It'll be Dec. 18 before former Cameron County Pct. 2 administrative assistant Raul G. Salazar is sentenced on his convictions on two counts of official misconduct and tampering with a government document.
Visiting Judge Federico Hinojosa informed the defendant and the Cameron County District Attorney's Office that the sentencing – originally scheduled for today – would be postponed until a week from today due to a heavy court schedule.
Salazar was convicted by a six-woman jury on November 15.

Salazar was the administrative assistant to Pct. commissioner Ernie Hernandez, who it was learned during the trial, was also the target of a state investigation into the illegal hiring of Roberto Cadriel, his brother-in-law through his wife Norma.
During the trial, testimony from several witnesses indicated that Cadriel – a convicted felon – was not eligible for employment with the county because he could neither read nor write, could not operate a computer, and was unable to pass the Civil Service examination all county employees must pass.
Several witnesses said that a Human Resources female employee was ordered to take the exam for Cadriel after he tried and failed twice with score sin the low 30s. When the woman took the exam for him, he scored an 86.
After he couldn't get the position he sought initially (animal control, that is, dog catcher), witnesses and Cadriel himself testified that a copy of the answers to a written test for security officer were given to him before he took the exam. He scored a 96 and was placed as a non-commissioned security guard at oen of the bridges at the Cameron County International Bridge System.
And even though his boss Ernie Hernandez denied any role in his hiring, Cadriel testified on the stand that it was the commissioner who told him to go see Salazar at his commissioner's office to help him apply for a job wiht the county. Cadriel said Norma, his sister and the commissioner's wife, helped him fill out the co9unty application.
Then, during the trial, numerous state witnesses said Hernandez and Salazar pressured them through conversations and phone calls urging them to "move the application along," and get Cadriel hired.
Cadriel resigned – as did then-HR director Robert Lopez after media inquiries about his hiring began.
Hernandez told the local daily that he knew nothing about Cadriel being hired or resigning until he read it in the online version of the Brownsville Herald.

This comes on the heels of a guilty plea in federal court by Sonia Solis, a politiquera who was working in tandem with Tomasita Chavez, a well-known Hernandez vote-harvesting machine operative. Solis pleaded guilty of voting five times using fraudulent mail-in votes and claiming the voters were disabled.
She is scheduled to be sentenced in federal court February 5 and court observers say that the woman may have agreed to cooperate with a joint state-federal investigation into voting fraud that centered around the Hernandez voter-harvesting machine.
In Solis' case, the fraud occurred during the runoff race between Erin Garcia Hernandez – Ernie's daughter who eventually won the runoff for JP 2-2 based on the alleged fraudulent votes – and her opponent Yolanda Begum. Begum is one of three candidates challenging Erin Hernandez for the position in the March 2014 Democratic primary.
During the Salazar trial, members of the U.S. Attorney's Office were seen in court listening to the testimony.
Pobre pendejo, a pinche carcel por andar de mamon. The Hernandez family es pura puz. Look at the local daily and see what a cadriel did to some 21 year old. La mato sin conciensa el maldito. y Rual les sigue tapando al pinche patron del el.
Is the US Attorney office keeping an eye on Ernie ond his cronies?
Quickly Bobby WC QUICKLY, post something good about Erin and your employer!! C´mon before Ernie calls you and demanded what he paid for, YOUR PROTECTION TO THE HERNANDEZ CLAN!
Guys, as elected officals how can you all do this? Where is the entegrity in you people. Damn, my grandfather from the "rancho" that does not know how to read nor write, but a lot of entergrity, would never in a million years do something like this. Many times people think, go to colleage, get a degree, and you will be set to do a great job in any position. Ya'll right, this is not true at all. The colleage degree only means that you have achieved something, but it does not mean that you have entegrity, values, nor morales. You are how you are. Honest or crook! Degree or no degree.
Raul should spend the maximum time possible in prison. He has already gotten away for thousands in donations for Christmas Toys given out to our less fortunate children. This piece of mierda should enjoy his Christmas with a new boyfriend named Bubba.
Raul is a dumb ass by covering up for this fucked up family. They deserve no mercy. The law should chared them with Organized criminal activity.
I hope the Feds are going after that snake Ernie and his fat piglet!!!
Again; Cut off the head of the snake(Pct.2Comm./Asst.Comm.)and rest of the Cronies will die off;hope that (I love You too,David/Pistol Pete)can see the writing on the Wall;All these people need to Go;After all they are the County's2nd & 3 in command;How could they not know what's going on?Let's see if we can get it RIGHT this time and Vote for the Right persons into Office, If Arnold Flores is not the H.R. director/but the County Adm.What are they going to do with (I Love You Too, David)?"Let's Go Fishing COCO"
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