We came upon a cryptic comment of AIM Newspapers crackerjack reporter Emma Perez-TreviƱo's FB page that left us perplexed.
Emma, in her own inimitable style, muses that perhaps Mexican torch singer Paquita del Barrio should be the Mr. Amigo 2015.

Anyway, Emma asks her readers for their opinion on he idea and she got a few responses.
"Paquita would be great para que les venga a cantar a todas las ratas con dos patas! Lol," quipped Lupe Fuentes.
"Ratas con corvatas," said Julie Guerra-Ramirez.
And added, Emma, "There could be decorated little rata traps throughout the county...imagine."
Now, as far as we know Emma has never really touched upon Mr. Amigo and has pretty much kept to the serious issues of the day. But that she did just points out the association some people have harbored about the local corruption and the criticisms heaped upon the way Mr. Amigo has conducted business in the past. Even before Seoane arrived at the airport (seen here with Mr. Amigo president Luigi Cristiano), Cristiano had promised that it would not be business as usual with the organization.
Yet, it turned out that the board chose yet another Televisa soap opera star to be this year's Mr. Amigo.

Cristiano has said that the organization was a non-profit when it was under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and that the board is currently considering applying for its own tax-free status.

He has even revealed that the organization will establish a yearly scholarship to a Brownsville student concentrating in binational or cultural studies to complement the organization.
There is no question that the organization could use some transparency and that the students of the community could benefit from additional scholarships that would further their education.
However, Cristiano should know that he has a big job ahead of him convincing the public that his organization is more than just a group that prepares all year and taps into the local business and municipal goodwill to host a week-long party for select members.
While some may disagree with Ms. Seoane's selection, watching her perform before the crowds yesterday leaves no doubt that she has a public following in the area. We're looking forward to seeing much more of her! Paquita can wait.
Emma Perez- Trevino shed's light
on issues in the community that do matter.
She like any common sense individual knows that the Mr.Amigo Association is now
a lame joke.
Surprisingly this year's president
is wanting to pick up slack from last year's poor management.
Luigi should have used his common sense and education to figure out the
Yesenia Patino -wherever she came from, ruined Mr. Amigo's
reputation and left it
to shame.
We past decade members never had any Mr. Amigo president use the organization's money for personal use like last year, this is called stealing.
Perhaps instead of focusing on
giving to the community, maybe they should first clean house
and stop shaming the pioners of
the Mr. Amigo Association.
What is with the tartan tights, I thought you was a Mexican, not Scottish?
Who is the fat ass gay in the pic with Mariana Seoane, se monea mas que la artista el joto
Emma is just as ugly as Paquita. Maybe she can fill in for her.
Interesting at last night's Mr. Amigo event sure enough, the
camp of crooks was at it again.
Center stage was Yesenia Patino, (who no one knew but is now known
a as a crook) last night was the talk among board members that for someone who cuts hair for a lving from her house she acts so mighty and is quite unstable and dysfunctional.
Board members complained that she did not allow anyone else's child participate in the hands across the border event.
Then complaints about Sylvia Perez who goes down on BISD history as one BISD'S worst adminsitrators now teams up to
want to control the association.
Mr. Amigo Board step it up and
fix your organization's issues.
If you complain then do something about it.
Time to have Mr. Amigo from this side of the border. We have millions of Hispanics on this side and it is time to recognize their success in the U.S. Many are popular on both sides. How about Bobby Pulido....who got lots of attention on the Latino version of Dance with the Stars and his music is no featured on several "novelas".....he is from this side.
el joton com la ms amigo table dancer is luigi el presidente del mr amigo club, oh how quite. when will ms amigo be performing at Stilettos? do you have schedule for that.
At last night events Yesenia and her abused husband still had the same disrespectful attitude towards the sponsors as last year when she was president. Eddie Lucio Jr. did not attend this years event because of how Yesenia and Her husband Miguel Pantino treated his guests. Never have I ever met such people with no class hosting a public event. I'm sorry to say but this year Mr. Amigo was no better. Their selection of Mr. Amigo was the worst by far. I feel sorry for the association as well as the President Elect. Who ever the next president will be Please DO NOT allow Yesenia, Sylvia,Miguel destroy the association. Get rid of them ASAP>
How about our U.S. jr. senator from Texas, Teodoro de la Cruz. He loves us.
Great suggestions everyone. How about just canceling charro days completely? To progressive for you all? Luigi has his hands full.
Can you find out why she didn't show up to the parade?
Don Pedro whoever you are. I personally met Mr. Amigo and she is a kind educated person. She had nothing but nice thinks to say about Brownsville and its people. But that is how an educated person would present themselves. I did have a conversation with her and she is right, what makes her job difficult is the undeserved criticism she receives.
I am one of the fortunate ones
who got to know her for who she is, a beautiful and grateful individual. It was a pleasure to spend some time with such a fine caring person.
By the way, She is way too good for Stilletos. But your daughter might be there, if she is scum like you.
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