Monday, December 16, 2013


By Texas Sen. Kirk Watcon
This past Thanksgiving, I had a really incredible honor – I got to address several hundred new Americans at their naturalization ceremony here in Austin.
It was an incredible day. You know, every day of my life, I’m thankful that I’m an American. It was just amazing to spend the day before Thanksgiving with so many people who were about to be able to say the same thing.
Naturalization Ceremony  Naturalization Ceremony Speaking 

Here’s some of what I said:
I have no doubt that you’re as thankful as I am to be part of the fabric of this country. That’s a great feeling, a proud moment, and it’s my honor to share it with you.
But here’s one very important thing I want you to understand:
We’re just as thankful for you.
We’re thankful that you’ve become a part of our country.
We’re thankful for your faith in the United States, and for the powerful trust and hope that brought you here today.
We’re thankful for the experiences you’re bringing with you … for the expertise you’re going to bring to bear for all of our shared benefit.
We’re thankful for the mark you’ll leave, and the difference you’ll make. We are a stronger country, thanks to you.
And we’re thankful for your example. It’s something we need right now.
First of all, we need your uniqueness.
People talk about “diversity” a lot, and they should. But it isn’t just some concept that makes us feel good about ourselves.
The fact is that every single one of you is different from me. There are over 375 of you here today. You come from 63 different countries.
Every one of you has experienced things I haven’t experienced. You’re familiar with issues and challenges that I might not even know about – would have difficulty comprehending – and you have ideas about how to solve problems and capitalize on opportunities that haven’t ever occurred to me.
Those things, those experiences, those ideas that make us different are the very things that make this country strong.
Now, if you watch the news, read the media or listen to some political candidates, it’s easy to think that the hings that make us different somehow make us weaker ...
But make no mistake: the thing that made this country great – the single greatest asset we bring to the table – is our people and the unique perspective they bring to the problems and opportunities we face.
We have only one label that truly matters. We are “Citizens of the United States of America.” So, as citizens, I hope you’ll fight efforts to divide us. I hope you’ll look for ways to come together with your fellow citizens to take a clear-eyed look at our challenges and help us come up with creative ways to meet them.
But your perspective isn’t the only thing your country needs from you.
We also need your optimism.
You’re demonstrating so much hope by taking this step. You’ve worked so hard to become a citizen of this wonderful country.
It’s not much of a stretch to say that you’re betting your lives on the future of the United States.
We need that confidence and faith. We need the optimism and hope you’re demonstrating simply by being here.
We all have so much to be thankful for. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

KIRK Watson?
