values totaling between $1,500 to $20,000.
A grand jury in May 8, 2013, issued the indictments which stated that the theft occurred from March 7 to July 25, 2012.
Officially, Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio said that the 32-year-old pocketed at least $7,500 during that five-month period for her own personal use. She was taking the money, Lucio said, from the court costs collections department, in the office of District Clerk Aurora de la Garza.
“When she realized we had a warrant for her arrest, she resigned from the position and she came to the office and turned herself in," Lucio said at the time.
Reports that De la Garza had attempted to run interference for her employee have not been answered.
At the time of her arrest Lucio said that Gilman was allegedly stealing the money when taking manual payments from people who would go pay their court dues, after the electronic system shut down at 4 p.m. Then they would issue hand-written receipts to those paying and keep receipt books without entering the data into the computers.
Since Gilman's stepfather – attorney Peter Gilman – is employed by the DA's office, DA Luis Saenz allowed the Texas Attorney General's Office to prosecute the case.
The TAGO tendered an offer that was to be accepted or rejected by November 12, but court administrators that they had not received a reply from the defendant or her attorney Noe Garza.
TAGO's Asst. AG Steven Todd issued the offer in 445th District Court. Visiting Judge Mari T. Jackson, of Austin, was assigned to hear the case when the 107th and 445th District judges recused themselves because they know and work with Gilman on local cases.
The docket case indicates that Garza and Todd agreed to an order of non-disclosure on the state's discovery, meaning that the state's requests for information from the defendant on personal and other evidence related to the violation will not be disclosed to other parties other than the defense. This effectively keeps any of the findings under wraps.
The file in the case also does not include the details of the offer made by the state or possible punishment or whether Gonzalez's plea included cooperating with the state to determine whether any other District Clerk employees or elected officials took part or knew of the theft of funds from the office.
A clerk in the court said that until Garza emails the court and acceptance or rejection of the offer, there will be no other information available to the public.
 The reason that we have those questions is because during the course of the case through the county, we became aware of an October 12 email from the DA's Office to Bruce Hodge, the commissioners court counsel, that reads:
"Please allow this e-mail to memorialize our phone conversation yesterday, wherein you advised me that the County Auditor was in possession of a statement from a County employee relating to the reported theft of funds from the District Clerk’s Office, which occurred earlier this year. You further advised me that you would ask the Auditor to provide a copy of said statement to the Cameron County Sheriff’s Office, so that it can be made a part of the criminal investigative file."
Who the county employee was, or whether he/she or their memo was available to the TAGO cannot be determined by reviewing the case file. 


Anonymous said...

If Aurora de la Garza and Sheriff Omar Lucio are involved with this case....we must automatically assume there is corruption or judicial manipulation going on. Is this lady taking a hit for Aurora???? Why is the Sheriff more loyal to Aurora than to the general public? Just more Dumbokratic Korruption in Cameron County. Judge Roy Bean didn't have anything on Aurora de la Garza and our senile Sheriff.

Anonymous said...

MONTOYA. YA NI LA CHINGAS ESCRIBES DE PURA JENTE 'FEA' Y 'GORDA' COMO ESTE PAR DE VIEJAS. POR VIDA TUYA YA NO PONGAS FOTOS DE JENTE FEA[incluyendo a los hernandez]DA NOTICIAS DE VIEJAS 'buenas'.SI SIGIES ASI VAS A PERDER AUDIENCIA.ahora sobre la nota que escribes este parecito junto con el sheriff deberian de estar encerrados.pero de hace mucho tiempo.

Anonymous said...

Burn Baby Burn.....

CC Watcher! said...

Thank you political Gods! Aurora will not be around to manipulate or commit further political corruption. Aurora was running interference because of her relationship with gossip tongue Irma Gilman. The other reason that Omar Lucio sucks on that sagging tit is because of the political machine that Aurora has? Well, its over! Now politicians running for office will have to work their ass off! CC is tired of the corrupted politicians that got to walk from the Limas fiasco!

Anonymous said...

Why the secrecy? It's not like testifying against some cartel leader

el grinch said...

looks liek another case of teflon, it wont stick, and she got away with it cuz my father in law is an attorney. ah hum bug its almost christmas time. ebanizer

Anonymous said...

OH YEA BOLA DE CABRONES NOW YOU GO AFTER MELI DESPUES QUE LES PAGABA LA COMIDA CON SUS UNAS QUIEN ROBA DE TANTO MAMALON QUE TRABAJAN AYI EN LA COURTE DE CULEROAS DE CAMERON yea dont forget that you at the tax office those corupted leos at the license plate division th e 2nd flor judges you know who you are and all those fat slob deputies and bailliffs to ah and juvinile no more texas roadhouse for you beckysue it goes on and on I PRAISE JUAN MONTOYA HES GOT MORE WUEWOS THAN ALL OF YOU WHEN HE HITS YOU ALL WITH HIS SPOTLIGTH AYE CULEROS WATOUT TE WACHO ADIOS EL PRIMO SAID THIS

Red Fusteberg said...

Does anyone believe that Aurora is not part of this conspiracy?? Anyone in their right mind would know that she has been the puppet master for YEARS! Aurora Teflona.

Anonymous said...

Exactly why this county needs a new district clerk. Someone from the outside and not anyone who has spent years working in that office. Rosie Sotelo and Eric Garza turned blind eyes to the corruption.

Anonymous said...

Have u seen who is running for District Clerk? Los mismos culeros corruptos de mierda. Me cagan...haz de cuent ke los veo y me estiran un pelo del culo. El joto de Erick Garza es rata por ke anda vendiendo casas on the county clock....la Sotelo pos es la chupa chiche de Aurora.... Jessica no corre por ke es una pendeja incompetent pos.....La India Maria ke trabaja en jury tampoco por que con sus 2 años de colegio, un culo pronto, y una pendejez tremenda, tampoco....cree ke como esta enamorada de Erick alomejor el gana y ella va a ser first lady....por que asi de pendeja esta....no entiende que Erick es JOOOOTTOOOOO.... EN FIn.... pinches ratas junto con Joe De la Garza.... y Aurora, Migdalia, y todos. Pero bueno.....a y si necesitan ke les pospongan cortes....si se acuestan con La Maria se los atraza como por 20 años. Eso si no te la kitas de ensima.

Anonymous said...


"Assistant District Attorneys Peter Gilman and Adela Kowalski-Garza prosecuted the case".



Anonymous said...

Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz said in the news release that he is pleased with the sentence because it demonstrates that home invasions warrant harsh repercussions.

“These crimes go beyond victims having their belongings taken,” he said. “A life-threatening crime in your own home — where you should absolutely feel safe — forever takes an emotional toll.”

Assistant District Attorneys Peter Gilman and Adela Kowalski-Garza prosecuted the case

how many calabazas are involved?

Anonymous said...

no burro for noe if he drops the ball..
talk about pressure,,

