Ever since current Brownsville Independent School District counsel Baltazar Salazar filled out his application for employment with the district in December 2011, that document has been in the public domain.
When the trustee who met to choose law firms to represent the board, they were given copies of the application and a compilation of the firms' strengths and weakness. It is noteworthy to state at the outset that Salazar's firm was nowhere near the top of the strongest candidates. In fact, its list of shortcomings placed it somewhere near the bottom of the eight finalists.
Salazar was hired by the current majority including the late Enrique Ecobedo, Otis Powers, Jose Chirinos, and Minerva Peña. Catalina Presas-Garcia and Lucy Longoria voted against his hiring.

Among other things, they claim that the board majority knew that Salazar had kep the fact that he had been charged with three felony theft by check charges and that he had been trying to expunge his record. A local trial court granted the expungement, only to have the 13th Court of Appeals overturn its decision when it found that the convictions had not been "set aside" as Salazar contended, but that he had served probation for at least one of those convictions.
He was hired in April 2013. The court of appeals rendered its decision in August of the same year. So even as he stood before the board members and made his pitch for the job, Salazar knew all along that the Texas Department of Public Safety had objected to the trial court's expungement of his criminal record. He also knew that he had lied on his application.
After the ladies filed the lawsuit, we made a public information request to get another copy of Salazar's BISD employment application. Since it had been on record since 2011 and available to the public ever since, we didn't figure it was such a big deal. In fact, there are extant copies of floating around the city and in some BISD administrators' files.
That's why it was a somewhat unpleasant surprise to learn that instead of handing it over as we requested, the BISD is taking the unusual (and futile) step of objecting to its release based on the fact that Presas-Garcia and Longoria list that application as proof that Salazar lied on his application that he had been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude, in this case, of theft.
BISD policies clearly state that no one convicted of a crime of such a nature will be hired by the district.
"The original complaint filed by the plaintiffs includes allegations against Mr. Baltazar Salazar with respect to his application for employment with the District and information that may or may not have been revealed on his employment application," the district wrote the Texas Attorney General in its objection to releasing the document.
Current staff attorney Leandra Costilla Ortiz says that as a result of the pending litigation, the district is within its right to withhold the information requested.
We are going through our files to look for a copy of Salazar's original application. We know we have his and the other firms', but if you are like us it will not be a pleasant task to rifle though boxes of fiels to look for that particular document. But we'll find it.
What is in that application that is making the BISD circle its wagons? Did (as we suspect) Salazar lie on it? And if he did, how can he continue to hold that position at $20,000 a month ($240,000 a year)?
What can you expect from Shyster lawyers?
Esas son mamadas y mentiras, because the FBI already got to see the same papers. why were some FBI in the main Bldg. After dusk a few weeks ago?
You'll find the Shyster's application until hell freezes over. BISD is notorious for losing files when it is convenient. They couldn't find my file after being a teacher for 27 years!
The purchasing dept. Is riddle with graft and corruption. The Feds are already looking into it. The guy that came in will start singing like a mocking bird. He is known aa the Mercedes bag man.
They couldn't find my file when I filed a claim under workers comp.
LOL, very convenient indeed how BISD looses paperwork.
Ask Otis he still has Balta working at BISD.
i thought i saw an ad in the newspaper that bisd was looking for a new school attorney or was i seeing wrong? CCA
BISD has to be the only school district in Texas having to pay-out millions to shady lawyers for their cover-ups and shady deals . I.g. The CEO gets a cut out of every purchase made. Talk about corruption. That is why he "left" his last job.
The Bro. bISD mouth piece is paid 20 grand a month because of a crooked board. The Voters still don't get it!
Salazar is not an employee of the district he is under contracted services, the district has no business protecting him. They're poking your eyes Juanito.
Can't believe Minerva Pena and Carl Montoya both figures of law enforcement to hire someone with convictions and criminal records.
Thank god Minerva didn't win for Justice of the Peace.
It's obvious the board majority and Salazar are corrupt, why else would they hire him? When are the feds getting these crooks?
I'm a teacher at Vela.
You seem to be making a big deal about this guy gets pay 20ka month. What about Hector Gonzalez who got paid $800,000 cash after Cata Luci Christina and Enrique decided to settle then created a"consultant" job for him DOING NOTHING JUST TAKING TRIPS ON THE DISTRICT DIME, with 159K a year for two freaking years hu hu ???
And Juarez same thing done by same ppl, and let's not forget Rendon same thing to...
So why are you complaining about Salazar. At least he's an attorney, the other guys are not even paralegals...duh!!!!
Roberta Marie Solano said...
My, my, my.... final someone bringing Cata, Lucy, Cristina ' s shady past.
Do they really want to go there??
They should have all of their bickering alone.....too late now.
Otis has a problem with insurance contracts .
Carlos Montoya and Minnie Mouse both law enforcement "chotas" still can't identify a shyster con lawyer even if they had Fu Man-Chu and Sherlock Holmes as teachers.
Minerva stop dwelling on the past and put your thinking cap on, these were lawsuits caused by you, Ricky, Colungita, JED,el chango Aguilar and nalgon Mike Saldana, so blame them and thank them and yourself for being sooo stupid. B.S. you are not a teacher at Vela. Oh, and these three guys have never convicted of any crime as your atty has.
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