Monday, November 18, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Not only is there trouble brewing as Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz awaits a determining opinion from the Texas Attorney General's Office on whether JP 2-2 Erin Garcia Hernandez could legally issue, sell and then keep proceeds from waivers to the sate-mandated 72-hour waiting period, but now a dark cloud looms over the recent resignation of clerk Liliana Cantu who was charged with three counts of tampering with a government document.
Our sources tell us that when the dust clears, JP Garcia and other employees of both JP courts on the second floor of the Cameron County Judicial wing will wish they had never raised the issue of what was going on in the JP's office.
Friends close to Cantu, the clerk who was arrested and jailed on the three counts and was later released on a $10,000 bond issued by the county's Pre-Trial Release Program, say that she has hired an attorney to defend herself on the charges and that when it's all said and done, both JPs and some of their staff may end up on the wrong side of the witness stand in a court room.
Additionally, they say that the alleged scheme of which Cantu was charged actually stemmed from practices perpetrated by the office holder and the JP staff.
When the investigation was launched, sources say that Cantu had been involved in a scheme whereby those who were referred to that office for performance of community service hours were offered to make a cash payment instead. Now, this gets serious because some fo the violations for which the defendants were fined were generated form traffic offenses involving the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Cameron County Sheriff's Dept., and county constables, among others.
Cantu resigned when she was told she was being investigated.
Now, however, friends say that she is ready to tell all if the DA's office tries to prosecute her on the charges and is not afraid where the chips may fall.
"You all should get your facts straight," Cantu wrote this blog. "I never ever touched money. I never stole anything, but now that investigators are on everyone's case I will clean my name and heads will roll from several offices," she wrote.
"I am not hiding, everyone better well remember my name from Constables office, to JP 2-1 and JP2-2. I was accused not of stealing but of a non-approved community service...Hold up ladies and gentleman, there will be a grand finale and the real rats will be exposed.
I NEVER ROBBED! But I know who is been doing it and now that I have nothing to loose I will fight to clear my name...No, people, Mrs. Garcia didn't report 'the wrong doing' I know who did and why."
The source of the reports that there was some hanky-panky going on in Erin's court apparently was made public when Cantu did not resign from her position after the new JP took over in November 2012 despite pressure being put on her so the new office holder could give the job to another person.
That person turned out to be Cynthia Lopez Rodriguez, they say. Cynthia Rodriguez is the sister-in-law of Sylvia Rodriguez, the administrative assistant to JP 2-1 Linda Salazar whose office is next to Erin Garcia's. Cynthia Lopez Garcia is married to Sylvia's brother Ernie Rodriguez whose family hold the court house coffee shop contract.
In fact, some county employees says that there had been a Hernandez cult being nurtured on the second floor of the county's judicial wing that rewards those loyal to the family, especially yo Erin and her father Ernie, commissioner for Pct. 2. Those that don't get cut out. The group has actually gone to Las Vegas together and included both JPs, vote-harvesting matriarch Norma Hernandez and other supporters. They posted this photo on their FB page.
Apparently, her friends allege that when Cantu did not cave in to the pressure to quit so that Cynthia Lopez Rodriguez could take her place, she was made a patsy for the drummed-up charges.
This is not the first time that there have been irregularities emanating from that office. The last time it involved employees who had been working there when the late Tony Torres was presiding at the court. No charges were ever filed on the matter.
Sources say that the investigation into the community-services-for-cash is ongoing and and that there may be personnel in other county offices who may have been working in concert with Cantu.
It is unknown how long the scheme has been in effect. The Constable's office from Pct. 5 handled the investigation.
Cantu's arrest came at a time when her former boss, JP Hernandez-Garcia, has been under scrutiny by the Cameron County District Attorney's office and a state grand jury for allegedly issuing and charging for fraudulent waivers to couples so they don't have to wait the state-mandated 72 hours between the issuing of a marriage license and the performance of the wedding ceremony.
After the grand jury subpoenaed the JP's marriage records, the DA requested an opinion from the Texas Attorney General to determine whether the office could legally issue (and sell) the waivers in accordance with the Texas Family Code.
The AGO is expected to answer to the DA's request within 180 days.
If the AOG determines that a justice of the peace cannot issue or sell the waivers, one of the potential charges under the Texas Penal Code could be tampering with a government document. Hernandez-Garcia has stated that she issued "a comfortable 10 or so" waivers during her 11 months in office. The DA's office included at least 13 such marriages performed in that office through the waivers.


Anonymous said...

The Cameron County Courthouse appears to be more incestuous than most knew. Aurora de la Garza set the bar....hiring or influencing the hiring of her family members, but it seems to go far beyond Aurora. Hell, family picnics could apparently take place every day at lunch down there. The courthouse is a rat's nest of corruption. Add the Hernandez Klan and we have a witches brew of idiots; all hustling to serve themselves. These people are serving he citizens of the county, they are wrestling over the big public tit that is the County Courthouse....maybe then the entire county government administration; based on the Salazar case.

Former law enforcement officer said...

Oh boy, here it comes! Liliana Cantu, if you're going to sell out in order to not expose fat piglet Erin? Take a million dollars! That way, you can pay an attorney and have money when you get out of jail!

County Watch Dog said...

It's like when you flood the holes of the Rats,they come out on the other side;and wack then on the head;Just look at the two JPs in question;No people Skills no intrest to serve the public;only themself;Let's not let this Offices become another Public Works,where it run by Zomies;(make work)Or the County Maint. Barn where you have a Slave Driver(Looks Like Obama)as a supervisor AkA "What Happen" He needs to go too;Look at his Record;Just ask "La Tripa"When Alex&Ruben are we going to win this battle for GOOD GOVERNMENT;

Anonymous said...

get the facts straight Amadeo Rodriguez Jr. is not married to Cynthia Lopez Rodriguez, she is married to Ernie Rodriguez.

Anonymous said...

Funny how this idiot ran on her, "Because you deserve legal experience"campaign...and in less than 1 year in office, she is in need of legal advice and representation! For an entire election campaign, one couldn't shut her yap, about her LAW DEGREE, and how she would be a better JP because of it! And now? Ms. Piggy, momma pig, and the entire Hernandez pig family, have gone mum! Not a peep! Short sighted losers! The REAL big dogs last in this game! The posers, learn lessons the hard way! Oh well, it's been real, and it's been fun, but it hasn't been real fun! Soon it will be, " Na Na Na Na! Na Na Na Na! HEY! HEY! HEY! GOODBYE!!!

Anonymous said...

Me think Erin is a serious "boil" on the butt of this community. She and her family are a series of serious infected "boils" on our butts and it is time to have them lanced and removed.

Anonymous said...

son uns bolla de Ratas, la familia Hernandez y la familia Rodriquez... Amadeo es un politiquero, el ermano do roberto " bobby" es rata . he tells people he can take away the tickets if you get any because his sister sylvia rodriquez works for linda salazar, he scams people it has happend to me i trusted him because his sister Diana told me she and he can help me out. and i had a ticket for 350.00 and i had to see judge linda salazar and diana and bobby told me they would take care of it. so i gave them 300.00 and what happend Nothing, i had a warrent for my arrest, so i had to go and pay it..that family are rats,,, and that other brother Ernie rodriquez is a cocanin drug dealar, you need a 20 and you see him in a club he will sell it to anyone,, i scored with him at sticks,, deja que mire a el bato bobby le voy a dar un buen vergisa.

Anonymous said...

if you read the story right it says that she is married to ernie rodriquez silly

Anonymous said...

i decided to write a letter to cnn news to let them know about all the corruption that is going on her in brownsville tx, i have saved all the new paper headings and blog heading to let them know what is going on,, maybe they can help by doing something and exposing the hernandez family, for what they truely are rats,,, because our judges and the system here is not doing anything about it.. so everyday i will send out the information by email until they respond. cameron county is so bad and many people are doing very bad things to hurt our community, what they should be doing is fixing the problem, i i really think that in Judge Linda Salazar office is doing the same thing,, she has been doing it for years, and yes i work for the county and i see everything that goes on .....everyone talks about everything there,, that is so sad, i think the one who runs Linda Salazar office is Sylvia Rodriquez why because i know that family for many years,, and Her Lover Emma Ramos, i thing Linda and Sylvia and Emma are secret LOVERS, I went to school with Emma Ramos, at one time she was a beautifull women, no she looks much hanky panky. not my syle.. each their own.

Anonymous said...

Okay the person who just wrote about my mother Emma Ramos, sounds a like u are a little bitter... "she looks wasted" aye did u want my mom and she didn't give you the time of day... que lastima...

Everyone is real fast to talk about my family but yet won't say their name...

So what if emma is sylvia's lover.. what if she isn't that isn't anyones damn business.

As for the secret lovers of sylvia linda and emma.. ha.. cant three women who are strong and have survived so much hang out and relate to each other as "comadres" without ignorant people assuming its sexual. There should be more woman uniting in strength. But just let your immature, highly dysfunctional imagination run wild...

-with love
Belinda Ramos

If yall wanna attack me and my character... get in line.. nothing anyone says affects me. :)

Anonymous said...

a la madre.. they all look like the get along gang,, ratas..... each and every one of them

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about Sylvia Garza Perez people. Sylvia is part of the Hernández corruption cell and she is in cahoots with Ernie Erin, Norma and Raul Salazar. Sylvia is being real quiet,she does not want to call attention to herself. Sylvias aunt, Herminia Becerra is hiding in Mexico. The Hernández sent her away because they know that she will break under pressure and she will spill all the beans on them. People, don't forget that during Ruben Pena and Ernie Hernández trial, Sylvia Garza Perez during the courts break ran all the witnesses out of the courtroom. She acted and carried herself like a representive of the court and adviced them the Judge no longer needed them and they were free to go. She is part If the corruption, say no to Sylvia, Ernie, Erin and give the boot to corruption.

Anonymous said...

Yes now they corrected it

Anonymous said...

If u have enough balls don't put anonymous. put ur name bastard

Anonymous said...

THE LITTLE FELLA THIRD FROM THE LEFT YOUR SEEING OUR NEXT DISTRICT ATTORNEY......why not we had one in the stand why not one in the office he will be a great ass set to ur pitifull brownsville gimme the ballot hes got my vote

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you win the everybody in the picture is obese prize, a half-pounder and nachos to go.

Anonymous said...

Funny you say that about the 3 little pigs Emma, Sylvia and Judge Salazar off course they are lovers, Judge Linda Salazar spends the weekends at Sylvia and Emma's house just go by there and you will see her truck there every weekend!!! Best friends working together (Linda and Sylvia). Sylvia Rodriguez even gets away by running the coffe shop from the office!! Must be nice how Judge Linda Salazar is so controlled by Sylvia!!! She is allowed to be away from the office at all times, only if the auditors office would get a hold of those time sheets! Runn runn you should investigate on her time sheets, oh maybe not word around the cooler says she has controll of her punches in and out and even adding comp time to herself. Can't someone investagate on that??? A lot of fraud going on!!! That's all they know how to get drunk! Go to any bar and you'll see them there!!! Lord knows why Linda has Sylvia around! Erin Hernandez watch she has even said some stuff about you.

Anonymous said...

The 3 lesbians!!!! Sylvia, Emma and Linda!!!

Anonymous said...

Funny you say that about the 3 little pigs Emma, Sylvia and Judge Salazar off course they are lovers, Judge Linda Salazar spends the weekends at Sylvia and Emma's house just go by there and you will see her truck there every weekend!!! Best friends working together (Linda and Sylvia). Sylvia Rodriguez even gets away by running the coffe shop from the office!! Must be nice how Judge Linda Salazar is so controlled by Sylvia!!! She is allowed to be away from the office at all times, only if the auditors office would get a hold of those time sheets! Runn runn you should investigate on her time sheets, oh maybe not word around the cooler says she has controll of her punches in and out and even adding comp time to herself. Can't someone investagate on that??? A lot of fraud going on!!! That's all they know how to get drunk! Go to any bar and you'll see them there!!! Lord knows why Linda has Sylvia around! Erin Hernandez watch she has even said some stuff about you.

Anonymous said...

Maybe now Urine joined in the hanky panky, they needed a 4th one to make it 2 swinging couples. I thought Linda would know better than to hang out with the hernandezes

Anonymous said...

Where's Erin, to defend herself now!? Let me guess she is going to plea the fifth! Then she'll give an interview with the daily local, and say she has been,"No Billed" by the Grand Jury! Then the judge will call her on her bullshit, and she'll plead ignorance, and say she didn't understand what,"No Billed"means! So much for your vast,"Legal Experience"! Soon we'll only here about her,"Illegal Experience"! Welcome to the,"Big Leagues", Erin! You thought you could play ball! Don't worry. You have an out. You can always say you misunderstood, and thought it was the,"PIG LEAGUES"! Ha Ha Ha! Idiot! Loser! Pig faced demon!

chief cool arrow said...

thank God for the facebook,twitter and all the social internet sites that way we can get all this nice picutres of our elected offical and staff members everytime they go to vegas,spi or wherever and on county time and money. thanks social media

Anonymous said...

you people are full of shit get the right info and than post. 80% is false. ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Sylvia Garza Perez for Cameron County Judge !

Anonymous said...

Everyone got too comfy with Villalobos was DA, Villalobos wouldn't prosecute corruption while neck deep in the mierda himself

Thank you DA Saenz for finally outing the corruption in Cameron!!

It is ugly what is coming out but good for our community to see the truth. Shocks people because how long illegal stealing, compadrismo, hiring family went on without anyone getting punished by Villalobos. Time to send this people to jail

Anonymous said...

sylvia garza perez what a joke she is a husband beater.

Anonymous said...

Damn this fuckin people just like to talk shit but I bet the fucking idiots that are talkin shit are very lambiscones with all this people they turn around and they fuckin stab them in there back typical of county employees. Why you all fuckin worry about it damn i really dont care if the jp are doin what or if the county is corrupted. Thats not gone take my sleep away i have a family to worry about and a job to go every morning. Why stress my self about some thing thats not my problem really think about it damn ass what affects you in what way.. i just fuckin hatted when people just talk out of there ass..,and stop talkin about peoples sexuality just let them be.. I know this people and no dont talk shit!! Where not best of friends but there very good people my respects to them..

Anonymous said...

Ohh and I forgot and for that idiot that wants to contact CNN News what the hell CNN News gone do about it LOL stupid CNN has more important news to cover then your bullshit just dont fuckin vote and stop complaining:)

Anonymous said...

Ohh and I forgot and for that idiot that wants to contact CNN News what the hell CNN News gone do about it LOL stupid CNN has more important news to cover then your bullshit just dont fuckin vote and stop complaining:)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@11:55Am. LOL your totally wrong mam i dont work in the courthouse or for the county i will never work in that place . Reason cause of people like you that dont mind there on businesse. I have heard that every body talks about every body there.. so no thanks but you see what i mean people they dont know who I'm and already jumpin in to conclusions blaming some body from judge linda omg shame on you I wish that i can publish not anonymous just so you can see your totally wrong but nahh not worth it!! And your right what comes around goes around so watch out. Because your talkin and you dont know shit shame,shame,shame LOL

Anonymous said...

My name is brenda renee ramos. I'm writing in defense for my mother. She has nothing to do with this post and frankly is a wonderful woman. I currently live with her and Sylvia so in regards to linda being "lesbian" with them is simply out of the question. By the way, its childish to blast people on the internet. With that being said. Just shut the fuck up already. No one values anyone's opinion, especially on a irrelevant blog on an obscure website. Vote for erin for jp because she is a good woman and I trust her judgments.

chief cool arrow said...

5.54 pm do you really think that luis saenz the DA will really clean up the county of corruption when he himself is one of them of this little group that has had control for the last 30-40 years? Come on, please dont kid yourself. cca

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey 3:13 am
Go to bed your delirious. I hope CNN or some investigative news organization gets ahold of this. It's a great story about greed and corruption.
To 5:54 pm
What in the world are you talking about? Its the same old shit at the courthouse. It's just a new guy sharpening his political axe.

Anonymous said...

How silly that Ernie Rodriguez is disable . And working for Ernie Hernandez and Erin. He's probably even having hanky panky with her

Anonymous said...

Why don't all of you shut up! You all are a bunch of fat, lazy, ugly, depressed hogs! None of you matter! Just stay in your worthless entry level positions, tucked away out of sight! Nobody cares who is licking who, our donut bumping with anyone else! Keep it to yourself, and stay hidden in the shadows of CC POLITICS! We know you all love this sight, because it gives you your 15 minutes of fame (even though all of you blog anonymously), and makes you feel like y'all are important! But the truth is, nobody cares about y'all! I mean look at the picture a bunch of morbidly obese, man looking, pathetic women (except for Oscar of course), it's no wonder their sexual preference...what man would wanna be caught dead with them! Orale GORDAS, chingan se otro pinche taco de el coffee shop! Ya ni se les ve el pesqueso, y las tetas se acomodarron con las verigas!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Too funny guey! Gacho! But true! And definitely, HILARIOUS! Thanks for the laugh! Ha! PIG LEAGUES!!! That one had me rolling on the floor! Woo!

Anonymous said...

Ernie Rodriquez gets a disability check, but yet sells cocaine, drinks, y es Una vieja panachuda.. Haha, I wonder if the social security would love that is information, abusing the government system and also receiving medicare and food stamps, ponte a trabaja bato, no Estes chingando el governor.. Put. Y para LA pendeja De Brenda tu y tu ermana aren't you also lesbians,, must run on both sides of the family, in the Ramos and Rodriguez family Una bills De jotos

Anonymous said...

Vote....ur fkn kidding me....nobody fukn votes for them....remeber Roger always had glitches on the computers and dats how Lucio got more votes than what the actual cameron county population is. So dont come n talk bout voting cuz its bull shit.

Anonymous said...

Really thank u DA Saenz....Reallyyy? For wut....he couldnt make a decision himself about Erins case. Hes one of them.

Anonymous said...

