Cameron County Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie L. Hernandez was booked and released today after a grand jury on Wednesday issued an indictment charging him with eight criminal counts.
The charges stem from the illegal hiring of his brother-in-law Roberto Cadriel, and inconsistencies between the testimony of the prosecution's witnesses and the three-hour testimony Hernandez gave to a grand jury investigating it. They also deal with alleged Hernandez's involvement in tampering with the testimony of witnesses and government records.
One unrelated charge deals with Hernandez allegedly attempting to have Emergency Management administrator Humberto Barrera reopen an eight-liner business that had been closed by the county.
The indictment includes two counts of official oppression, one count of misuse of official information, two counts of witness tampering, one count of tampering with a government record, one count of obstruction or retaliation, and one count of coercion by a public official.
(To read a copy of the indictment, click on:'s administrative assistant Raul Salazar was convicted in November of two counts of official misconduct and one count of tampering with a government document in connection with the Cadriel hiring.
He was reported to have posted a $35,000 bond at the Rucker-Carrizales county correction facility in Olmito. The bond was initially set at $75,000 but was lowered at the jail.
Salazar was sentenced to 10 months in county jail and is currently free on bond awaiting the outcome of his appeal.
Salazar did not testify during his trial and Hernandez took the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination.
He told visiting judge Federico Hinojosa that he was afraid that his testimony during Salazar's trial would contradict what he had told the grand jury in secret.
He told the local newspaper that he had learned of his brother-in-law being hired and then resigning after the fact and that it was only after he had read the online version of the daily.
During Salazar's trial, numerous witnesses testified to the contrary, including Cadriel who told the court that Hernandez had told him he would get him a job and told him to go see Salazar at his county office. Cadriel said that plot to get him a job with the county was hatched at Fiesta Graphics, a sign-making business owned by Ernie and Norma, Hernandez's wife.
Norma – Cadriel's sister – is said to have helped Roberto Cadriel fill out the employment application form because he is reportedly unable to read nor write.
During the course of the Salazar trial, witness after witness confirmed the state's charges that the plot to get
In the Spring of 2010, the state showed that Cadriel, brother of Norma Hernandez, was living in his truck which was parked at the family business business on Paredes Road. Cadriel testified that he was complaining to his sister that he couldn't find a job. He said his sister recommended that Roberto try the HEB store or the Brownsville Independent School District. Then, Cadriel testified, commissioner Hernandez, who was overhearing them, told Cadriel that they would find him a job with Cameron County and that his assistant Raul Salazar would be contacting him soon.
Human Resources director Lopez said Hernandez called him on the telephone to come to his office and talked to him about getting his brother-in-law a job.
Cadriel – a convicted felon – had been been let go from three previous jobs, partly as a result of a learning impediment, the result, he said, of a near drowning as a child. On one job he had been fired for misconduct. On another, he had been fired for not showing up. His felony conviction for tampering with a government document also disqualified him from being hired by the county.
Nonetheless, witnesses said that Salazar contacted Lopez at HR and they find out about Cadriel testing for a position with the animal control department. Salazar walked Cadriel to the HR office on June 10, 2011 to get tested.

Staffers at the HR teach him how to sign in and log on and Cadriel took the test. He failed on the first try with a score of 30. He took a second test and scored a 34, both non-passing scores.
When Lopez was told Cadriel couldn't pass it on the second attempt and that that county policy requires applicants to wait a year before taking it a third time, Lopez said he made an exception and then – witnesses testified that Salazar and Lopez – decided that perhaps someone else may have to take the test for Cadriel.
They chose Camen Vera, a then-27-year-old mother of two who had been in the department for less than a year, and the last on the pecking order in the department.
Testimony indicated that Lopez told Vera "you know how politics is in Cameron County" and told her to take the test for Cadriel.
Under questioning from Asst. DA Gustavo Garza, she said both Lopez and Salazar were involved in telling her to take the third test in Cadriel's stead.
"Did you feel pressured at the time?" Garza asked her.
"I felt like I was going to lose my job. I have two kids I got to raise," Vera stammered.
This time, Cadriel's score is an 86. But there was trouble. Dalia Saldivar, Vera's superior found out about her taking the test and confronted Lopez. The Cadriel hiring was put on hold and all three test results disappeared.
The job, apparently, had been given to someone else by the Health Department by then.
Vera said that right after she took the test for Cadriel, Salazar came up to her at the HR counter and asked if "I had done as I had been told to do."
Eighteen days later, on June 28, Cadriel showed up again to take a written test, this time for a position as a non-commissioned security guard at with the county's international bridge department. The state says Lopez – under the pretext that he is trying to get the bridge system's test modernized so it can be taken on a computer – had acquired the answer key to it and passed it on to Salazar. Salazar met Cadriel outside the Dancy Building, told him to miss at least seven questions, and Cadriel copied the answers before taking the written test.
He forgot Salazar's instructions, Cadriel testified, and missed only three, the last three. He scored a 96.
In the interim before the scores are posted, both Hernandez and Salazar hound the HR Department, Asst. county administrator David Garcia and David Silva, director of the bridge system, inquiring about Cadriel's test.
On July 28, Cadriel was hired with the county and is signed up to receive a salary, medical insurance and other benefits.

By that time, Lopez, director of HR, had resigned saying he wanted to seek "other endeavors."
County Administrator Pete Sepulveda conducted and investigation and handed it in to the Cameron County Sheriff's Department who investigated the matter and handed the findings to then DA Armando Villalobos.
The case languishes there until new DA Luis Saenz took office.
Hernandez's indictment is just the second part of the puzzle. Still lurking in the wings is the possible indictment of his daughter – Justice of the Peace Erin Hernandez Garcia – if a grand jury decides that she illegally sold 72-hour waivers to couples allowing them to forgo the state-mandated 72-hour waiting period. The DA's office is awaiting an opinion of the Texas Attorney General on whether the sale and issuance by a justice of the peace is illegal.
Juan, can you post a copy of the indictment?
Say Ernie, you better start getting used to the name of "BUBBA".
haha haha haha haha haha haha
Pura crema, ernie is puro teflon, this stuff wont stick, he will make a deal and walk out untouched. Bigotes will strike a sweetheart deal you will see. He might lose his re-election bid but remain free. Remember folks innocent until proven guilty. so it might take a year or two to go to court right? so he still has a year left on the payroll. humbug
Good reporting Juan. You should see the ridiculous crap that BWC is spewing on his Blog.
How pathetic that he continues to trash the very people who are cleaning up our County.
I guess he needs more $$$ while he can because the Eel's election campaign ain't goin nowhere after this.
Keep spewing BWC....your credibility will reach the negative numbers. It sucks already.
It looks like the Ego has landed over at the BWC blog.
It's all about him now.......what a laugh.
Way to go Luis Saenz! Its about time that someone finally does something about the corruption in this county! Thank you to the Feds for opening that door for Mr. Saenz! So much for politics this time around! Ernie its coming and Erin, Norma and all others beware! Eight counts, nice! All he has to be found is guilty on one! Even though he is innocent till found guilty, I don't think that Ernie should be able to make any votes or place anything on an agenda till this is over! Keep up the good work Mr. Saenz!
I have no idea how he has gotten away with so much. Even at BISD he has vending machines in the Teachers Lounge in some schools and the commission the school gets it ridiculous. They go and fill the machines sometimes twice a month and the school gets 11 dollars a month commission even the High Schools. It has been brought to the attention of the Internal Auditor but nothing has been done. He and his daughter Erin can get away with everything. Just wait and see that the other 3 will get jail time and Ernie will will walk with a slap on the hand.
BWC is having an ape-shit meltdown. He is all over the place on everything! A blind man in the back yard with a flamethrower trying to run off the black birds.
Hey anonymous at 5:19, he needs the money for his pool, besides, if something happens to Ernie and Erin, now everybody knows he is after all a gun for hire, he will have offers, hey, if the money's right maybe even Begum can have him on her side, because if I remember well, he used to publish all Ernie's shenanigans but as soon as Ernie made an offer, suddenly Erin is a hell of a judge and Ernie is a saint!! you have no shame Bobby! no shame!
I agree with you connent 5:19. Bobby is a pathetic screwed up, demented loser, just like Minerva Pena, Otis Piwers and Baltazar Salazar.
These dumbasses trash people that want to do things right and honest way and these pathetic losers go for trash corrupt losers, hiring Baltazar Salazar as the BISD attorney with 3 conviction and non qualified?? That fatass Minerva Pena she's embarrassed to be part of an organization that's in choas, why isn't she ashamed and and embarrassed she hired this criminal?? She should also get indicted for illegal hirings at BISD.
IS there MORE??
Looks like there may be some more to come...Port of Brownsville??
How about BISD??
Any guesses as to who's next??
Who is going to print my shirts... bigotes that's funny
"I expect Erin Garcia to be indicted within the week. She too will not fight. Saenz knows this."
From BWC, as usual, covering all his bases so the "Great Prognosticator of Past Events" won't be wrong, no matter what happens.
"If you will recall, in my post of (blah), I said (confusing bullshit covering both directions goes here)"
Who cares about Ernie, WOW! Look at Erin, she is wow - beautiful. ok, I am not joking. I remember several weeks ago seeing her in person, wow!!! nice, very nice. No joke - I am dead serious. She looks good from top to bottom.
Hahahahahaha pinche ernie mierda. I remember i had scheduled for him to take a photo after he "won" the commissioner pos. when i arrived at his office at dancy i over heard him telling his secretary "oh no,no,no, i don't have my suit on tell him to come back" fuck you ernie good riddance! Manitas should be next.
Why isn't Ernie wearing orange in his mugshot like you're wearing in yours, Juan?
Looking good there, Ernie.
No Pos wow, senor ernie looks like the head hog finally got caught and this should be a fatale blow to your re-election campaign and that of your ugly daughter too. adios hernandez family from the annals of the county, you been erased.
Impeachment should come next. I have never voted for that man or anyone in that family. I hope the citizens of Brownsville wake up and stop voting for these fools with zero integrity. My abuela would always say "cuando el rio suena, es que piedras lleva". we keep hearing accusations about him for years and people still kept voting him. I just hope that who ever is on that jury will convict him!
I wish DA Saenz and his Public Corruption Unit well. They have a herculean task ahead of them. Every office holder or public employee should think twice about abusing the trust the public has placed in them. Without accountability these folks will just follow their corrupt instincts.
Would somebody shut dennis zamarrons mouth. He won't hire you, he knows your and idiot and just loves to Brown nose. Why don't you tell everyone why you were fired in the first place from the das office. Dude we hated listening to how good you were with the ladies. You talk about corruption but you still hang with the Sanchez brothers.
From the street: Villalobos is singing, but not in the shower!
The Port gang is in jeopardy! We may even hear from our ex-US Representative soon. Why is David Garcia so nervous these days??
BISD will remain in the news, (not in a good way)!
(She looks good from top to bottom.)
I'd love to see her in a short miniskirt. With super tight pantyhose!
Ala mo, vamos para el bote ernie ahora si you been had. if you have money to post bond and to pay an attorney then how come you dont pay the IRS? puro pedo que i am poor, crying all the way to the banco. well forget about winnign re-election this grand jury indictment came in at the right timing, guess luis worked on that one to help out the other candidates. no pos wow.
Port of brownsville scandal ? No, right que no Martin Arambula? its was only $22 million that were lost a few years ago, its ok its only taxpayers monies, lets see who was involved? solamamon ortiz, Lencho rendon, david garcia aka el manitas, martin armabula,eddie lucio, mr. jones from Dannenbaum and villalobos of course took and kept $$$$ one million dollar judgement the list goes on and on. Hum very interesting. but isnt its a little too damn late o no becasue of the statues of limitations???? just wondering.
To: January 24, 2014 at 7:44 PM
Those curves....those curves...those curves...
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