Monday, December 9, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Amber Medina, the chairperson of the Cameron Cameron Democratic Party has confirmed that County Clerk Joe Rivera has filed his candidacy for county judge with her office.
Additionally, she also confirmed that former Cameron County Democratic Party chair Sylvia Garza-Perez has switched from running for county judge to file for the position Rivera currently holds, that of county clerk.
With Rivera's announcement, that makes four candidates who had filed for county judge before the  deadline.
They are:
1.) Rivera
2.) Ruben Peña
3.) Martin Arambula
4.) Travis Rivera (a bail bondsman, no relation to Joe Rivera)

And with the entry of Garza-Perez to the county clerk candidate pool, that makes four declared candidates. They are:
1) Garza-Perez
2.) Don De Leon, local businessman
3.) Jorge Kowalski
4.) Arnold Flores, currently Cameron Countyr HR director
5.) Letty Perez-Garzoria

And for Cameron County District Clerk:
1.) Civil cases manager Rosie Sheldon-Sotelo
2.) Criminal cases manager Eric Garza
3.) BISD board president Enrique Escobedo
4.) Elvira Ortiz, chief deputy district clerk

As far as the JP 2-2 position, we learned that there will be three candidates. They are:
1.) Yolanda Begum, local businesswoman, artist
2.) Jonathan Gracia, attorney
3. Erin Garcia-Hernandez, incumbent

In the JP 2-3 race, there were three candidates. They are:
1.) Maria Esther Garcia, paralegal
2.) Pete Avila, former constable, firefighter
3.) Minerva Peña, retired DPS, BISD trustee
4.) R. Rodriguez

She said that county treasurer David Betancourt had not filed for any position and neither had Lali Betancourt or JP 2-1 Linda Salazar.
And we heard that local attorney Dolores Zarate has filed for County-Court- at Law 3 Judge David Gonzalez. Also, a third opponent has reportedly emerged against Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez apart from Alex Dominguez and Gary Linnan. He is reportedly Leo Lopez, the husband of 404th District Judge Elia Cornejo Lopez.
A surprising twist of events occurred as the filing deadline approached. Oscar X. Garcia, who had announced he would run as a Democrat for the 357th District Judge with Juan Magallanes and Gloria Rincones, instead filed to run for the same position as a Republican.Garcia said that he did not think that a runoff campaign would be brutal and decided to wait for the eventual winner in the November elections.
Republican sources indicate that incumbent Carlos Cascos has a Republican opponent in that party's primary. We have not learned of the man's identity as we post, but understand that he is a white candidate from the northern part of the county.
(We will update the filings on Wednesday.)


Anonymous said...

Do you mean to say he has filed for District Clerk?

Jake. said...

All losers....not a white man among'em. YOU BOFOS!!!!


Anonymous said...

I understand Bobby is down with the flu. I don't wish anybody ill, but if he were to expire, I would want to go to the funeral to be sure it was he in the casket!

County Watch Dog 2013 said...

Here we go again;What Joe needs to is keep eating Pan Dulce;Give it up Joe;You will have 3 Checks coming in;(S.S./County Retirement/County pay check)What will he do;with all that Money?It's bad enough;that we had (I Love You Too,David/Pistol Pete)Double Dipping/Now Triple Dipping? Come lets do, whats Right for the people of Cameron County;Out with the OLD,and let Ruben take the Bull by the Horns;We need a New RODEO in Cameron County;and Joe, you can be one of the RODEO CLOWNS so you collect another paycheck;We need to put a CAP/Limit the terms, to 8 years so you can be vested;and get OUT;by this time your corrupted friends will not have a chance/time to get their HOOKS on you and your Staff;

Anonymous said...

Hello stop stating that Arnold Flores is H.R. Director, he is not he is director of administrative services

Anonymous said...

Wow! Looks good for Pena

Anonymous said...

Stupendous list of candidates, however, for the love of God do not vote for anyone with the name Garcia or Garza. If know anything about genetics, these people are so inbreed in would make a Hillbilly cry.

Anonymous said...

In agreement with county watch dog" out with the old and in with the new" And county voters be very wearing of those canadates switching party lines or to a different political position. They are only looking out for them selfs. Greed fuels corruption. Hopefully the voters have had enough and send out the message.

Anonymous said...

Letty Perez Garzoria? Wtf! Isnt this the wife of xconstable and former sheriff canadate Abel Perez? The current chief deputy to Joe Rivera. The things people do to disquise themselfs so the skeletons remain hidden.

Anonymous said...

oscar garcia has turned again. I guess he figured he could be on the bench another 6 months if he went back to the republicans.

Anonymous said...

Letty Perez-Garzoria is a Commissioner from Texas City...not Letty G Perez Chief attention and do your research morons!

Anonymous said...

Just more Dumbokrats to continue the culture of corruption in Cameron County....

Anonymous said...

Lettie g.perez has been running the clerks office for years.,.she shoild of ran for the position...but rumor has it ..the big Joe....would not let her run...he made a deal with the devil...sold herout., this will hurt his electon..thenman has no ethics...

Anonymous said...

Warning- Warning
Remember S P-G was introduced by Joe Rivera and she is caca y calzon de Ernie Hdz. They are 3 peas in a pod.......

Anonymous said...

El arnold no vale ver-a

Anonymous said...

Letty in nobody' relative buey, you r just talking from your ass

Anonymous said...

What do you mean a "white man" from North Cameron County? From what Plantations .?

southmost kid said...

juan so does that mean that joe rivera resigned from the last year of his term as county clerk to run for the county judgeship? Am i correct or incorrect? you tell me? very interesting and strange going ons in cameron county por un hueso, hum???? sk

Anonymous said...

Joe Rivera and Letty Perez Garza are in bed together. Jediondos los dos pansones! Shame on Perez Garza, the woman is a disgrace, she is a glorified poitiquera! A vote for her is a vote to send this County back Twenty years! Same goes for the panson Joe Rivera....say no to these bolas de grasa.

Anonymous said...

Got get Em Joe ! Best wishes to Sylvia G. Perez and her quest for Cameron County Clerk .

Anonymous said...

Minerva Pena is as corrupt as they come. She's been cutting deals wirh Enrique Escobedo and Baltazar Salazar.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Letty Perez Garzoria for county clerk.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about politics, but Mr. Eric Garza has always been the quintessential professional: even tempered, very receptive and responsible to requests for information or documents. That's all I know.

A Brownsville lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Oh, NO! Not the dreaded Wicked White of the North! What's this county coming to?!

I would find that amusing if it wasn't such a sad summarization of the mentality in the RGV. I've lived all over this country and I have never known racism anywhere as it exists here today. It's like the rest of the country is in 2013, but here it's 1968. And we wonder why we're so backwards here.

Limas, Villalobos and the rest of the browns should have claimed it as their defense: "We weren't taking bribes, we were taking reparations."

Chief Cool Arrow said...

allrighty now, the elections races for the primeries are set for the DemocRATA party, now May the best raton or ratera win his or her race,adios. cca

Anonymous said...

Chingao Juan. You reported on what the worthless Brownsville Herald did not even do. I guess local election news is not important to the only town newspaper. No wonder no one votes around here.

Anonymous said...

County Judge and County Commissioner candidates: Denounce any road plan on the eight-mile railroad tracks when they're gone - and then URGE a bike hike nature trail. I'll vote for you!

Former county employee said...

Ok, lets hope the Feds keep tabs on these elections? The politiqueras will be out in force! With all these names running for different offices? You know that some have gotten into bed with others!!!

Bondsman said...

Esquivel's what a joke! Bunch of cry babies and crooks! Pay up your bonds for being stupid and bonding those who couldn't afford it and you knew that they would run!

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza has always been a cold arrogant prick until recently when he announced for District Clerk now he's a sweetheart.

Local Attorney

Anonymous said...

Okay, so we have bondsman used as puppets by other bondsman (Esquivel /Travis Rivera) , with what kind of degree? P.R? personal rip-offs.. As stated before by another, pay up!! you owe the county and now you want a robe?
What ever happened to qualifications in "earned" positions? i guess now any bus driver, taxi driver, janitor,
window cleaner, none-complaint ignorant, money hungry-taking, dishonest imbecile can run. why do we want more county people picked up by the feds.. 1 thing is for sure.
Travis Rivera is not at PD daily soliciting.oops campaigning...Trash, Trash Trash with his Monster at his side..
