Saturday, December 14, 2013


By Juan Montoya
It has not been a good season for the Hernandez-Cadriel clan.
On the heels of the Cameron County District Attorney's office successful prosecution of Pct. 2 commissioner's administrative assistant Raul Salazar for illegally rigging the Civil Service exam for his boss's brother-in-law Roberto Cadriel, Luis Saenz's office gained the conviction of Aroldo H. Cadriel for murder of a 20-year-old woman whose body was dumped in Combes.
Roberto Cadriel is the brother of Norma Hernandez, the commissioner's wife. The convicted murderer is her cousin.
The state district court jury that found  Aroldo Cadriel guilty Friday and sentenced him to life in prison for the March 31, 2012, murder of Brisna Mireles of Harlingen. He was facing a punishment range of five to 99 years in prison or a life sentence.
That successful conclusion to the case was placed in the hands of  lead prosecutor Arturo “Art” Teniente, who was handling his first capital murder case and was guided by veteran prosecutor Pete Gilman and Saenz himself.
Many "legal experts" had said that the prosecution would be "schooled" by defense attorney Nat C. Perez Jr. and urged them to offer Cadriel a plea bargain.
Those "experts" were proven wrong when the jurors, after only a day of deliberation, rejected the defense theory that someone else may have killed the young woman. Then, when Perez asked that Visiting Judge Marisela Salazar to sentence the man instead of the jury, Teniente objected saying that the court needed the prosecution's consent, which he was unwilling to grant.
News accounts indicate that Visiting Judge Marisela SaldaƱa, who presided over the trial, sustained the
state’s position while Perez argued that there “wasn’t any harm” in the court sentencing Cadriel.
Because the jury would sentence Cadriel, a pre-sentence investigation report was not required.
The media has fastidiously kept the relationship between commissioner Hernandez and Aroldo Cadriel in the background. However, there have been numerous reports that Hernandez – who was hired by the outgoing county commissioner John Wood as his administrative assistant before before he took office – used his position to do him favors.
In on instance, county workers were told back in May that county crews working under the colonia improvement fund poured in thousands of dollars of caliche on Nogal Road where Aroldo Cadriel's shooting range is located.
Just after Hernandez became former Pct. 2 commissioner's assistant following the disgrace of Carlos Cisneros, he oversaw the work on that road. Workers used thousands of dollars of road material and labor on the road that leads to the range even though the rest of the road south of the range is void of houses.
As in the case of his brother-in-law's illegal hiring, Hernandez said he knew nothing of the work on the road and that it was mere coincidence that his relative owned a shooting range in the area. In Roberto Cadriel.s case, and even after numerous witnesses said he had spoken to them or called them to pressure them to "move the application along" to get his a job, Hernandez said he had learned about his hiring and resignation when he read it on the online version of the local newspaper.
He also took the Fifth Amendment protection from testifying on behalf of his assistant Salazar saying that he feared he might contradict his three hours of testimony before the grad jury.
It's ironic to note that during the time that he has been in custody, someone provided him with a mail-in ballot to vote in the 2012 Democratic primary when Erin Garcia-Hernandez, now the JP 2-2, was in the runoff election with challenger Yolanda Begum.


Former county employee said...

The Hernandez' are nothing more than a bunch of crooks and sick sex fiends! No wonder she is married to likes of Ernie "Snake" Hernandez! Its no wonder and no surprise that her husband and daughter are in the limelight with that cloud of suspicion hanging over their head for possible illegal violations!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information Mr. Montoya, now I have all the pieces to the puzzle. I finally figured-out why the streets in Cameron Park were never finished.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They say psychopaths is a genetic disease. The mother and father pass it on to the kids. Look at the Hernandez Cadriels. I believe it. Bad blood

Anonymous said...

Everyones a criminal in that family. WTF!!??

IS there a single Hernandez NOT under investigation for psycho murder, fraud, insurance fraud, voter fraud, marriage license fraud, IRS taxes not paid, illegal hiring, theft etc?????

Anonymous said...

Despite all the actions by the DA against the Hernandez Klan, remember, "Cameron County doesn't just accept corruption; they demand corruption in government". The Hernandez Klan and the Dumbokratic Party get their power from the ignorance of the people....and that is rampant here.

Anonymous said...


County Watch Dog 2013 said...

When you have Zomies, running the Pct.2 show like;(make Work Ruben Gonzalez;wannanbe Super.of Public Work);you have money going out the window;/ or into their Pockets; They have Tom/Dick and Harry acting like they Know what they are doing;Again When are We going to See the Light?Why did the D.A.Drop the Charges Against The ForemanPCT.2(for sell Pipes for Driveways in Cameron Park and in Olimto?) That should have been Federal (cause those were FEDERAL FUNDS;That; was One of the things Ernie said He if Elected would Change;He would Clean that Mess;That John Woods left;As they say"The Foxs Never sees it's Tail" Look at the Record"all the Materials Lost@the PCT.1 Yard/Why do you think;they are moving the PCT.2;Yard to Rukers Carrizalez?(so they;will not travel that Far?)Why not move the Comm.'s Office there Too?How Can We Put An End To This?(VOTE FOR NEW BLOOD/ALEX;RUBEN);before for it's too Late;"Let's Go Fishing COCO"

County Watch Dog 2013 said...

Why does that not surprise me;The last D.A.didn't see anything wrong;County Worker(Public Works) taking money from the public for work and materials/that County gives to it's Tax Payers Free(pipe/caliche/labor);and this were Colonia's Funds;Nobody wanted to make Waves(it was an Election Year)Too many Toes to Step on;So lets move On;like noting happened;Speaking of "What Happen"Wonder how that Make-Over for that (hand me down)Truck for the Sign going?Why you ask?cause He (What Happen)does not want/likes for anybody;to take his LimeLite from Him;You got this poor soul,working out of a Reg. Pick-up/when you got this worthless "El Nergo"/Slave Driver@ the County Barn With his 4x4 all the Radios/Lights/Perks setting in front of his Office doing noting;but making the mech.s life a living HELL.And Rolls Out The RED carpet for Only The Whites;Why Does the County All Ways Goes For The Bottom of The Barrel?We need to Stop This, New Faces(ALEX/RUBEN)lET'S DO IT RIGHT,THIS TIME;& Let's Go Fishing COCO/Hook Me Up;(forgot the "b"in Zombies)

southmost kid said...

Wow, looks like Mr DA's luis saenz is really on a super roll, vamos a ver what else he does. Really? and then we grade him, not now, but later later, ala george lopez style.
