Cameron County Precinct 2 Commissioner Ernie Hernandez has pleaded guilty to one of eight counts and agreed to resign his office immediately.

As a result of the plea agreement the seven other counts of official misconduct were dismissed. Saenz said Hernandez will be given 5 days to clear out his office.
The seven counts dealt with Hernandez's role in the illegal hiring of his brother-in-law Roberto Cadriel with the county by cheating on the civil service exam.
Count 8 dealt with Hernandez pressuring Emergency Management Director Humberto Barrera to re-open an eight liner for a friend.
Saenz said the plea agreement included a condition which meant Hernandez cannot appeal and accepted responsibility for the criminal conduct. Hernandez made the agreement under the county's pre-trial diversion program.
Hernandez was charged with two counts of abuse of official capacity, one count of misuse of official information, two counts of tampering with a witness, one count of tampering with government records, one count obstruction or retaliation and one count of coercion of a public servant.
Hernandez ran for reelection in the March Democratic Party primary and did not make the runoff. Local attorney Alex Dominguez and funeral director apprentice Leonel Lopez are in the runoff May 27.
Hernandez ran for reelection in the March Democratic Party primary and did not make the runoff. Local attorney Alex Dominguez and funeral director apprentice Leonel Lopez are in the runoff May 27.
Who was the owner of the 8 liner he was calling for? They should be prosecuted as well.
That means the Commissioners get to appoint his replacement. Good odds it be some crook-in-law deal and payback for some favor.
What!!! Ernie "Snake" Hernandez told us citizens of Cameron County that he would be vindicated in a court of law??? So, he pleads guilty and resigns??? That's it??? You don't think he is guilty of other things Luis Saenz??? At least we go rid of that piece of pig shit along with his family members!!!
Carlos Cascos appoints.
What count will he be convicted of, and what will the punishment be? Or will he walk with a slap on the wrist?
Oh I wish the DA had made agree to not run for office again, hold a government job, and not campaign for anyone. Those deals have been made before. It's a lost opportunity to rid ourselves of this parasitic infection.
Where is Bobby "The Sky is Falling" Cervantes? Butter Ball Bobby kept on defending the Whoring Hernandez' and went as far as stating that they should contact the FBI.
Ernie's compadre!
BobbyWhightmanCervantes is as clueless as a 3 dollar bill. He's a disbarred lawyer for gods sake, he's been in jail, he's abusing the system claiming disability benefits. One can read his style, he always leaves himself a back door to everything he prints. Frankly, I'm disgusted with his theatrics. And now he claims Norma can sue. Oh please. She's not going to do that cause it opens up all kinds of illegal voting stuff, coercion and heaven knows what else.
I would bet Cascos appoints the winner of the run off.
Say HI to Joe Lopez!!!
I though the DAs office had put the Pre-trial Diversion Program to the side for review for better suited cases. But to use this diversion program for corruption type cases is not called for and is a big SLAP on the face of the people. That's not want this program was meant to be used get off easy like this for one year???? What kind of punishment is this...after that one year he is free to do anything he wants. Come on Mr. DA...not a corrupted politician again...getting away with murder!!!! I'm just lost a may not mean much to you but maybe the people of this county will see your true colors!!! 3 years the next election?????
The crooks won again!
Say hi to joe Lopez
Whether you supported or not Hernandez , you can very well say that this was simply a political situation since 7 alleged charges were dropped . The way our Justice system works when you become a hot potatoe, you are indicted , an agreement is made , and so on......just like the Feds, plead guilty and we give 5 years or plead "not guilty" and you get 10 years. ....since the govt has no overhead expenses you are doomed if you ain't got any money!!!!!!
George Cascos gets to appoint a Republican Tea Party Jerk.
It is obvious, that Luis Saenz agreed to stop searching for "other wrongdoings" by Ernie and probably Erin, if Ernie would plead guilty and resign. Luis protects the Dumbokratic Party, to which he remains aligned, and a public embarrassment goes away (maybe). Politics abounds and Luis seeks public approval....but is likely to sweep the Sheriff's "cheating deputies" under the carpet after this. Luis is apparently afraid "politically" of Omar Lucio....who has been absent during the scandal in his department. Omar Lucio is fearful of being the "next" sheriff to go to jail, and is calling in all his "political favors" to protect him. Luis Saenz is not likely to push Sheriff Lucio.....and sweep that corruption under the rug....where we can find the remains of lots of such sweeping. Corruption is not dead in Cameron County, just being pushed aside by the cultural corruption of the Dumbokratic Party.
I am more afraid of Leo Lopez than of Ernie. Leo is a pawn for his wife, Judge Elia Conejo Lopez and we know she has already put the word out to defense attorneys in Cameron County that puts them on notice...."support my husband or don't show up in my court". Elia is a vindictive bitch and loves to exercise her "ugliness" on attorney's who don't play ball with her. Just another kind of "corruption" in the county judiciary....called "you scratch my back or I will claw your spine out of your back in "my" court."
I agree she is fugly
who the heck is George Cascos?....and when did George get the power to appoint people?
I am disappointed that the D.A. opted to use the pre trial diversion for this type of case. How soon they seem to forget that a former district attorney used this tactic for political corruption cases. I am sorry it just does not smell right. Either don't indict or let the jury decide.
Proving my statement that the Rosenthal indictment and prosecution was simply politics at a higher level (i.e., federal) will be the fact that Rick Lara, chief of the local US Attorneys' office, will NOT act to indict Ernie Hernandez for anything.
tum tum tum another bites the dust, wonder whos next? el sheriff, el tax guy, el DA? oh no its the same bucket full of shit aka its the cameron county democratic party guys.
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