Friday, March 21, 2014


By Juan Montoya
It's official: UTB President Juleita Garcia is the best thing that has happened since sliced bread.
This according to the CNN Money/Fortune website which issued its annual World’s 50 Greatest Leaders.
Garcia ranked 27th on the list that included Pope Francis, the Dalai Lama and former President Bill Clinton. The announcement was made Thursday on the CNN Money/Fortune website.
Also on the list are Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomberg, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz and Malala Yousafzai, a young advocate for education who stood up to the Taliban and was nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize.
That probably makes the majority non the Texas Southmost College board of trustees feel bad that they didn't heed the words of the visionary when she asked that they turn over all of the assets of their community college (minus the bond debt) to the UT System.
According to the local daily, the names she provided as references were the UT System Chancellor Dr. Francisco Cigarroa, UT System Board of Regents vice chairman Gene Powell and Darren Walker of the Ford Foundation.
They should have asked the students who couldn't afford to pay the highest community college tuition rates in Texas, those 50 percent of freshmen to the UTB-TSC "partnership" who dropped out after the first year, the lucky 17 percent who emerged as graduates after six years here, or the community college district taxpayers who she made subsidize her masters over at the UT System, the very folks who gratefully recommended her for the honor.
The accolades just keep on coming from folks who choose not to know better. Based on her performance above, Garcia will also receive Notre Dame’s Champion for Education Award.
There was a reason her candidates for the TSC board were soundly defeated and the UTB-TSC separated.
And we're sorry CNN, but as usual, you got the story wrong. And the folks at Notre Dame obviously don't share the Pope's infallibility.


Anonymous said...

Que pena

Anonymous said...

My vote goes to SARAH PALIN that women has plenty HUEVOS more than many many men. She does not out the evil doers in the left but also in the right.
Ck out her fabulous recent CPAC SPEECH TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is like two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner. The electorate are a bunch of self congratulatory administrators that vote awards for each other. As Montoya clearly and concisely points out, she has a checkered career at best. How in the world can converting what was once, for a brief moment, a stand alone university into a secondary, satellite campus of a main campus, which will be located 60 miles away, be considered a success? You got me.

Anonymous said...

Her inclusion on this list has nothing to do with her merits. She is a token female Hispanic so CNN/Forbes can congratulate themselves on being 'inclusive'.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Dr. Garcia for being nominated one of the most powerful people on the globe, next to the Pope,the Dalai Lama, Vladimir Putin, Salad Buffet. Sara Putting, and many other illuminaries. Nirvana 101, Dogma 100, Advance Torture taught by Vladimir, Target Shooting 203 taught by Annie Palin, etc. She will bring much culture needed to the Valley. Da Mayor will head the new faculty . He will be sporting the newest Nun habit.

Anonymous said...

Apparently this list is like the various "Who's Who" books, made up anyone who pays for the books, regardless of achievement. Who might have nominated Juliet for her there a conspiracy to promote Julieta? Is Mary Rose Kardenas or Tony Martinez behind this "nomination". Juliet is not a leader, she is a dictator. She couldn't lead horses to water without a whip and lighting a fire behind them. She is an autocrat and like Michelle Obama, loves to spend tax dollars to salver her ego.

Anonymous said...

I heard la reyna was mad about her rank. Who does this Agentinian guy think he is!?

Anonymous said...

Did CNN or any of those Gonzos east of the Mississippi even bother to get their soles on the ground and ask south Texans what they thought of Dr. Garcia. She literally destroyed STC, left the community in debt for bonds, left us a white elephant at Amigoland, destroyed the lives of many professionals and hired cronies and minnons to provide inferior services to one of the lowest and most in debt student cohorts in the nation. Leadership, I think not. Now we have to rethink the essence of what this means.

Anonymous said...

My friends please do not be angry. I have tried my best to lead you idiots, ignorant and the poor. The only thing I can say about the poor is, there is nothing wrong with being poor just dressing poorly.

The accolade from CNN was really a just a economic decision. They wanted $800,000 to be ranked in the top five, but since I do not have access to the piggy bank, well you know. They keep on talking about the Black hole swallowing up the plane, I thought they were talking about me.

I promise to invite the little people to my "annul" Christmas party. I truly want to change for the better. Please forgive me.


Anonymous said...

Do the up north people know that the majority of the people in the RGV and her own home town think she is a big time opportunist and she is hated by even the educated people in her own race?
Big time "Trepadora".

Anonymous said...

This just shows that CNN has a bunch of PENDEJOS working for them. Do some research idiots!

Anonymous said...

Does this include Nostradamus with CNN 's nomination? She is wearing his Cap!

Anonymous said...

This week she was "honored" for the second time by St.Joseph's Academy. What has she done for St. Joe????? She didn't attend St. Joe, but alas her hubby is a St. Joe grad who has lots of friends who obviously kiss Julieta's ass, as does Oscar. This is is the CNN rankings. No doubt this is to "enhance" Julieta's credentials to promote her "nomination" to replace Cigarroa. What a joke.....Julieta gets political support even though she has been such an autocrat and her "partnership" failed.

Anonymous said...

Obviously CNN never met Julieta and was depending on the nomination of some politico...probably Tony Martinez. There was no input from the local usual.

Anonymous said...

Pablo Escobar . Griselda Blanco.El Rey de Los Cielos El Azul, etc. also made CNN's nominations as top dogs. Oops. I forgo to mentioned El Chapo too.

Anonymous said...

Se quedaron con el ojo cuadrado ignorantes y falta muchas mas nominaciones todavia bravo bravo DR GARCIA FELICITACIONES

Anonymous said...

Saludos desde La Tierra del Fuego Dra. Felicidades de los maestros de la Universidad de Atacama, Patagonia.

Joaquin said...

Listen, I know we disagree on whether Dr. Garcia is or isn't a good leader. But I have to agree with you here. I mean, 50 greatest leaders in the WORLD? The WORLD!?!?!?!?

C'mon....that's crap. Maybe she's a Democrat. Democrats LOVE to praise their own so it wouldn't surprise me.
