Saturday, January 4, 2014


By Juan Montoya
It's said that public officials live in a fishbowl, and in the case of an official holding countywide office, that fishbowl can get to be pretty big.
So it is with Cameron County Clerk wannbe county judge Joe Rivera.
We were sent this photo of Big Joe parking in the handicapped parking space usually reserved for vans with lifts for wheelchair-bound people. There are people in the photo by the legal offices just across the street from the county administrative wing so it was during business hours. The parking lot where Joe's ride is parked is directly across from where his office is located on the second floor.
In the past we have posted pictures of Pct. 4 commissioner Dan Sanchez parked in the constable's spot on the east side of the building. Apparently, Dan – also a big man in county circles – did not want to go through the vexation of finding a parking spot along with other mere mortals. When the post was brought to his attention, Big Dan demurred and ceased and desisted from his practice.
The same thing happened with Pct. 3 commissioner David Garza when he was caught on camera parking in the constable's spot in the San Benito Annex. After the photo appeared, Dave – not that big of a man – also stopped the practice.
We can only surmise that Joe was attending to some emergency business. In fact, this was the favorite spot Enrique Barroso, with his truck emblazoned with numerous campaign signs, some of them from campaign long gone, liked to park. It didn't matter to him because he believed that the more signs he had the merrier.
Enrique, or "Toques," as he was known to his friends, we are sad to report, has gone on to the Great Beyond. He did, in fact, have a handicapped permit and took advantage of the fact to park in the most conspicuous spot where the signs could be seen. It is, in fact, the same spot now occupied by Joe's ride in the pic.
The reader who submitted the photo above didn't say whether Big Joe's truck bears a handicapped permit, and seeing Joe maneuver around the second floor corridors might lead some people to believe he rates one. Anyway, we done our duty. We thank our reader for pointing out this official's peccadillo.


Anonymous said...

How has Joe Rivera survived in office for forty years?

He decided to run for County Judge at the behest of Gilberto Hinojosa....which is funny because Gilberto Hinojosa convinced him to not run for County Judge against him several years back....poor Joe is still listening to Gilbert.

Anonymous said...

Seems that elected officials in believe they are "special" and should not have to abide by the rules enforced on others. We know most of the Democratic officials are "handicapped"....but its all under their hats. And, we must wonder if the political signage is on a County owned reportedly was the case of Ernie "Scumbag" Hernandez.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Joe Rivera, Sylvia Garza Perez, Ernie Hernandez, Erin Hernandez, and Norma Hernandez are all the same person. Vote all these scum bags out.

Former county employee said...

Its a miracle that Joe even got to park there? He cut out that old bag with glasses and her Lincoln from the District Clerk's office. He also cut out that lard ass from child support that puts the Handicapped Sticker when she parks there. Way to go Joe! But sorry, won't be voting for you as county judge!

Chief cool arrow said...

decisions, decisions, decisions, very hard to make a choice when you have all these scum and/or cream of the crop running for county judge slot, which is the lesser of all evils of the dumbocrat party and/or then should we just keep the one rep clown who is there now? very tough

Anonymous said...

there is rumor Joe is supporting Sylvia Garza Perez ...if this is true he just lost my VOTE along with my Family....

the gonzalez family ..

Anonymous said...

Joe Rivera should retire. How many more years does he want on the tax payer tit?

Liftplus said...

Thanks for sharing, it was interesting to read!
