Friday, December 27, 2013


(Ed.'s note: Someone pointed out to us that even before Erin Garcia Hernandez got mixed up in issuing [and selling] waivers to the state-mandated 72-hour waiting period, she became embroiled in a controversy where her company [or her father's, then her mother's] had gotten a vending contract with the county in 2011. Her father is none other than Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez. Her mother is Norma Hernandez, said to be the brains behind the vote-harvesting machine in Southeastern Cameron County. Local blogger Jim Barton followed up on it after wrote about it  after an article in the local daily and received this nasty missive in response. Given the fact that state law prohibits the county doing business with any relative of an elected official, the legal gymnastics performed by Erin here to make it appear "legal" make the maxim that the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree true, it appears.)

To: Jim Barton
From: Erin Garcia (Hernandez)

"Jim, I want to start by saying that I like and respect you and your lovely wife Nena...and yes we may not always agree on ideas, politics or anything in general...the question remains can we agree to disagree professionaly and move forward? I think we can...i'm going to put the ball in your court.

That said...when articles like the one that came out in yesterdays paper come out...don't take it for face value and ask questions if you have them...don't run to a blog and make accusations that you don't know if true or untrue. The fact of the matter is that the article itself is a direct vendetta towards my father.
(Herald Reporter) Emma Perez Trevino...doesn't like my father...she never has...and that's fine...but she uses her profession to attack him...and I am putting my foot down because it is not right. She has been contacting us for weeks requesting information and I provided information to her. give someone an inch and they want a mile...she began requesting information that frankly is private company information.

Why does she think that she has the right to that kind of information. She asked for everything under the sun short of a blood and urine sample...she is ridiculous...and frankly i'm quite sick of her tyrade (sic).

The proper legal action is being considered and and will be taken against her (none ever was). The fact is that I own this company... Anyone who truly knows our family knows this...yes the company has gone through name changes over the years...I would implore you or Emma Perez Trevino to show me where in the books that is illegal?

I submitted a valid bid to the county and won...obviously the county thought that my company was going to provide the best value to them at the time. We have provided excellent service to the county and pay the county a 27% commission on per the contract.

You know... I don't only have a contract with the county... I have a contract with UTB and with Hidalgo County as well...why...because I run a professional reputable business that is capable to handle these types of contracts. Now as to your assertion if there is a conflict....Why is there a conflict...I OWN THE COMPANY...I won the bid...BEFORE my dad even won his election in March of 2010...

I as you know am running for office but that election is still 7 months away...and if I am fortunate enough to win....I won't take office until later that year....AFTER my contract exprires with the is there a conflict? you think there is...please explain...Jim...don't believe everything you hear...

I know who you associate with and frankly most if not all of them are what I would consider enemies.... and that's fine....if you want to believe everything you hear and not step up to the plate and ask your own questions and get the right answers to your concerns...then we can part ways now...again....the ball is in your court...."
Erin H. Garcia


Anonymous said...

This woman went to law school? Her prose is so wooden it has splinters. Mixed and scrambled metaphors, spelling mistakes, syntax from some unknown Slavic language and, to top it all, combing trite baseball and tennis metaphors in the closing sentence. My head hurts just thinking about how so small a brain could be placed is such a large body.

Anonymous said...

Like I have always said there is a Rat and the father Rat has a child Rat.

Anonymous said...

Erin, erin, norma, please dont try to sell us another picture, you all are nothing but a bunch of rats thats it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many other people she wrote peddling damage control. Her family, by her own words have alot of enemies. Evidently they must have earned such a station. Poor sap, she just made the situation worse.

Anonymous said...

In Texas it is illegal for public officials to hire, appoint or approve payment for certain relatives. The law determines which relatives are ineligible to receive jobs or payment from public officials. This determination is made based on the degree of blood or ancestral relationship to the public official (consanguinity), or by relationship established through marriage (affinity).

State law specifies that only relationships within the third degree of consanguinity or the second degree of affinity are affected by the nepotism prohibition.

Anonymous said...

tanto va el cantaro al agua asta que se quiabra

Anonymous said...

"small a brain could be placed is such a large body."

Y no te la cojieras? Eres joto guey!

Anonymous said...

I guess this "lawyer" never read the local government code concerned with conflict of interest laws.

Anonymous said...

El Culo, Unido, nunca sera vencido!

Anonymous said...

All of you are crazy. She is a good person and very smart and talented. Her dad is a good man too. We need more people like this because we have to much corruption here in the valley.

Former county employee said...

She's a lawyer? Never saw her practice her trade in the county courthouse? No wonder and explains her ignorance of the law!

Anonymous said...

I may not be a politcal brain... But 1) This woman is a Judge WHY IN THE HELL is she posting on a justify herself (RED FLAG) 2) Isnt it against State Law if your an elected offical Its a conflict of Intrest to do business with the city or county your represent 3) To publicy blast people is part of the political game - she should know this rule... her mistake - she spoke out of her intensions BAD MOVE JUDGE!!!
