An accurate headline would have read that I have decided to not apply for the presidency of the new UT RGV. In discussions last year with the Chancellor, I told him that if we were successful in establishing the new UT RGV, I thought it would be a perfect time for organizational leadership change. Twenty-two years in a presidency is about three times the average tenure of univeristy presidents in the US. I have had the extraordinary privilege of working side-by-side with hundreds of dedicated staff and faculty to help build a strong foundation that is now ready for its next evolutionary chapter. But great universities take a sustained and dedicated effort over many decades to develop fully. The journey of this university is just beginning, and now deserves and requires a new generation of leadership.
I have pledged to our Chancellor that I will continue to serve the university through the moment that I have the privilege of passing the baton to the new president of UT RGV in a manner that is seamless for our students and successfully launches UT Rio Grande Valley. I pledge the same to each of you who have provided the inspiration for our work.
My career's work has taken me worldwide and has allowed me learn and contribute broadly, always aimed at helping the most marginalized populations whether it be in Texas or South Africa. But the Valley has remained my headquarters, and the expansion of higher education opportunities throughout Texas, my most fervent goal. It is my intention to always maintain that purpose and continue to serve in whatever capacity best serves our communities.
Juliet García
By Juan Montoya
Aw, shucks!
We knew it was just too good to be true!
We thought that life under Julieta was over, that we could all – like the munchkins – dance in a circle and chant that the witch was gone.
But, noooo!
Let's review her stellar performance at the presidency of the UTB-TSC "partnership" from where she won't let go unless you pry the gravy train from her cold dead fingers.
Hailing University of Texas at Brownsville President Juliet Garcia as the best thing since sliced bread and Velveeta cheese, the American Council on Education presented her with a Lifetime Achievement Award for "exemplary contributions to women in higher education."
Let's review her stellar performance at the presidency of the UTB-TSC "partnership" from where she won't let go unless you pry the gravy train from her cold dead fingers.
Hailing University of Texas at Brownsville President Juliet Garcia as the best thing since sliced bread and Velveeta cheese, the American Council on Education presented her with a Lifetime Achievement Award for "exemplary contributions to women in higher education."
That kind of warmed the cockles of our hearts over here at El Rrun-Rrun and made us want to run out and see if the bobble-head Juliets were already available at the college book store. Alas, they weren't and we had to settle for a new likeness of the Pres Photoshopped onto the new ocelot mascot of the UTB.
The ACE (catchy initials for an educational group, though) said that they were celebrating Garcia's "trailblazer" performance and her role model as an "innovator" over her 22 years as president of the and inventor of the UTB-Texas Southmost College Partnership.
We understand that before Pope Benedict abdicated the papacy, there was a call for Juliet's canonization on the back burner that was left pending. One of the miracles witnessed was by Juliet's protege and comrade-in-arms (not his) Michael Putegnat.
According to inside sources, Putegnat witnessed the miracle of Juliet walking across the water (a la Jesus) across the Ft. Brown oxbow Resaca one misty night in December .
Judging by the list of her accomplishments, it is easy to see why the ACE group (of which Garcia was also a past president) would present her with an award for her achievements over the course of her lifetime as a college administrator.
1. She conspired with past board members at the Genesis of the "partnership" to discredit and discard President Albert Besteiro so she could take over the reins of the community college and ease in the transition of the new invention, the UTB-TSC "partnership" of which she would be named the president.
2. As a tit-for-tat from the Texas Regents Board at the UT System for harnessing the cash-cow TSC taxing district for them so they wouldn't have to use Permanent University Funds for Hispanics in South Texas, the System passed through a special bill (carried by Rep. Rene Oliveira) so that state property, the president's home, could be sold to the Garcias. The home, which had had $100,000s in improvements paid by the state was sold to them at a discount at $125,000 and paid through a low-interest note carried by her old school chum Fred Rusteberg's International Bank of Commerce.
Now they're the partners in crime of the United Brownsville scam that is funded entirely by publicly-funded entities. Other People's Money is always easier to spend, isn't it?
3. Over the course of the 22-year history of the "partnership" Garcia forged an impressive six-year graduation rate for UTB-TSC students of a colossal 17 percent. Even traditionally-low performing states like Texas were able to compile a 76.78 to 66.83 percent: "Six-Year Outcomes for Exclusively Full-Time Students Who Started at Four-Year Public Institutions" according to the February 2013 report by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. During this period, with an average of $50 million in yearly transfers to the UTB from TSC, we would have subsidized the third-wealthiest university system in the United States to the tune of $1 billion (with a B) over the last 22 years. What else did we get for this "innovative" approach of Juliet's? A freshman retention rate that hovered at below 50 percent, forcing even the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to throw a couple of million our way to see if it would help. The United Way and United Brownsville neatly stepped in to "administer" the grant, for a slight fee, of course.
4. In keeping with her "innovative" spirit, she and her minions went to the community college voters to approve a $125 million bond issue to build the new UTB digs only to be turned down. Not one to pay attention to nay-sayers, she and her crew returned with politiqueras in tow with a pared down $68 million bond issue that passed. An audit of the bond issue after the damage was done found that Juliet and the UTB bunch aided and abetted by a pliant community college board had spent the $125 million anyway, along the way borrowing money from the various TSC funds to make up the shortfall. Take that you stingy taxpayers, thank you. That debt is till being paid by the community college taxpayers.
5. Now, like all good business people, Juliet knows you have to spend good money to buy quality. That's why those local students who are seeking certification in a vocational field like auto mechanics, air conditioning, nursing, or dental assistants had to fork out the same tuition rates and student fees as do Rhodes Scholars seeking a BA, a Master's, or a PhD. The result has been that UTB-TSC had the highest tuition rates of any community college in the state, if not the nation. So what if some people can't afford college? Not everyone is cut out for it, you know, as our high school counselors used to tell Hispanics here not that long ago. There's always McDonald's or the HEB. Of course, the gender that was most negatively affected were Hispanic female students, traditionally relegated to low-paying, barefoot-and-pregnant-and-in-the kitchen jobs. Thanks Trailblazer Juliet. We'll name the first baby girl after you.
6. This "trailblazer" was stymied by a majority on her new TSC board when she tried to get them to sign an new "partnership" agreement with the UT System that would have effectively abolished the community college and handed all of its assets (real-estate, bank deposits, buildings, dreams, etc.) minus the bond debt to the UT System. And she would have gotten away if it wasn't for those pesky trustees and their dog.
7. But wait, folks, there's more! As the new Super-Duper University and Regional Academic Health Center are being streamlined and considered by the Texas Legislature there's the little matter of getting local contributions from those it will serve. Yup. That means that we will probably be made to become part of a new taxing district to fund the new "gift" to education by the state to South Texas.
8. But wait. Garcia said she is in a "metamorphosis" mode and her next incarnation could be a better, improved persona. We would think that after such a performance, the last thing the taxpayers and poor students of this of this district would want is an encore.
Fuera! Fuera!
The ACE (catchy initials for an educational group, though) said that they were celebrating Garcia's "trailblazer" performance and her role model as an "innovator" over her 22 years as president of the and inventor of the UTB-Texas Southmost College Partnership.
We understand that before Pope Benedict abdicated the papacy, there was a call for Juliet's canonization on the back burner that was left pending. One of the miracles witnessed was by Juliet's protege and comrade-in-arms (not his) Michael Putegnat.
According to inside sources, Putegnat witnessed the miracle of Juliet walking across the water (a la Jesus) across the Ft. Brown oxbow Resaca one misty night in December .
Judging by the list of her accomplishments, it is easy to see why the ACE group (of which Garcia was also a past president) would present her with an award for her achievements over the course of her lifetime as a college administrator.
2. As a tit-for-tat from the Texas Regents Board at the UT System for harnessing the cash-cow TSC taxing district for them so they wouldn't have to use Permanent University Funds for Hispanics in South Texas, the System passed through a special bill (carried by Rep. Rene Oliveira) so that state property, the president's home, could be sold to the Garcias. The home, which had had $100,000s in improvements paid by the state was sold to them at a discount at $125,000 and paid through a low-interest note carried by her old school chum Fred Rusteberg's International Bank of Commerce.
Now they're the partners in crime of the United Brownsville scam that is funded entirely by publicly-funded entities. Other People's Money is always easier to spend, isn't it?
3. Over the course of the 22-year history of the "partnership" Garcia forged an impressive six-year graduation rate for UTB-TSC students of a colossal 17 percent. Even traditionally-low performing states like Texas were able to compile a 76.78 to 66.83 percent: "Six-Year Outcomes for Exclusively Full-Time Students Who Started at Four-Year Public Institutions" according to the February 2013 report by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. During this period, with an average of $50 million in yearly transfers to the UTB from TSC, we would have subsidized the third-wealthiest university system in the United States to the tune of $1 billion (with a B) over the last 22 years. What else did we get for this "innovative" approach of Juliet's? A freshman retention rate that hovered at below 50 percent, forcing even the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to throw a couple of million our way to see if it would help. The United Way and United Brownsville neatly stepped in to "administer" the grant, for a slight fee, of course.
4. In keeping with her "innovative" spirit, she and her minions went to the community college voters to approve a $125 million bond issue to build the new UTB digs only to be turned down. Not one to pay attention to nay-sayers, she and her crew returned with politiqueras in tow with a pared down $68 million bond issue that passed. An audit of the bond issue after the damage was done found that Juliet and the UTB bunch aided and abetted by a pliant community college board had spent the $125 million anyway, along the way borrowing money from the various TSC funds to make up the shortfall. Take that you stingy taxpayers, thank you. That debt is till being paid by the community college taxpayers.
5. Now, like all good business people, Juliet knows you have to spend good money to buy quality. That's why those local students who are seeking certification in a vocational field like auto mechanics, air conditioning, nursing, or dental assistants had to fork out the same tuition rates and student fees as do Rhodes Scholars seeking a BA, a Master's, or a PhD. The result has been that UTB-TSC had the highest tuition rates of any community college in the state, if not the nation. So what if some people can't afford college? Not everyone is cut out for it, you know, as our high school counselors used to tell Hispanics here not that long ago. There's always McDonald's or the HEB. Of course, the gender that was most negatively affected were Hispanic female students, traditionally relegated to low-paying, barefoot-and-pregnant-and-in-the kitchen jobs. Thanks Trailblazer Juliet. We'll name the first baby girl after you.
6. This "trailblazer" was stymied by a majority on her new TSC board when she tried to get them to sign an new "partnership" agreement with the UT System that would have effectively abolished the community college and handed all of its assets (real-estate, bank deposits, buildings, dreams, etc.) minus the bond debt to the UT System. And she would have gotten away if it wasn't for those pesky trustees and their dog.
7. But wait, folks, there's more! As the new Super-Duper University and Regional Academic Health Center are being streamlined and considered by the Texas Legislature there's the little matter of getting local contributions from those it will serve. Yup. That means that we will probably be made to become part of a new taxing district to fund the new "gift" to education by the state to South Texas.
8. But wait. Garcia said she is in a "metamorphosis" mode and her next incarnation could be a better, improved persona. We would think that after such a performance, the last thing the taxpayers and poor students of this of this district would want is an encore.
Fuera! Fuera!
Juliet seems ready to continue to frustrate the citizens and students of Cameron County. She spoke of raising her kids and grandkids.....lets hope her grandkids are more capable than her kids; all of whom have had to have "mommies" influence to get a job locally. Even the mayor hired Julieta's daughter to run his business at Lola's into the dirt. Juliet probably means in her note that in order to insure her kids and her grandkids have jobs and don't get run off the reservation, she will remain homebound and continue to reek her witches brew on this poor community. Bottom line....her cronies have already talked to her about another position...either from her bud Campriano at the port of with Tenaska, or from her bud Rusteberg in banking (using her Kardenas Klan experiences). Julieta won't go a way easily, but we just wish she would go away.
No rest for the Wicked!!!
Don't go away mad, just go away.
She is a pernicious liar!!!
Yea yea yea didn't she try Leaving and applying in san Antonio a few years ago whatever.
julieta couldn't make it anywhere else cause where is she gonna find another community compose of bola de pendejos to RAPE on a daily basis.
Ni la más mínima vergüenza tiene esa mujer.
I like the picture of the witch with green face. It depicts her perfectly.
The RGV readers have learned to "read between the lines" long ago and new readers need help to do this. The Herald, VMS and Monitor have the worst scruples and reporters that are notorious for half truths printed. It's a shame!
Just throw her ass on the cart and move on!
I don't understand your hate for this woman. She's turned a shit-rinky dink-college into a very good University for the young people of the valley. Is it because they finally got rid of the anchor that was TSC? Is that what pisses you off? You shouldn't be. This is good for TSC as well. TSC can now accept every Tom, Dick, and Harry they want and line their pockets while educating the next generation of per-hour tyrants.
All I can say is that I hope your comment about the good University and young people of the valley is sarcasm. If not, then I would suggest you look at the metrics mentioned in Juan's article. Secondly, what "valley youth"? This "University" is and always will be a commuter campus for locals and now that it has be relegated to satellite status, it will be even less of a "University". Be sure to keep an eye on the consolidation of programs between Edinburgh and Brownsville and see who comes out on top. Where will the administrative offices and medical center be, take a wild guess. La Reyna has left a train wreck where there was once hope.
Maybe an analogy will help. Compare the Harlingen airport to Brownsville's crop duster hanger. Now, do you get the picture? Or, how about the growth of McAllen or the Pharr bridge truck traffic compared to Veteran's bridge, the Port of Brownsville to Corpus Christi?
folks now she was to be the big chief in Austin for the UT system, aguas, maybe it might come true. Carefully what you wish for, you might just get it. CCA
Don't get near her. She will throw you under-a city bus like she has done it to many people!
Reply to 9:28 AM
It is apparent to me you are an idiot. Without TSC, UTB was nothing, look at it now. UT-Systems new all the money was coming from TSC. Southmost was the foundation for the past 22 years piggy backing on the tax dollars and citizens of Brownsville and surroundings areas. UTB was already accepting every Maria, Jose and Hilda, look at the four year graduation rate at 7.4%, it is and will be pitiful. Everyone on financial aid...and in trouble for that also....sad. These are few of many issues which Dr. Garcia has around her neck.
The Herald got it wrong. She didn't "resign" which, but told the Chancellor she intended to resign when the new UTB-RGV came into being. The Herald reported the resignation as an accomplish fact, when in fact it was to be a future event. The Herald article made Julieta a serious lame duck with folks now looking through her instead of at her. With her missive, she is trying to walk that back, but it is too late, the cat or lame duck is out of the bag. Make no mistake about it, she does not have a future with UT-RGV and will exit on time amid accolades, trumpets and much hoopla.
Your problem is with the city that didn't provide the proper support for a growing University. Another city saw the potential and stole UTB right from under your noses. Garcia and the rest of the board did what was best for the school, not what was best for the city and UTB-RGV will be greater for it. The elephant in the room is, UTB wanted a better caliber of student and TSC wanted to continue to accept students not ready for prime-time. The UT system knew you can’t compete if you’re focusing on vocational careers. It was never about money. They made it about money on purpose to have an excuse to part ways. It was inevitable; this partnership had to end. TSC will continue being a staple in Brownsville to help students who have no interest in being a doctor, teacher, or whatever the hell else. I sincerely feel it's a good thing for both schools and the future their respective students. Time will indeed tell.
The city did not provide the support? UTB and Julieta own the city.
"TSC will continue being a staple in Brownsville to help students who have no interest in being a doctor, teacher, or whatever the hell else."
You are as full of shit as a Christmas Turkey. Ask Montoya where the hell he graduated from, it was not some dip-shit UTB. It was the U. of Michigan, one of the top ten university's in the country. There are thousands of students who have graduated from TSC since 1926 who have gone to great universities. I want to see the high standards of UTRGV, same as Austin, no? Then you will be lucky to have a hundred students. Yes, students arrive at TSC not ready for university work but that does not mean they are not capable of doing the work. Unless, you Joaquin, believe Mexicans are inherently stupid. Do you? The main problem is BISD in terms of unpreparedness. All races, ethnic groups generally fall in the same bell shaped distribution of intelligence. If you don't know that then you are at the bottom, not because you are an Hispanic but because you were born stupid, genetically.
Are these two morons making the sign of the devil?
The funny thing is that she thinks we give a shit what she calls her imminent termination from ut. Lipstick on a pig. Thats supposed to be an anology. I guess the captain of the Titanic "resigned" too?
Are you stupid or what?
Juan got one question, if the new ut-rgv will be including anew medical school how come hey did not include a new law school here as well? just wondering? cca
Bola de ignorantes reporteros que tienes Juan ni siquierq dqn bien la informacion son una bola de mojados y pendejos informense bien antes de escribir las noticias te van a demandar muy pronto no te la vas a acabar
I hope this medical school is not just a place to get a LVN or RN licenses,the. field is huge just saying.
The problem with BISD is that the majority of their teachers graduated from UTB.
The NSA just released by secret courier that Julie has been named 50 of the world' s most powerful people next to thePope and Panchen Lama. She will spend the next ten years in Tibet studying crickets and eternal bliss. Then, she will continue her studies in the catacombs of the Vatican studying the Dead Sea Scrolls, ancient Hebrew and Aramaic. The Dolly Sisters will join her at a later date. The secret Courier left Browntown with a smile.
It's too bad this forum doesn't lend itself for a good debate especially when people refuse to take a second to write their name down so we know who we're speaking with.
This isn't about who you know that graduated from TSC and went on to great things. We're speaking in general terms. Don't take things personally.
I concede TSC is essential to prepare students to move on to other Universities as well as provide vocational education for those who don't want a 4 year degree. That said, UTB can't continue to take these students if they want to be taken seriously. Yes, education in the valley is horrible. I am confident a lot of students will still be eligible to go there even if the standards are raised. TSC refused to adhere to these new standards. Do you deny this? In addition, although we are constantly saying how bad things are in the valley, the area does provide many advantages that may attract students from other cities accross the Texas and maybe even other states.
Bottom line, as much as you can't stand the Texas University System (or so it appears), you should be glad they're gone. You get TSC back. You win, right?
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