Sunday, November 17, 2013


By El Rrun-Rrun
Special Downtown Correspondent
Not being someone who kicks a man when they are down (I prefer a lawn tractor rolled back and forth so they stay that way), I would suggest that Downtown Revitalization is just like a homeless guy that everyone recognizes and feels sorry for, but very few help. 
So what does the Mayor do with this down on his luck wandering vagabond who is looking for some spare change and a warm place to sleep? 
Does he give him a hand up and ask his friends to join him? Why no! He mugs the guy and rolls him for the few coins in his pocket and leaves him bruised and bleeding behind a dumpster in a downtown alley. It may have been behind the Casa de Nylon.
Ramiro Gonzalez was hired to ramrod Downtown Revitalization and what is he doing? 
He is testifying before the City Commission about spot zoning around Dana and 802. More of the Mayor's doing, I would suspect. Didn't we used to hear Ben Medina at every meeting discussing the merits of the latest variances and zoning gerrymandering?
Even Charlie Atkinson said at a meeting once,"I feel uncomfortable telling a man what he can and cannot do with his property, I mean he bought it with his own money." 
And if this pique of conscience came from someone who blithely ran roughshod over abusive taxpayer expenditures, what does that say about zoning here?
Austin Texas, the Mecca toward which most of the self-styled local elite pray 5 times a day, does not have planning and zoning, yet it is the standard that they think they think is their inspiration and aspiration. Funny, isn't it?
There are many people putting their private capital into downtown to make it better. Diverting the resources they were told would be right there at their elbow to help them along the way sends them the message,"Business as usual: we will tax you and lie about what we will do with the money then divert it for our own purposes, and screw you for asking about it."
Do you still "Believe in Brownsville"? As long as he keeps getting away with it, I am sure our mayor does.


Anonymous said...

Mayor Tony Martinez attempts to "impose" himself and his ideas on the city. He demonstrates no leadership ability and doesn't seem to want to lead, just "impose". He is an example why lawyers should not be allowed to be in leadership positions....because they all want to "impose" and dictate...not to lead.

Anonymous said...

So I hear that the mayor was in San Francisco looking for funds to revitalize the downtown area. I guess our taxes aren't enough.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the guy that compared our recent listing as poorest city in USA to the Boston Redsox, who were in last place last year and now won it all. Quick note on that mayor, the Bosox fired their manager last year. New one is who helped win it all. Should we do the same here?

Anonymous said...

Red Sox analogy makes me laugh my ass off! Pinche tyrant go away for the good of the community, your no Othal Brand. How about having some meetings in public with public comment. Back door dealings are for cowards and crooks. You choose which...or both. The shoe certainly fits Cinderella
