Wednesday, January 1, 2014


By Juan Montoya
Efforts by a local blogger to get the "goods" on a personal spat between two employees in the  Cameron County District Attorney's Office has resulted in a precedent that will bare the most confidential – an sensitive – interoffice communications.
Texas Assistant Attorney General Britni Fabian wrote Asst. D.A. Matthew Kendall that his office must release two memoranda written by Public Information Officer Melissa Zamora where she outlined her "concerns" about unseemly entries in social media which she attributed to former fellow employee and community outreach coordinator Zeke Silva.
Fabian wrote the DA's Office and the requestor (Robert Wightman) that only information that would be highly intimate or embarrassing, the publication of which would be objectionable to a reasonable person" and "not of legitimate concern to the public" could be withheld.
Apparently, whiny non-complaints from one DA Office employee against another is open game. Once the AG let the cat out of the bag, it was just a matter of time for the Zamora letters to appear in the public realm.
In a May 13, 2013 missive Zamora wrote DA chief Investigator George Delaunay, and Deputy Chief for public integrity Victor Cortez about her "concerns...about certain incidents...(and said she worried about) the office's representation to the public."
She, then, without offering any conclusive proof, goes on to say that "it as become pubic knowledge that (Silva) has been using another name on social media to defame and slander individuals in the community. More recently, he did this to me when I came to someone's defense. And his attacks are viewable to the public. With this coming to the attention of another public official who is under profuse attack there is a potential for a lawsuit."
Zamora then states that "as public information officer in charge of public relations for the DA's Office, it is my responsibility to provide information to you."
Zamora, as a First Amendment practicioner, knows better than to use such flimsy excuses as "it has become public knowledge" to charge that it was Silva who used the pseudonym. Unless there is a definite IPO address clearly identifying the nom de plume of Casimiro Mas as Silva, she knows its pure conjecture but relishes standing up as the paladin of the DA's office to defend its good name and reputation. She is, in effect, a modern Joan D'Arc.
She might have said that she resented the fact that her buddy City Commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa was up to her usual tricks and came under ridicule not just from one commenter, but from a score of local residents who took umbrage with her public stunts. If anyone is giving a public entity a bad name, perhaps this "public official" needs to be reminded periodically that people identify her with the public office she holds.
In fact, by charging that Silva is using a pseudonym, she might want to consider the fact that she is not above all that, either. In the last two years, she has identified herself as Melissa Hernandez Zamora, Melissa H. Zamora, Melissa Zamora, Commissioner Zamora, Melissa A. Zamora and now Melissa Ann. She has numerous fake face book accounts plus her blog. So is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black?
Her other memo is just as trivial and picayune. This one is dated July 24 and has to do with a number of petty differences between her view of the role of the office and her "concern" about the office's standing in the social media again.
In a nutshell, Zamora said she confronted Silva about paying for an advertising with this blog for his trucking business. Then she took offense at the fact that Silva also paid for the same spot on a DA-related campaign.
"He accused me of being best friend and of providing information to a local blogger (Wigthman). He said he had nothing to do with what is written in a certain blog of which I disagreed...I disagreed and told him it reflects poorly on the office."
There is something revealing about this second memo. Neither of the letters are classified as "complaints" and Zamora fastidiously stays away from the word. Indeed, the concern seems to be that someone associated with the DA's Office patronized el Rrun-Rrun by paying for a one-time ad.
It's telling that the blogger in question (her friend Wightman) also threatened some advertisers (candidates) to this blog with publishing embarrassing posts against them if they did not stop advertising with this blog. In fact, he went as far as to file an affidavit accusing this writer of attempting to extort the administrative assistant of the county judge and would write embarrassing things about Carlos Cascos, and old friend, if he wasn't forthcoming. His affidavit was rejected by the DA's Office who informed this legal eagle that the office took informations from law enforcement entities and not from individuals who might harbor personal grudges.
It is also instructional to us that after months of denial, the fact that Wightman has been receiving information from Zamora has now come to light. Since both memos were meant to be confidential interoffice communications between Zamora and investigators Cortez and Delaunay, no one but those three were privy to their existence. In fact, there is no copy on the memos to anyone else. And when we learned about their existence, we gleaned from Human Resources that no copies existed in their files.
So, if we deduct that two professional investigators would never reveal even the existence of confidential memos to anyone, who then, let on to Wightman that the two memos existed?  We doubt that Silva would do that to himself. The logical solution is that the revelation that the two unofficial "memos of concern" to individuals outside the DA's Office could only have come from Zamora.
But the fact that no investigation or disciplinary action resulted from the missives only means that there was nothing to them except for the continuing campaign to discredit Silva and Rrun-Rrun and remove him as an obstacle to Zamora "protecting" the purity of that office in what she saw was her role as defender of the True Faith.
This works out just fine with Wightman – a disbarred lawyer refugee from Dallas – who also has illusions of grandeur and of setting the local morons straight to his brand of feigned intellectualism. This is how Wightman sees himself as he bellows from behind the megaphone of his blog.
"I have never lost an Open Records Request which goes to the AG. My success rate with the Texas Ethics Commission, Commission on Judicial Conduct, and Texas Education Agency is solid," he wrote. He exhibits the photos of those chastised at his behest by these entities as trophies on the left-hand side of his blog. Only until former BISD president Enrique Escobedo passed away did he remove his photo from some complaint he filed against him and his treasurer for some campaign finance snafu years ago.
It was also instructive to see that instead of going to her immediate superiors – DA Saenz or First Chief Assistant to the DA Rene Gonzalez or to the DA Human Resources Director Tere Garcia – Zamora chose to go create a memo and send it to the two other people.
Given this precedent of exposing even the most mundane of internal memorandum (as Zamora's are), what will stop someone from demanding to see the work assignments of the Asst. DA's, their travel plans, itinerary, or contacts? All that, too is contained in internal memos. And what about memos between ADAs on cases currently being handled by the office?
And since the AG stated that "only information that would be highly intimate or embarrassing, the publication of which would be objectionable to a reasonable person" (and) 'not of legitimate concern to the public' could be withheld," the gate has been let open to any and all eventualities. Nothing, it would seem, is private under this definition. Is that considered a victory in some quarters? 
What possible public interest is there in finding out that a DA's Office employee – a former public official to make matters worse – is so thin-skinned that no confidential interoffice communications to or from her are private?
Is the endangering of DA's investigators and prosecutors worth that much to these people? "What profits the man...(and woman)...?"


Anonymous said...

This is what Luis Saenz gets for keeping her in that office. Luis you could do great things the moment you get rid of Melissa Zamora. What ever political Favor was asked of you to hire her should already be paid in full and then some. It is human to commit errors. PLEASE Cut you ties to her and FIRE HER. Do it for the safety of your ADA'S and your whole entire staff.

Anonymous said...

In a nutshell Zeke was right all along, Melissa Zamora has been leaking information to Bobby Whtiman Cervantes from the Brownsville Voice. From what I gather from you article only 3 people had knowledge of the Memo. Why is Bobby stating that they were Formal Complaints? Melissa tries to control everything and everybody. Way to go Zeke for not putting up with her manipulative ways and reading her like the cheap book she is.

So what now. Are the ADA's and every District Attorney employee going to have to send smoke signals to each other since their Memos are now Public Information thanks to the Idiot of Melissa Zamora? Can their lives be at risk if their Travel Schedule and whereabouts are now Public Information? If I was working for the District Attorney I would not only be very upset at the DA Luis Saenz but scared of what else Melissa has told Bobby Whitman and what Murderer that was sent to prison knows. WOW!!! She really screwed things up for the District Attorney's office now.

Anonymous said...

So much for talk about the TRUST, the CONFIDENCE of the NEW EMPLOYEES inside the DA office at Luis Saenz end of year report. What Luis Saenz left out was he has a female Parrot roaming around his office that cant keep her mouth shut.

The actions of Melissa Zamora should send a strong message to the staff of the District Attorney that Melissa can't be trusted. She is the Kiss of Death.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what you say about her. MZ is a hottie!

El fisho

Anonymous said...

Melissa walks around the DA'a office always with her head down looking for cracks on the tile. They have isolated her from the women co-workers in a far away corner in some space. Her highly publicized fiancé is no more. He kicked her to the curve (Literally). Wonder what took him so long? It seems now she's on the prowl for much older, white haired vulnerable men

Anonymous said...

Zamora had/has the reputation at City Hall of being a rather shallow loose cannon. She often let her mouth speak without the benefit of engaging the brain. As far as her journalism expertise goes, someone needs to check to see how long she plied that trade. The answer might be surprising. There are many, many local people who have much more news gathering experience than she. She is a legend in her own mind.

Anonymous said...

Need to correct Jaime to Enrique Escobedo.

Anonymous said...

Is it true que a Smelly Melly le dicen la Highway?

Anonymous said...

Melissa Zamora is likely the worst mistake Luis Saenz has made as DA. Melissa works for Melissa.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Zeke Silva Luis Saenz campaign manager and personal friend? That just goes to show how stupid Melissa really is. How could she go behind her Boss Luis Saenz and accuse Zeke with no evidence just to smear him for advertising on El RRUN RRUN because ElRRUN wrote the truth about Melissa Zamora and Jessica Tetrau? What kind of vindictive people does the District Attorney Luis Saenz have working for him? Your telling me that the District Attorney and his investigators have nothing to do but investigate unsubstantiated accusation from a Floozy Bimbo who is known to be a Night Party Girl who uses her power to interfere with the police investigations to get cases dismissed for her friends.

You don't think we forgot what you did for your friend Lupita and State Representative Rene Oliveria when they wrecked in front of Cheddars and got arrested for a DWI? Melissa is embarrassment to real Professional women working for the DA who have integrity and loyalty to their boss and husband/boyfriends.

Anonymous said...

DEJAVU Luis V.Saenz

Posted: Friday, July 28, 1995 12:00 am


Herald Staff Writer

The woman who was offered a job to keep quiet about sexual harassment.

Mary Lou Munivez, with the Cameron County district attorney's office, had been verbally abused and intimidated by George Gavito.

She stated that she has become more afraid of him since he discovered that she had recorded their conversation.

In the taped conversation, Gavito, a district attorney investigator, offered Munivez a state job if she would drop a sexual harassment complaint against District Attorney Luis Saenz.

Munivez has said she is afraid of George, with WHOM SHE HAD A RELATIONSHIP WITH that on at least one occasion turned violent.

George, continuously and frequently calls
on the telephone in an effort to intimidate, abuse, harass, cuss and yell at plaintiff," documents stated, adding that Munivez has changed her telephone number, but that George "is somehow able to obtain her telephone number"because of his position in the district attorney's office.

Anonymous said...

Some Advise to District Attorney Luis Saenz. When we first elected you as our Cameron County District Attorney we trusted you to keep your office staff in order. You hired George and Mary Lou. George as your Chief Investigator and Mary Lou close to him. Now you hire another George and put Melissa close to him. When will you learn not to hire George and women with M and put them working for you.

We elected you again in 2012 after 17 years hoping the drama in your office would stop by power hungry, attention seeking women like Melissa Zamora. But what you don't see is Melissa worked for the Brownsville Herald and she knows how to hurt you.

It is very simple Luis....Melissa will get you and George in trouble just like Mary Lou Munivez did. You would think that your age you could see these kind of things ready to happen in your office.

Can someone say Sexual Harassment Case coming up AGAIN!!!

Anonymous said...

That there was no discipline doesn't mean there was none due. It just means none was applied. Your friend Saenz has a long history of protecting favored employees despite their unprofessional conduct. I know of one event in which the judges were contacted to put pressure on a certain favored ADA to follow through on cases after repeated requests to Saenz went unanswered.
And I hope you were not injured making that giant leap to expose Zamora's use of pseudonyms. While technically the using a variation of one's name may be a pseudonym it doesn't look to me like much of an effort to disguise an identity.
At last, one final thing. Seriously, dude, a professional investigator would never reveal confidential information? Please, dude, I know you know it happens all the time. Why make such a gratuitous statement?
Now, I understand that you blog for our own purposes and it is your deal to put in what you want and though it is hard to argue with your characterization of Wightman, this entry just looks like you were stretching to burn Zamora for personal reasons and it just makes you look petty. I mean there are enough questionable "facts" in here to make me wonder if you once worked for the National Inquirer. Will you soon be identifying some public figure as a disguised intergalactic visitor? Reporting on the affairs of local celebrities and maybe doing a little astrology?

Anonymous said...

You were right ALL ALONG Juan MELISSA ZAMORA has been Leaking Information to Bobby Whitman. I wonder what other Confidential information she has given him to have Luis Saenz indicted and reputation smeared.

The rumor is Melissa has been hired by Ernie and Erin Hernandez and Masso to start the tearing down of his reputation to get Masso in office come re-election time.

Wake UP LUIS V. SAENZ... Melissa is in it for Melissa.

Anonymous said...

Quote from Bobby Whitman:
As I noted in last week's article, Silva is not the target of the research - it is Saenz

What else has Melissa Zamora told Bobby? What I'm saying is now EVERY Internal District Attorney MEMO and or EMAIL is NOW PUBLIC. Bobby could now (via Melissa Zamora) request in writing email and Memos pertaining to the cases against Raul Salazar, Ernie Hernandez and Erin Hernandez. Melissa as stupid and vindictive as she is has now opened a precedent to have anyone access internal information.

STUPID,STUPID MELISSA Zamora. Way to go. You just opened a Pandora Box..and for what to Lie to get even with Zeke and Juan Montoya.

Melissa you just put many peoples lives, cases and careers in Danger.

Melissa needs to wear the sign STUPID around her Neck.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Melissa riding the horse Juan....I would like to mount her like that....uuuyyyyyyyy!

Former law enforcement officer said...

What a way to start the new year? Melissa, by simple deduction? You may have leaked internal personal problems or conflicts without the authority of your boss, Luis Saenz. I know George and Victor personally and they are not the type to do something for political gain or much less media exposure. You on the other hand, loves media exposure. I have seen you outside of your job partying to your hearts content. I have seen you pick up strange men after a night of partying. You think you're doing right but you better look in the mirror and ask yourself? "Stick and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt me."

Anonymous said...

What ever political Favor was asked of you to hire her should already be paid in full and then some. It is human to commit errors. PLEASE Cut you ties to her and FIRE HER. Do it for the safety of your ADA'S and your whole entire staff
January 1, 2014 at 3:23 PM

Hey Juan, Did the above poster just threaten the DA's Office? Are they Serious?

Anonymous said...

Get over yourself. No one is threatening anyone.

To Anonymous January 2,2014 at 2:14 PM

January 2, 2014 at 1:48 PM

Anonymous said...
What ever political Favor was asked of you to hire her should already be paid in full and then some. It is human to commit errors. PLEASE Cut you ties to her and FIRE HER. Do it for the safety of your ADA'S and your whole entire staff
January 1, 2014 at 3:23 PM

Hey Juan, Did the above poster just threaten the DA's Office? Are they Serious?

January 2, 2014 at 2:14 PM

el frijole said...

Juan and now we know the rest of the story good day. Luis amarrate los pantalones, trim the moustahce ant then get rid of her or pretty soon time will pas and your compadre el masso ojete will beat the pants off you very quickly. like in a new york minute. happy new year luis.

Anonymous said...

Get over yourselves. You are so petty.

Anonymous said...

It is our fault for letting these outsiders bully us. They come here y hasen un desmadre because we allow it. They don't care because " no tienen el hombligo enterado aqui " as my grandma always says. We should continue BLASTING them here hasta que coran con la cola entre las patas costrosas. Hate that phsycho blogger always threatening people and bullying them.

Anonymous said...

Dice PLEASE!!!#!

Anonymous said...

Weren't Willy Weaver and George Gavito getting money to fix tickets back then?
Weren't they found out when a guy that hadgiven them a mordida was taken in front of a judge?

Anonymous said...

Melissa does only what Melissa is allowed to do. Luis V.Saenz did this to Zeke Silva not Melissa. Come on people think about it. Melissa is known to be a person with a mouth and a very hateful personality and Luis Saenz only cares to keep himself out of jail. His pride will be his downfall. He doesn't have the balls to fire Melissa. He may know how to prosecute and the law but he has no idea how to run an office. This happened to him the first time he was the DA and it will happen with him again.
