Call it Round 2 of the Yolanda Begum vs. Erin Hernandez-Garcia for the Justice of the Peace 2-2 mano a mano 2014.
The last time around in 2012, Begum beat out Hernandez-Garcia and another three candidates in the primary and garnered 27.57 percent of the vote (2,960). She and Hernandez-Garcia faced each other in the runoff election a month later because Hernandez-Garcia got 23.35 percent (2,507) of the votes.
For Begum to lose, that meant that Hernandez-Garcia would have to make up 453 votes somehow.
Then a funny thing happened on the way to a runoff election.

Even though Yolanda won the election day vote (1,715 to 1.605, a 110 difference), Hernandez-Garcia managed to win in the early vote 2,392 to 2,307, a 85-vote difference. But it was the mail-in vote that carried Hernandez-Garcia over the top with 319 for Hernandez-Garcia to 142 for Begum, a 177 vote difference that allowed the now-incumbent to eke out a 151-vote win over her opponent.
That ballooning mail-in vote that made the difference has proven vexatious for the Hernandez. In fact, it attracted so much attention that a joint state-federal investigation was launched that has resulted in one indictment of a political operative aligned with Hernandez-Garcia politiqueras.
That woman, Sonia Solis, was indicted over her casting five votes of people she said were disabled. All were listed as living in the same home, a one-bedroom apartment. Solis was charged in federal court and has since pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentencing. The word from some of her close associates is that her indictment is just the tip of the iceberg in the investigation into the massive walk-in vote and mail-in allot fraud that is ascribed to the Hernandez vote harvesting organization.
Solis will be sentenced sentenced on Feb. 5, 2014, in front of U.S. District Judge Hilda Tlagle. She faces up to five years in federal prison and a maximum fine of $10,000.
With the indictment of Solis and her cooperation with the Feds, plus the indictment of longtime Hernandez associate politiquera Margarita Ozuna earlier last year, many observers say that the vote-harvesting capabilities of the organization has been neutered and will not be able to deliver the paid-for votes to Hernandez candidates.
Eyewitnesses also reported that politiqueras aligned with the Hernandez vote-harvesting organization hauled in elderly, disabled and even illiterate voters to the polls and instructed them to vote in their csndidates' favor.
"Ernie is proud of saying that he has 1,500 votes that he can deliver to any candidate he wishes," said a source close to the family. "But the rats are fleeing the sinking Hernandez ship and it is doubtful that they will be able to pull the same stunts with the federal and state investigators watching their every move."
Additionally, when they heard that Begum would be in the race against Hernandez-Garcia, the board of the Brownsville Firefighters-EMS Association Local 970 wasted no time in endorsing her campaign.
The BFA-EMS Local is one of several labor organizations in the umbrella Brownsville Unity Council who endorsed Begum in 2012.
This one of the first endorsement from groups expected to publicly support Begum., her supporters say.
"People have had enough of the Hernandez corruption," said one.
Add that to the recent declining fortunes of the two Hernandez office holders.
In November, it took a six-woman jury all of 40 minutes to agree with Cameron County Asst. DA Gus Garza that they send a "loud, clear message" that local residents would no longer stand for political corruption when they found finding Ernie Hernandez's administrative assistant Raul Garza Salazar guilty on three indictments.
Salazar was convicted of helping Roberto Cadriel, Ernie's brother-in-law to get hired by the county by having someone take the civil service exam for him after he failed to pass it twice and then providing him with the answers to another exam for a security-guard position. Hernandez told the local daily that he only learned about his brother-in-law's hiring and resignation when he read their online edition on the Internet.
During Salazar's trial, Cadriel told the jury that the commissioner had told him he would get him a job with the county after he heard Cadriel talk to Norma Hernandez, Ernie's wife and Cadriel's sister, about having trouble finding work. He said Hernandez told him to talk to Salazar at his Pct. 2 office so he could help him.
The person who could have most defended Salazar's actions was his boss Hernandez, but he opted to take the Fifth Amendment and refused to testify in the case claiming he could have been indicted for perjury if he deviated from the testimony he gave before the grand jury who issued the indictments.
The jury found Salazar guilty on two counts of official misconduct and one count of tampering with a government document in the 445th District Court presided by visiting judge Federico Hinojosa. He is scheduled to be sentenced December 11. Salazar, a convicted felon, could receive up to a year in jail on that conviction.
During the trial, the DA admitted that Hernandez is under investigation for his role in the illegal hiring.
The incumbent JP 2-2 also has troubles of her own without daddy making waves at his office.
Erin, who is the daughter of Ernie Hernandez, is currently under a cloud of suspicion that she sold illegal waivers to couples so that they would forgo the state-mandated 72-hour waiting period between the time they got their marriage license and the performance of the wedding ceremony.
That allowed her to marry the couples who arrived at her office immediately and pocket the between $150 to $250 JPs charge for performing the ceremony.
Currently, Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz is awaiting an opinion from the Texas Attorney General's Office to determine whether he will present the documentation of the profiting from the illegal waivers to the grand jury which subpoenaed the JP's marriage records.
Depending on what the TAGO's opinion turns out to be, there is a likelyhood that the evidence will be presented to a grand jury to let them determine whether prosecution is warranted against the JP.
It will be interesting to see whether anyone else will jump into this race, There has been indications that at least one other – attorney Jonathan Gracia – is considering getting into the race. He has until Monday to decide whether he will enter what undoubtedly will be a hard-fought campaign with no holds barred.
Same old fucktards. LOL!!!
If any of the Hernandez cabal are ever elected to anything in this town again, they may as well turn it into a toxic waste dump since there won't be any threat to loss of intelligence from the radiation.
SpaceX? Hell, Spaced-Out!
Yolanda has two rigged endorsements...big surprise!!!! ha ha ha! She's gonna get her ass kicked....
You mean the the same fucktards like Ernie, Joe R., Tony, tony aka "la Lola", Otis, Martin A., Enrique E.,the sucios, the oliveiras?
Yeah!! the same fucktards!!!
And when we have fresh blood, we all don't bother to vote.
We must like shit and fucktards?
Encourage everybody to vote is the only way to get rid of the fucktards, either that or by indictments?
She won the first time she ran. Why shouldn't she run again for this seat?
Has yoli learned basic English yet ?
People are tired of the bullying and entitled attitude from the most incompetent of elected officials. What an embarrassment.
Hope Begum does run, new blood, challenge the corruption
And has Erin "La Carra de Caballo" learn the basics of legal procedures and Texas laws?
problem with begum is her lack of command of basic english-language capabilities.
What's a fucktard?
Here we go again! The unqualified running for elected office once more. I wish that Kip Hodge would run and spare us all the cost and the embarrassment of things to come from those who can't even coherently speak the English language.
I know for a fact this pendeja doesn't have a degree. She should stop telling people she does.
Is she going to run as a republican? She endorsed Raul Lopez.
Mas pendeja que Erin no puede estar. And thats because la Carra de Caballo allegedly graduated from law school. And look at all tje mess she has caused in her first months in office. Vote for anyone but Erin " La Carra de Caballo" Hernandez. Save us taxpayers our tax money to fill this position in a special election after Erin is indicted along with her father and brother. I see an indictment soon.
For all those that put so much emphasis on the english language. Remember the Alamo Pendejos. Its Tejas not Texas bola de estupidos. For the education basis look what "You deserve legal experience" got us. A JP marrying children to pedophiles. Anything associated with the Hernandez should be quarantine and then euthanized accordingly. Of course I am an American Citizen and do have the right to freedom of speech PENDEJOS........
Eeenie, meenie, miney, mo, which incompetent crooked Mexican shall we vote for.
I vote for none of the above.
It is best to vote for a good independent, libertarian or republican candidate than any of the hernandez, bunch of rats. Erin you need to go back to first grade and learn your english, you are worthless as a lawyer. Go back to law school so you can learn of legal experience dumbass. Learn some spanish, get some legal advice for you and your father, you both are going to needed pertty soon.
Where's Erin, to defend herself now!? Let me guess she is going to plea the fifth! Then she'll give an interview with the daily local, and say she has been,"No Billed" by the Grand Jury! Then the judge will call her on her bullshit, and she'll plead ignorance, and say she didn't understand what,"No Billed"means! So much for your vast,"Legal Experience"! Soon we'll only here about her,"Illegal Experience"! Welcome to the,"Big Leagues", Erin! You thought you could play ball! Don't worry. You have an out. You can always say you misunderstood, and thought it was the,"PIG LEAGUES"! Ha Ha Ha! Idiot! Loser! Pig faced demon!
Erin HERNANDEZ Garcia is just another corrupt Hernandez. Hopefully all of them will be put out to pasture, either by the courts or by the voters.
Anonymous said...
problem with begum is her lack of command of basic english-language capabilities.
I guess you mean like punctuation and syntax.
The idiot that keeps complaining about Yolanda Begum's English language skills has obviously never spoken with her. Ms. Begum can communicate beautifully in English and Spanish. She is an educated business woman, of course she poses a threat to the status quo. Erin Hernandez couldn't shine her shoes.
Begum? New blood? That's stretching it.
Anyone but Begum or Erin!!!!!!!
Watch out....Norma Hernandez will pen another letter to the editor at the Herald about how her "baby" is being lambasted by the public. Norma is part of the Hernandez Klan and can't be trusted either.
Erin is totally clueless about the law or the law proffesion, she went to the worst law school and she has never practiced, and i wonder if she even pass the bar exam, if she did, how did she pass it, did her father Ernie Hernandez get somebody else to take the exam for her, just like he did it for his brother in law Cadriel? with her characteristic petulant ignorance, all her platform consisted about us deserving her legal experience, but in reality her whole purpose all along was to tap into the gold mine of performing marriges, she keeps digging her own hole, no other non attorney JP has ever made such a big blunder as she has, and then claim she didn't know she could not issue weivers, any attorney knows that ignoring the law does not justify the crime.
I voted for Begum last time and will vote for her again. Erin, Ernie and Norma can't steal the votes this time. Lets kick the Hernandez trash to the curb.
Talk about ignorance, the word is spelled "profession" and Erin passed the bar the first time she took the exam.
It is plead the fifth, not plea.
If you are opposed to Erin, at least be mature about it and stop resorting to juvenile name
calling. Grow up and use a dictionary.
That's because her daddy got her the answer key!
I know how to spell idiot! It's called texting typo! But don't worry, you'll need a,"PLEA" bargain! Worry about interpreting the law, and not peoples typos! LARD ASS! Grow up and and get to the LAW LIBRARY! Loser!
Chicharonna ! What a hog. In fact, she gives hogs a bad name!
6:13 must be Gracia posted. My family is voting for Yolanda Begum.
Have you heard Norma, Urine and the Eel speak?
The fire fighters were kicked out of the BUC because they like to endorse compadre candidates without consulting the other unions or even their own union members for that matter. Juan, you complain about the city spending money here and there but why do you choose to ignore that 60% of the annual budget goes to emergency services to pay for these fat asses who do nothing and demand more every year? Open your eyes and do the public a favor by informing them of the real issues.
Yes she won thr first time with the help of politiqueras picked up over 200 mail in ballots. Her mama was working very hard and paid off for those mail in ballots. I want to see how many she will bring in.. no politiqueras want to get involved. Plus as an organization we have we have 60 people located in over 20 locations ready with cameras and camcorder in adult daycares. Waiting to see who is working to pick up the elderly to take them to work. We are waiting to see the Rodriguez family members Amadeo and Ernie Rodriguez. Word in the street is tgey both are desperate for work. Yo drive 15 passenger vans during early voting. They get there vans loaned by local car lots in tge southmost area. Remember Ernie Rodriguez lives off on Price road in apartment down the street from the Brownsville community health clinic snd Amadeo Rodriguez lives in the apartment behind convergys behind the gas station. So during early voting they will be followed snd will be being checked. Goid luck mrs. Piggy and daddy piggy in trying to bring in those mail un ballots.
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