Tuesday, January 7, 2014


A six-foot long rattlesnake.
"He got too close to the back steps, and I used the shotgun on it," the home owner way out in the brush, river to the south, bay and channel to the north, says.

"But I feel sorry. It got disturbed when someone bulldozed for a house. It was the snake's home. It must have gotten confused.
"Walk over to the tree. That's where I hung it up."
I do, and it has been tied to a branch; it dangles - limbs above, ground below

Another rattlesnake moves near the narrow road to the beach.
I stop and look at it.
It returns to the brush.
A fisherman with Missouri plates slows down when he sees me.
I tell him to stop and look at the snake.
He doesn't.

A friend motorcycles to the beach.
A bobcat runs out of the brush, hits his front tire and bounces into the brush on the other side of the road.
The friend keeps riding to the beach.

Waves, always.
Pelicans, usually.
Gulls, always.
Sea birds, always.
Sunrises over the gulf,
Sunsets over the dunes, and into land.

Rocket scientists,
Fuel trucks,
Concrete trucks,
Tracking computers,
Space rides for the rich,
Supplies for space stations ....

So, crawl off, slither off, snakes.
Fly off birds.
Cower bobcats.
Tremble cacti.

Eugene "Gene" Novogrodsky, mid May 2013


Anonymous said...

This whole deal smells of bull shit. Why would you launch rockets within a stone's throw of Mexico? Slightly off course and you have an international incident. Secondly, this jerk is a billionaire and he "controls" 85 acres at Boca Chica? What did that cost, probably less than he spends in a week on lunch. My guess is that he playing one fool off another, trying to get the best deal somewhere else. Why are we offering tax breaks to a billionaire in the first place, because it is a lowbrow form of extortion that ignorant politicians fall for hoping they will get a kickback later while screwing the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Bet this "poet" wouldn't care about these creatures if he were an investor or trying to create jobs for the area. Instead, now he is just slinging bullshit.

Anonymous said...

(Why would you launch rockets within a stone's throw of Mexico?)

Dude, that piss ass country can't control their cartels. What makes you think they would even care to pay for the technology to know if anything was launched towards them? One sorry assed country. I'm sorry to have to admit to anyone, that my mother was born there.

Anonymous said...

Hot off the press from the Herald:"The year-end purchases consisted of eight lots, with a property tax debt of $16,580. Cameron County and the Point Isabel Independent School District sold the properties to SpaceX through Dogleg Park LLC, in a property tax resale."

That's right, this billionaire blew his wad on a tax sale for a lousy 16 hundred bucks. It cost more than that to fly his private jet to BRO from California. OK, you are going to invest 75 million dollars on land worth two grad a lot. If this is such a great deal, why don't the great business minds of BRO buy up all the nearby land for nothing? This is Crazy with a capital C. Oh, I got, this is a secret deal to covertly begin a new Polack Village.

Marlene Dougherty said...

Nice work Gene.

Anonymous said...

All development has the same effect on local wildlife....why focus on harm by SPACE-X. New development throughout the county impacts wildlife and the flow of nature. New housing development along 281 causes highway flooding when it rains because the natural drainage was negatively impacted. The creation of new colonias off of 281 by Ricky Kardenas causes wildlife displacement. The growth of the city north to 511 also has displaced a lot of critters. But "poet" Gene fails to recognize that.....he just places his focus on one development...Space-X. Not a man of solutions....just wants to stir the pot and pretend to care. Must like to read his own words....must make him feel important.
