Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
With his feet firmly on the ground and his head barely visible above the speaker's podium, Jacinto Robles, the Huichol wise man from the mountains of Mexico addressed the Brownsville City Commission during Tuesday's night meeting. Gifted with healing skills since he was a child in his village, he spoke to the people's representatives about humility, wisdom and righteousness, qualities in which some of them are sorely lacking.
Invited to the city by supporters of native rights, arts, and culture, Jacinto has been a frequent and welcome visitor here for the past few years. Dressed in his native garb, he has addressed followers of the native faith and dispenses traditional remedies and folk wisdom to those willing to hear his message.
Commissioner Ricardo Longoria introduced the Huichol wise man to his colleagues and welcomed him to the city on behalf of local officials and city residents. As usual, Mexican consul Rodolfo Arenas Quilantan was notable for his absence.


Anonymous said...

This is crazy. No disrespect to this foreign gentleman, but we do not need someone to come and inject anything into our leaders. They should already have high life qualities and standards in order to run a tight team and take this city to the next level. They never really see the big picture because they are always to busy going back and forth with nonsense. Instead of working closely with BEDC and put an aggressive plan in place to bring lots of business to Brownsville they instead focus more on secondary things like (i.e. bike trails, sports-park, no smoking, plastic bags, etc….). Let me give a break down on my thoughts regarding these secondary items.

Bike Trails – Back in the day we would make our own paths…please.

Sport Park – We have plenty of parks and fields – back in my day we would even play in the street. BIG TIME waist of tax money - all the money that went into the sports park and that continues to go there should have gone towards building a two story mall and bring top of the line brand stores so the people from Mexico could come and spend their monies here and stimulate our city economy “BIG TIME”. Of course the hotels, restaurants, and bars would all wet their becks $$$ nicely if this existed. But no, “let’s make a big money pit”.

No Smoking – If I was an out of town business owner and find out that smoking is NOT allowed in Brownsville – I would not want to place my business here. Big turn off to many potential prospects.

Plastic Bags – Please, here we go, wanting to be hero’s and save the environment. C’mon, the earth has been here for many, many, many years and has its own immune system. It does not need us. It could take care of herself. Yes, it is good to be a little pro-environment, but c’mon, let’s not take things to far.

On their to-do list – all these, of the many, need to be placed at the bottom and start focusing on the big picture by really keeping their nose to the grind stone, work aggressively together and with the BEDC yielding extraordinary results for our city.

Anonymous said...

Its great to have somebody like Jacinto who proudly honors his roots.On the other hand, shame with the Mexican counsul. Rodolfo Quilantan is always with the rich and famous and never to be seen with his people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To: December 8, 2013 at 6:45 P.M. comment....
From: December 4, 2013 at 1:44 PM

LMAO - yep, a great big circus in town.

Anonymous said...

The only one of those people sitting up high that could truly call himself a commissioner is Ricardo Longoria. I see potential in him and I feel he fills the spot well, but unfortunately, he is surrounded by five others, plus the leader, that are always in Disney land day dreaming – completely clueless as to what the hell is going on and what the city is truly lacking. Well, maybe they do know what the city is lacking, but do not have a clue on how to get it to where it needs to be. Damn Ricardo, it must be tough to deal with the day-to-day hurtles that a district / city brings and on top of that have to deal with the incompetence of your comrades.

Citizens of Brownsville, let’s be careful on who we vote for. Let’s not vote just to vote because of the “compadre system”. Let’s really check each candidate’s credentials before we make that important choice, because it is very important. We need aggressive business people to sit in those chairs. People that are very cleaver, wise, serious, with vision, frugal and that are aggressive in business and negotiations. People that are not going to just sit there clueless, looking at each other to see what is next on the agenda, or what is being discussed or asked. We need leaders that are going to yield surpluses $$$, not deficits.
