Wednesday, November 13, 2013


By Juan Montoya
No sooner did visiting judge Federico Hinojosa learn that Cameron County Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez had taken it upon himself to tell the local daily that he had opted to heed his attorney's advice not to testify in his administrative assistant's (Raul Salazar) trial over the illegal hiring of Roberto Cadriel – his wife Norma's brother – than he was summoned to the court.
In a brief hearing before an exasperated Hinojosa, Hernandez was asked about his comments to the Brownsville Herald that he had been no-billed by a grand jury looking into his role in the controversy.
Hinojosa queried Hernandez on why he had made the statements to the newspaper after he had refused to testify in the trial claiming the Fifth Amendment guarantee about incriminating oneself on the stand.
Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz had called the newspaper to correct Hernandez's statements saying that the investigation into his role was continuing and that he had not presented any evidence before a grand jury. Therefore, the commissioner could not claim that a grand jury had no-billed him.
"I guess I didn't know what no-bill meant," Hernandez replied lamely.
The hearing lasted no more than five minutes, according to the court reporter. Other witnesses said that Hernandez had been accompanied by his attorney Edmund K. Cyganiewicz.
Hernandez, who spent a full three hours before the grand jury that issued the indictments without an attorney, told the court through his lawyer before the trial started that he would claim the Fifth and wouldn't testify in open court.
In fact, even after Hernandez was offered immunity for his testimony, Cyganiewicz said his client would still not testify.
Hernandez and his wife Norma have been subpoenaed by the prosecution to testify in the Salazar case.


mil mascaras said...

juan this guy reminds me richard m. nixon, whenthe prez said "i am not a crook". yea right ernie, this is great publicity for your re-election campaign, folks i hope all of you in pct 2 vote this guy out.

Anonymous said...

Se me hace que seria major para el Comandante tener un abogado de la raza en vez de un polaco. No creo que el Comandante hable polaco, apenas habla pocho.

Anonymous said...

Pura mierda. ...todos!

Anonymous said...

Another, "I didn't know" moment for the Hernandez Klan! Priceless! I'm beginning to think that it's the rest of the family that has a fifth grader's intellect, and not Roberto Cadriel! At least he answers his questions with legitimate answers!

Anonymous said...

What a F__ken Dirt Bag...

Former county employee said...

Its coming you F@#$%^& fat ass snake, Ernie Hernandez! Hopefully, the Feds will come in and assist to make you sing like that little bitch you are?

Anonymous said...

"And in the spring and early summer of 2011 he was living in his vehicle in the parking lot of Fiesta Graphics, which is owned by Hernandez and his wife, Norma, who is Cadriel’s sister."

Nice way the family treats their mentally disabled. Doubly nice when you realize they are certainly financially equipped to get this guy a place to stay. We are talking months here, basically homeless, if the Herald is correct.

Red Fusteberg said...

Looks like ole' Ernie stepped in his own shit! When someone misspeaks, one could generally assume that they just might be a liar having trouble keeping their story straight!
PREDICTION: A TRUE BILL is in Ernie's future!

Anonymous said...

chingate la rata Jmon

Anonymous said...

When trapped, Ernie obviously believes that pleading ignorance is his best option. Guess what Ernie, "ignorance of the law is not an excuse". No one believes that you don't know what "no bill" means. Now you are trying to bullshit the courts the way you bullshit the public. The reporting in the Herald indicates that your brother-in-law has been more honest than you. Hopefully you and Norma eventually will be "true billed" by a grand jury.
Maybe you should seek legal advise from your daughter...but she will surely charge you JP rates.

Anonymous said...

"Da, Judge, I didn't know what 'No Bill' meant" said the retard county commissioner, Ernie Hernandez. He continues to be a reflection of the people who elected him.

Anonymous said...

Ernie confesses ignorance? Finally he tells the truth!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Erin, can sign a waiver for you, indicating you are freed of the burden of telling the truth, and you don't have to wait 72hrs. to use that as your defense!!! Ha ha ha! LOSERS!!!!

County Watch Dog said...

No speaks English/write;Now this the way this Clowns Wants them;Look at all the hires in the Public Works Dept.Most are felons,Card to work Here,Don't Vote Yet want all the raises($),all the JOBS,here;Costs the County, Wasted manpower&equipment;
payroll;When Asked a ?,all they say is "YES"Cause that's what the Commissioners want;Nobody to know more than them;We need Proactive people within the "Ranks"to show them the right/better way to run the County,There is no Shame;to ask for Help;But No;They want to show the Public they have the Smarts to be in Control;Look what we have Now;OUT OF CONTROL;Looking Good Alex;&Ruben Pena

Anonymous said...

@November 14, 2013 at 12:37 PM

What the hell are you going on about? It hurts to try to read all your jumbled thoughts. Go get your GED and learn how to coherently put your thoughts in writing.

Anonymous said...

You Hernandez pigs wanted to play with the big boys of county politics, because you thought you had your outgrown the CITY pond! Well welcome to the big leagues! Where every little misstep is under a giant microscope, one shouldn't piss the wrong people off, when they are small fries with big problems! Y'all still want to dance at the COUNTY FAIR? I didn't think so! LOSERS!!!

don chuy said...

ernie sounds much like forrest gump, stupid is as stupid does, oh well what else can we expect in cameron county. must be the water or algo.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of ignorance, why don't you tell us about the pendejo fire fighter, Jorge Lerma and his little DWI accident? I thought they were the poster children of our community, our heroes.
