Last night people who went to the Taste of the Frontera bash were astounded to see convicted former administrative assistant Raul Salazar dining with his former boss Pct.2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez and JP 2-2 Erin Hernandez-Garcia at the affair.
Salazar was sitting at the table between them and wearing a Vote for Ernie Hernandez campaign shirt.
Salazar was convicted on two counts of abuse of official capacity and one of tampering with a government document in the illegal hiring of Ernie's brother-in-law (and Erin's uncle) Roberto Cadriel last November.
He was sentenced to 10 months in jail and is appealing his conviction.
During Salazar's trial, the prosecutors acknowledged that there is an ongoing investigation into the commissioner's role in the illegal hiring and he took the Fifth Amendment protection against self incrimination and did not testify.
Erin, too, is awaiting an opinion by the Texas Attorney General whether her sale of waivers so that couples can forgo the state-mandated 72-hour waiting period before having a justice of the peace perform the ceremony (for a $250 fee, of course) was legal. Her manufacturing a waiver in her office and then selling it could result in an indictment of a felony crime, if the DA thinks it is warranted.
Both the commissioner and the justice of the peace are running for reelection.

The jury convicted on one extortion count involving $200,000 that ex-partner Eduardo Lucio received from a murder case, another count involving paying former state District Judge Abel C. Limas $9,600 to $9,700 to squelch the inquiry into the murder case and five other extortion counts.
He was found not guilty of extortion on a count alleging he received $5,000 in a series of payments for cases and another count that alleged he extorted attorney Oscar de la Fuente Jr. on seven cases. He, along with convicted former state representative Jim Solis (now serving prison time) were in cahoots with Limas and convicted Austin lawyer Marc G. Rosenthal.
Solis was sentenced to 47 months in federal prison and three years of probation. He was also ordered to pay approximately $119,000 in restitution for his part in the Abel Limas Scandal. He pleaded guilty in 2011 to racketeering charges. He previously testified he gave Judge Limas $250,000 in exchange for favorable rulings.

Just a little up the road a bit on US 77 (or I-69 if you believe the hype), the former judge of the County Court-at-Law #3 Daniel Robles is off and running for the position now held by Judge Arturo McDonald, County Court-at-Law #1.
McDonald has never been charged or convicted of any crime linked to the Limas-Solis-Rosenthal scandal and in fact cooperated with the FBI to uncover the crimes.
(That's the Yellow Pages 2010 edition ad for the Solis and Robles, Rosenthal firm on right.)
In a letter to his fellow members of the bar sent on September 23, 2013, Robles says that if elected he intends to "work diligently to help restore the public's trust in the judicial system of Cameron County.
"I am convinced that an improvement must be made in serving all who visit this court...," his letter continues.
This from a man who quit after 10 years in office in 2010 and then joined forces with Solis and Rosenthal to form a law firm and work the local courts. During the course of the Rosenthal and Solis trials, Robles' name came up often and served as a backdrop to some of the racketeering and bribery schemes hatched by the two attorneys who were his partners after he surrendered his position to go into private practice with them.
"Ya no hay verguenza," said an old man we spoke with last Saturday at a pachanga. "In our days, my dad would tell us that we should never kill or steal least we being dishonor to our family name. Those kind of morals don't seem to exist anymore."
In the olden days a handshake would suffice among us Mexicanos.
It seems you can't even trust anybody. Their word is crap, a signed contract is crap, even family ties are crap.
Nowadays there is no honor,it appears that the "me vale verga" attitude is way to prevalent in Brownsville's
Mr. Just an Old Viejo
ROBLES wants to restore public trust?? This is a joke, right??
I agree with you MOntoya! But, the laws were created to protect lawyers, doctors and people with money! Its sad that Armando Villalobos is still practicing law and representing clients when he is a CONVICTED felon! But, because the State Bar is slower than the wheels of justice, he still can practice till they decide to do something to him? As for Daniel Robles, that little itty-bitty shit quit his seat as judge and told the public that he wanted to spend more time with family. HE LIED! Daniel Robles was afraid that he was going to be indicted in the Limas scandal. His name came up that he took money in reference to a lawsuit but for reasons unknown, came out with no "cola." For those who feel that Daniel Robles deserves to be judge again, think again? He was in partnership with Jim Solis and Marc Rosenthal. He knew exactly what they were doing and either Jim Solis fell on the sword for him or was part of his deal with the Feds to leave daniel Robles alone? As for Oscar De La Fuente, a coward and back-stabber! I hope the State Bar pulls his license indefinitely! I just wished that a District Judge had the "cojones" to kick out the convicted attorneys still being allowed to practice including Oscar De La Fuente! CAMERON COUNTY VOTE FOR ART MCDONALD!
Robles is just as corrupt as "Disable" Limas, Villalobos, Aurora de la Garza, et al. No way Robles can bring any "justice" to the Cameron County "Injustice" System. Robles is a DICK!
I work for the city and wondered if you had figured out that Juliette Garcia's resignation from the tri-chair of United Brownsville cleara the way for the awarding of a big contract to her son Oscar to perform some sort of study. A weak attempt to head off conflict of interest charges? Wasn't this orchastrated by Juliette Garcia, Carlos Marin and Fred Rusteberg with the blessing of Tony Martinex, who are all monetarily connected to Garcia?
I have to stay anonymous or its my head.
@Anonymous Jan. 21, 2014 at 5:35 PM
I agree with you totally! Daniel Robles cannot be trusted and this BS about wanting to bring justice back! Why didn't he do it when he was on the bench? Daniel Robles participated in the shenanigans of Jim Solis and Marc Rosenthal but got off without being brought to justice for some reason! His other problem, "short man syndrome."
Joe Rivera, Sylvia Garza Perez, Ernie Hernandez, Erin Hernandez and Martin Arambula are all part of this dung heap of corrupt insiders. Remember this on Election Day, Browntown!
What ever happened to the findings for Mr.Amigo Association. Looks like they are still milking the
system and laughing at the tax payers expense.
Arnold Flores is also part of this dung heap of corrupt he will do anything to please Ernie Hernandez and his clan. People need to know this.
Daniel Robles is just as corrupt as any of our officials indicted for their mis-deeds. Robles can not be trusted, except by other corrupt members of the Dumbokratic Party of Gilberto Hinojosa and Ray Ramon....breeders of political corruption.
But posting in the blog doesn't do much but make all this assholes laugh at all of you, WE NEED TO UNCOVER ALL THIS CRAP WRITING AND SHARING INFORMATION WITH FOX NEWS, because at the local level all is crap and corruption, is a big family of ratas de 2 patas Carcel a quien carcel merece…or JUSTICE is not for all.
And hope is a real jail, not the SPA in Florida where they laugh at us, the taxpayers….
Arambula for County Judge?? Trust Robles?? This IS A JOKE, right??
Ernie got his today! Indicted by a grand jury and turned himself into CCSO. Bonded out! Oh yea!!!
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