Sunday, December 8, 2013


By Juan Montoya
One of the reasons many people give for not doing business in downtown Brownsville is because you can never find a parking space.
You go around the downtown area once, then twice, and if you're lucky, you might find a space. If not, you'll do what most people do: leave and go do your shopping elsewhere where parking is free (the mall, of course).
Well, now the geniuses in the city administration and the city commission have decided that if they raise the parking rates in the city by 200 percent per hour (from 25 cents to 75 cents) they will come.
Additionally, how about raising the fine for parking meter from $5 to $10, and $15 if not paid after 10 days?
That should endear the people to flock downtown.
That's not all.
In addition to each fee of $15, there is assessed one mailing penalty for not paying two or more over-parking fees within each prescribed 20-day period. This penalty shall be $35.If the department of traffic goes before the municipal court judge to declare a vehicle a nuisance. If that happens, the judge may require an additional court cost up to $100 upon the appearance of the violator. If there is no appearance there may be an additional mailing fee of $25.00 but only if the judge orders a second mailing by registered mail, return receipt requested.
Once the vehicle has been declared a nuisance and is booted and/ or impounded, the judge shall also have the discretion to assess additional fines up to $50 each on those unpaid parking citations in excess of the first three.
However, they are willing to accommodate downtown business owners and their employees.
The city’s Traffic Department will issue parking permits for $60 monthly fee for downtown business owners and renters. The permit will only be valid in city lots. Each business owner or renter may apply for a maximum of three (3) permits.
So, for $60 a month (times 12), or $720, a store owner can have a parking space for a year. Multiply that times three for his employees and the price goes to $2,160.
Of course, there will be provisions to exempt certain categories of motorists from these penalties. Those exempt will be:
1) the mayor and members of the city commission.
(2) Official vehicles of the U.S. government, the state, the county and the city.
(3) Unmarked police vehicles.
(4) Public utilities board vehicles, only when they are working in the downtown area.
(5) Board members appointed by the city commission.
(6) Consul and vice-consul of Mexico.
(7) Private vehicles in use for official business for the city, i.e., state comptroller, county tax appraiser.
(8) Disabled veteran vehicles displaying a license plate issued by the State identifying disabled status.
The first reading of these proposed parking changes will be December 10 , 2013. The second (and final reading) will be on the first meeting of the commission in 2014.
For shoppers, the cost to spend one hour at a parking space goes up to 75 center per hour with fines rising to $10 for an overtime parking and $15 if not paid within 10 days.
This is the perfect way to drive people from downtown, not the other way around. Ever think of abolishing parking fees so people can be attracted to shop there instead?


Anonymous said...

Downtown "merchants" do not want locals to shop. They only take up space from the peones from Matamoros. Look up the origin of the word peon.

Anonymous said...

Just in time for the holidays. SMH

Dags said...

You don't own a car, juan!!!! fool. LOL!!!!


Anonymous said...

To be enforced only on U.S. registered vehicles....Mexican nationals always seem to get a free ride and seldom pay penalties for parking infractions. Just another reason for NOT going downtown. Also likely means only the people who work downtown can park downtown...
No leadership here

Anonymous said...

If the Mayor and his cronies drive the people out of the downtown area, they will have more real estate to give away.

Anonymous said...

what ever happened to the project of building a high rise parking garage like the one in downtown Mcallen?
Who comes up with those "brilliant" ideas (like the rise of the parking meter fees?) Why dont they figure out a way of getting the "maquiladoras" on THIS side of the border? Why dont they attract manufacturing plants to Brownsville instead of putting the foot on the working person? Is this how the mayor wants to get Brownsville out of the hole of being the poorest city in the country? NO BRAIN!, NO thinking ahead and always dependent on other government entities to get them out of the hole.

Anonymous said...

I find that most of the parking spaces are taken by the individuals who work downtown.

Anonymous said...

To respond to Anon of December 9, 2013 at 5:30 AM questions-this is what "DUMBOCRATS" do. Take a "WATEMALA" situation and make it "WATEPIOR". LMAO LMAO LMAO
