Remember when Asst. U.S. Attorney Gregory J. Surovic opposed the release of convicted former Cameron County Attorney Armando Villalobos, partly because he said he had contacted several individuals in the community and leaked confidential FBI interviews with some local attorneys and judges?
Surovic said Mando had not provided evidence that he won’t flee or pose a danger to any person or the community if released. But it was the other reason he gave that piqued peoples' interest.

“The government submits that this is an improper use of these discovery documents and indicates a desire for revenge on the part of the defendant,” Survoic further said.
Whether it's revenge Villalobos seeks, or whether there is a leak at the U.S. Attorney's Office, we then confirmed that confidential FBI FD 302 (Rev. 10 6 95) interview-summaries were proliferating out there. In fact, we were given access to see one and we can confirm that someone (?) is mass producing them and making them available to select social media.
In this case, the 302 dealt with the questioning of County Court-at-Law # 3 David Gonzales and his interview with Special Agent Mark J. Gripka and FBI TFO Albert Toriz. This was the second interview Gonzales had with the FBI.
If Survoic is correct, then the document was obviously made available to Gonzales' only opponent, Brownsville attorney Dolores Zarate or her supporters. They, in turn, apparently, mass produced it and disseminated it.
Who did or or why will probably surface as the FBI investigation into how those documents have been made available to just about anyone who would possibly want one.

But someone else did, and this Charro Days and at the SombreroFest, someone paid kids to place the flier above advertising a local blog as the site where one could read the "full report" on David Gonzales' wrong doings while he was an assistant DA."
Now, wrong doings is a strong word. It is almost up there with "crimes." It kind of makes you wonder why there have been no charges against Judge Gonzales, as his opponent would probably love to see. About the only issue related to Villalobos in the interview was the fact that Gonzales refused to pay Mando for his work as local counsel in a San Benito ISD case. Oscar De la Fuente had referred the case to Gonzales and later told him that it had been Villalobos who had told him to choose Gonzales. Gonzales never knew this until the cases were concluded and refused to give Mando a kickback on the settlements.
Then there's the issue of the scurrilous Brownsville Voice blogger allowing himself to be used by that candidate's supporters and gleefully provide them with a soapbox to deride their opponent.
(Of course, that blogger is no stranger to publishing falsehoods and inventing conspiracies. For a sample of the type of fare he deals in, simply click on the second box on top right [The Wightman Contra-Intelligence Files] and see for yourself. A word of caution, you might want to hold your nose as you read.)
We have been cautioned that as soon as the election cycle is over, someone will have to answer for the leaking of the FBI interview/report and its dissemination. To prosecute someone now would only give an impression that the probe is politically motivated.
For now, however, the people will decide this Tuesday whether a candidate who is allowing her supporters to go as far as printing these fliers and paying for their distribution is the type of barrister we need in that court.
Dolores Zarate would be a disaster on the bench. She is not even a capable lawyer. Everyone knows she tried to cheat the last time she ran against Gonzalez. This illegal stunt and her using crazy Bobby to spread it around just proves that she is the worst. At least the FBI cleared Gonzalez of wrong doing. Zarate doesn't pass the smell test.
Dolores is running on the "Elia Conejo-Lopez Slate"....along with Elia's hubby "Leo the Lackey" and Gloria Rincones. Elia recruited them and to her, competence is not as important a Elia. While we think David Gonzalez has had his time at the public tit....Elia's "people" now seek a turn at that public tit...which Elia and others find more appealing than working for a living. We have too many crooks in office and too many voters who are ignorant.
At present we must keep Ernie Hernandez and his daughter Erin from being re-elected. Two more leaches sucking blood from this community.
(Dolores Zarate would be a disaster on the bench.)
Just saw his on one of her TV political ads. And she's, at least, 50lbs. heavier than her pic on her political ad posters.
You know Montoya, you're right! The coward is away in prison and obviously behind this backstabbing. You know what the irony is? They put in black and white that the lawyer, Oscar De La Fuente admitted on the stand that he stole money and after his buddy, who is in prison gave it to him. As a lawyer, he was obligated to giving that money back to his client. But, he kept it like the crooked lawyer that he is and got a get out of jail card? Luis Saenz, here is the evidence. You need to Indict on State charges. Hello, State Bar! Here is the evidence to give that crook a life time sentence on "not being able to practice" anymore. Who are these cowards Munoz PAC?
Second, you got that shit eating smile of Dolores Zarate wanting the sympathy vote because of her daughter? It seems to me that she won't have time to be an effective judge like she wants us to believe? The other thing, Dolores Zarate! We have a dumb-ass judge in Elia "Cornhole" Lopez and Migdalia Lopez! We don't need another idiot on the bench!
Sergio Zarate and his dumb ass wife are PENDEJOS. They will have to answer for that report, I wonder who gave it to them.....not Villalobos, he dislikes Sergio cause he was helping Troiani in his bid for congress against him. My bet is that it was Troiani himself....his new wife works for the Feds.
Who do we trust? The Feds or Da Mayor? No, Alfred E. Newman!!!
Respect the laws Respect the people is David Gonzalez platform. What laws and what people was he respecting when he made a deal with Oscar de la Fuente and is David still on the San Benito School case practing out of a mail box in Harlingen. The case is still active. David was not cleared he signed a proffer letter and we all should be shocked that all this corruption happened and there are still players out there. Leave Dolores Zarate and her family alone. She is an exceptional person. Look at your own individual and family lives before you post hateful comments.
Dolores Zarate is dirty and if she doesn't like the scrutiny then she should stay out of public office.
Montoya, I just read that 302 on that Brownsville Voice. I think David Gonzales does have something to worry about? The wording in there is enough to get him barred. Only time will tell?
As for the 302 being on the website? I think that this idiot in Wightman can be sued? The other thing, the dumbass posts something that is public record but sends a message out to all who want to cooperate with FBI? Wrong message!
Do we have Freedom of the press?
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