By Juan Montoya
He might as well have been preaching to the choir, but Rich Montgomery, senior vice president for industrial development for OmniTrax – the company vying for a franchise of the Brownsville Rio Grande International Railroad and 1,200 acres of real estate – told board members his company wants dibs on the business for the next 30 years.

Port of Brownsville commissioners got the treatment this evening during their meeting. The port has already planned three special meetings to comply with the readings of the proposed franchise agreement which will include public comment. They hope to sign the franchise with OmniTrax by May 8, two days before the port elections.
A copy of the franchise agreement was provided to this blog and after the first page where the mantra of "promoting growth of rail and maritime traffic, supported direct and indirect creation of thousands of new jobs, attracted investment in capital, and generated new income for municipalities and partners..." was repeatedly mentioned, they got down to the brass tacks.

In return, the district shall grant the company "credit against the franchise consideration for: direct investment in the common elements as shown in the Master Plan; tenant/user investment in the common elements as shown on the Master Plan; amounts paid for engineering and related professional consulting services for the common elements as shown on the Master Plan; costs for development of infrastructure for the Incubator Site not specifically dedicated to an individual tenant or user (e.g., trackage, scale, and other common elements); grant funding for common elements, and up to $1 million in out-of-pocket marketing expenses for the Development area."
Other specifics in the franchise agreement state that fees coming to the district will be:
– $3,693 a month for the (1,200 acres) of real estate
– $10,714 per month rent on the railroad's buildings and locomotive pit for seven years. Upon payment of 7 years rent ($900,000), OmniTrax will own free and clear, all rights and title to real estate listed, not including the land itself

And while Montgomery said that OminTrax would place a cap on existing rail rates, the franchise agreement leaves that door open.
It states:
"OmniTrax is solely responsible for promulgating and ensuring that all public rates and tariffs, and franchisee issued rules, and timetables, be fair, reasonable, uniform and in compliance with all applicable AAR circulars and manuals...OminTrax shall not increase the rates in public tariffs issued by the franchisee which are charged to existing BRG customers, or their successors or assigns to an existing facility at the port...without the consent of the Board of Commissioners. Nothing in this section shall restrict the ability of OmniTrax to charge a special rate for additional services provided to a BRG customer, or to enter into future Transportation Service Agreements with existing or new customers."
OmniTrax also promised to pay the district:
1. "A fee for each loaded railcar (including an empty car delivered to a district lessee for the purpose of dismantling) originated or terminated on the BRG yard.
2. – $20 for each loaded railcar for the first $35,000 cars per year
3. – $25 for each loaded railcar above$35 cars per year, and
4. Beginning on the sixth anniversary of the Commencement Date, OmniTrax shall pay 5 percent of the gross revenues from railroad operations above $10,500,000 per year.
In no event shall the annual loaded railcar revenue paid by OmniTrax to district under #1 be less than $550,000.
OmniTrax also is beholden to assume the Junior Lien Bonds Series 2003 issued by BRG for rail improvements. It assumes all payments on those bonds as they become due as of the effective date of the agreement not to exceed $2.228 million excluding late fees.
And if the port decides that want to sell the rialroad, or part of it, OmniTrax wants the rights of first refusal to buy it from the port.
The agreement also calls for all BRG employees to be transferred to it and become its employees "subject to the results of drug testing, criminal background checks, and post-employment physical abilities testing."
Upon becoming OmniTrax employees, they will maintain their same level of seniority, level of service, and similar compensation and benefits."
Included in the agreement is a promise by the district that it agrees to cooperate with OmniTrax to minimize or eliminate property. ad valorem value added taxes, and similar taxes potentially or actually assessable to OmniTrax. Any taxes that bare assessed, however, shall be the company's responsibility.
OmniTrax also included language in the agreement that will give the allow the BRG railroad the authority to issue bond for rail-related or developmental purposes as long as they don;t interfere with their right to operate under the agreement.
As far as the Master Plan, OmniTrax requires sole discretion in planning and implementing it but agrees to submit the proposals to the board of commissioners for approval. It will charge a Common Area Maintenance charge to all its tenants. However, if there are insufficient funds for the cost of maintenance, the excess costs shall be divided between OmniTrax and the district.
The district is also required to pay OmniTrax for reimbursement of costs associated with the Industrial Park and the agreement states that "upon the sale or lease of any real estate parcel within the Development Area, OmniTrax shall be entitled to reimbursement from the proceeds of the transaction for reasonable transaction- related out-of-pocket expenditures for tenant or user-specific marketing, engineering or other services, and capital improvements..."
The so-called incubator parcel consisting of 227 acres will be exclusively developed, used and operated by OmniTrax and it will develop, construct, market, and operate it at bits sole expense. Upon receiving rental income from the first user, it will pay the district $500 per acre per year based on the actual acreage. OmniTrax will begin construction of the Incubator Site within 365 days of the commencement date of the agreement. Any portion of the incubator site not developed within five years after the agreement is signed shall be added to the Industrial Park.
If it's of any interest to our three readers, before the port and railroad commissioners stopped transferring some of the profits from the railroad to the port, BRG was making in excess of $750,000 in profits after operations year from 2008 to 2010. Now the port is settling for a share of future profits and funding the Industrial Park and the purchase of the railroad for OmniTrax.
We're after the audit of the railroad for 2013 to see what the commissioners want us to give up.
Brownsville Vagina Club Launches Membership Drive
Having found a foothold in town, the Vagina Club of Brownsville is now ready to increase in membership rolls by offering a discount on its initiation fee. "We're sorta growing by leaps and bounds," said club founder Eddie Lucio. "And we feel this is the perfect time to expand, to augment our force and to begin doing charity work for the community." Lucio, no relation to the local state senator, said the club also plans to lessen initiation rites. Where earlier, it required prospective new members to eat a plastic vagina oozing with catsup, it will now allow candidates to merely don a fake Mexican mustache and stick their tongues out while the members gauge the performance. "The vagina is a treasure, and although we have our laughs at our meetings, the membership takes its oath seriously; that is, to hold the vagina up high, to place it on a pedestal and to lump praise for its elasticity at every opportunity," Lucio added. The club, at present, has 35 members. The names are protected so that members, many who are upstanding city residents, do not face recrimination. "One of our projects is to create a world-class bike trail and to christen it the 'Vagina Club Path To Pleasure,' said Lucio. "From there, we hope to stage a golf tournament and eventually sponsor the Miss Brownsville Vagina pageant." The club is in the process of obtaining its non-profit standing.
so this agreement says they don't have to pay taxes.
bad deal
Allow me to expand the Brownsville "trails". According to the latest NSA report taken by Satellite, Da Mayor will be expanding , developing new injun trails with the Lone Strangler and Tonto as the main supervisors. The Border Petrolio will be on the look-out for foreigners wearing Coon-Caps. This will indeed help the Aborigine population to develop Naco technology working hand-in-foot with Space X. Da Mayor will be disguised as Geronimo.
IN one of the most coldhearted acts ever witnessed in a courtroom, a vicious dad who’d just been convicted of brutally murdering his toddler daughter smirked and winked at devastated relatives as he was led from the courtroom in shackles.
Family members recoiled in horror as adorable Tierra Morgan Glover’s father, Arthur Morgan III, put on his twisted display. They gasped and broke down in tears, with one crying out in anguish: “Oh, God!”
The 2-year-old tyke’s body had been pulled from a creek near the New Jersey shore after Morgan – who was supposed to be taking her on a fun outing to the movies – strapped her into her pink-flowered car seat, weighed it down with a tire jack and hurled her into the water to drown.
She was found with one black and purple sneaker sticking out of the creek – a poignant reminder of how the innocent child had been robbed of the right to grow up by the heartless monster she had adored and trusted.
“She looked up to him as the person who was supposed to love and protect her, and he didn’t,” said acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni. “He killed her.
“God bless her. I hope she is in a better place.”
Prosecutors told the court Morgan had killed his own flesh and blood to get back at the girl’s mother for breaking off their engagement.
After the brutal murder, Morgan, who was living in his car, fled to California and was arrested several days later in San Diego. Incredibly, he kept a newspaper story about the slaying in his pocket.
The City Commish will be pondering in naming the Condom as the new Mascot. Da Mayor will second the motion. Hear, hear !
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