COURT: Let's get back to Cause No. 2013-DCR-1700 and 2013-DCR-1701, State of Texas versus Raul Garza Salazar. My understanding is that the State has filed a subpoena for Mr. Ernie Hernandez, and there's a question as to whether he's going to be testifying or not. Mr. Cyganiewicz?
MR. CYGANIEWICZ: Good morning, Your Honor. I'm Ed Cyganiewicz. I represent Mr. Hernandez, who's present. As we discussed earlier, Your Honor, Mr – the State has subpoenaed Mr. Hernandez. It's his intent, since he's – the State's conceded that he remains a target of an ongoing investigation, it's Mr. Hernandez's intent, on my advice, to invoke his Fifth Amendment right to elect not to testify if called as a witmness. He's present to confirm with the Court if the Court wishes.
COURT: All right. Go ahead and have a seat.
ERNIE HERNANDEZ, having been first duly sworn, testified as follows:
COURT: All right Mr. (Gustavo, Asst. DA) Garza?
MR. GARZA: May I proceed?
COURT: You may.
Q: Tell us your name, please.
A: Ernie Hernandez
Q: Are you the county commissioner for Pct. 2 in Cameron County?
A: Yes, sir, I am.
Q: And you know that today we're set here in court to select a jury in the trial of Raul Garza Salazar, your first assistant or your administrative assistant, for tampering with government records and abuse of official capacity.
A: Yes, I am.
Q: And the state has subpoenaed you?
A; Yes, sir...
Q: I've receive a letter from Mr. Cyganiewicz that you intend to invoke your Fifth Amendment right if you're called before the jury to testify in this matter before this court.
A: Yes, sir, I do.
Q: And that is your desire?
A: Yes, sir...
COURT: In view of the fact that Mr. Hernandez has invoked his Fifth Amendment right to invoke his Fifth Amendment privilege, then the court will not allow him or force him to testify in front of the jury...
CYGANIEWICZ: I do want to make it clear, Your Honor, that Mr. – if that happens (the State grants use immunity) and the Judge approves it and the State wishes to call him, Mr. Hernandez as a witness, that he'll be able to review his previous statement and previous (before a grand jury) before he testifies just like any other witness would.
COURT: I'll allow that.
MR. GARZA: We will allow that documentation, Judge. We have it ready. Now I don't know if he's going to require half a day or a few hours. It may be a matter of hours...
CYGANIEWICZ: I think there's three hours of video alone.
COURT: Okay."
(Ultimately, Hernandez did not testify in the case and was indicted later for his role in the illegal hiring of his brother-in-law Roberto Cadriel. Salazar was convicted in the above cases and sentenced to 10 months in county jail. He is asking for a new trial and is free on bond. He has since resigned from his position as Hernandez's administrative assistant. Hernandez is running for reelection in the Democratic primary.)
Ernie Hernandez is a "scum-bag" and should be driven out of local politics and government. Ernie is looking for a "pay day" and is a self serving and corrupt person. He cares nothing for the citizens of the community and the voters who elected him. A vote for Ernie in the primary is a vote to accept continued corruption!
Ernie You will be able to get your teeth fixed in Prison
Pretty obvious, the dirty little snake pig MF knew that he committed a crime!
Ernie proves Greg Abbott's point about living in a Third World environment of greed and corruption created or fostered by people like Ernie...who seeks the public tit for his sustenance and has no interest in public serves...just serving himself and his greedy family.
Anybody, say what you want about Ernie, but please do not say anything about Erin. Man...she is very good looking. Very pretty and very attractive.
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