Unless our eyes are deceiving us, Pete Avila, one of the candidates in the JP 2-3 runoff May 27 is ageing visible right before our eyes.
He is in the runoff with Mary Esther Garcia, who bested all candidates in the four-candidate race back in March.

We haven't run into Pete lately, although we have had reports of sightings as he makes the rounds at the coffee shops and gathering places of Brownsville.
It reminds of our previous lifetime when we used to run campaigns for some barrio candidates.
More often than not, some of these candidates were hard up for cash and would invariably want to use the signs from precious races. If you do the math, these races are often four years apart and the candidates have aged some over the years.
In some case, as in the case of our buddy former county commissioner Lucino Rosenbaum, more than four or eight years had elapsed and he (like all of us) was showing his real age by the time the next campaign came around.
We used to tease Lucino that the photo on the signs were from his high school prom.
"No seas mammon,:" would be his stock answer.
Anyway, the people who pointed out the Avila signs say that it is somewhat disconcerting to see a picture of the Young Pete on once corner of the block only to come upon Grampa on the other.
To make matters even more confusing, his old signs still carry the March date for the election even though a sticker states that he is in the runoff in May.
There are, it appears, pluses and minuses in using your old campaign signs.
Pete has our votes!!!!!!!
Pete is a sex offender and whould withdraw from the election. He is an old man who can't keep his hands to himself. He exercises his power and the tax payers must pay for his offenses. Avila should surely be voted out of office if he fails to quit.
He looks like a thousand other Mexicans in town!
Yeah! If you like voting for sexual predators, and molesters! He allowed the taxpayers to foot the bill for his sexual deviancy, and now he wants another county position, so he can abuse his power again, and sexually harass someone else! No thank you, this taxpayer refuses to pay twice! Fucker should be in jail! If you allowed the county to settle on your behalf, then you sir, are GUILTY!!!
La gamousa face member u memer
Weird Montoya, Barton, McHale nor Wightman don't post critical comments about Ed Rivera. I think we all want to know about the irregularities. How much is Adela paying to deflect bad comments? I'm glad the Herald has risen above wearing comments about Adela's (Mary Rose Cardenas II) effeminate plant.
Oh my god!!! This man for judge???? WTF!!!!! I know exactly who this is, he lives by North Street and always drives around drunker than a skunk. The street limit says 20 MPH and he is going 50. True story - always. There is a little store on the corner of Rockwell next to Perez Elem and I ran into him once there. His pants were falling off, he could barely walk inside the store because he was so drunk, and was counting his change $$ to buy several cans of beer. He looked like the people that are asking for money in Mexico - He looked like el "ECO LOCO" from Burbujas!
PEOPLE: Please do not vote for this man. He has no business being a judge if he can't even judge himself and make the necessary corrections to his own life. Oh, but he wants to judge others....sure, right!!!
tax payers paying for this idiot... wonderful.... people... use commom sense... do not Elect this Idiot.......
I'm with Pete on this race.
Take away his Viagra
"Pervert Pete" Echenlo al bote!
pete can't get it up anymore
Yeah, it could be twin brother of your father, family features always prevail...
Sophie and Pete, up on a tree, k I s s I n g
The person posting the comments accusing Avila of being a sex predator is the woman who worked at the court house wearing mini-skirts desperately asking for men to climb onto her.
When the woman was told to stop wearing inappropriate office attire, she took offense to it and filed a sexual harassment claim. Word has it She was advised by Abel Gomez to file a sexual harassment case against Avila when he was constable. Of course Abel Gomez did this so he could fair better in his election against Avila for the constable race.
She is now boo-hooing that she is sexual harassed and needs money to settle her sexual needs.
Have you seen some of the secretaries at the court house. They look like those circus clowns with all that make-up on,
Are these women hired for their ability to work or their ability to get a rise out of the men and women at the court house?
Anybody know?
You idiot! You are still to stupid to understand the facts. In spite of whatever it is you think about this lady, the fact is Pito Pete, allowed the county to settle on his behalf which is an admission of guilt! He could have stood up to the county legal department, and hired his own attorneys to fight for him! Did he do that? Nope! He said, OK, settle on my behalf! Now he wants to cry foul and say he is not guilty, and that he was pressured to settle!?? Either way, if this is true, then he cannot think for himself, and has shown no spine in that he can easily be persuaded! Ask yourself, "Is this the guy I want to vote for?" If it is not true, then he did admit guilt, because he did wrong, and again ask yourself, "is this the guy I want to vote for?" It's the same as if you beat someone and kill them, and you plea to a deal for a charge of assault. Does this mean you are not a murderer because you only got charged with assault, even if the beating at your hands killed the man?
My response to: April 10, 2014 at 11:48 AM comment.
You know what, let them be. They are fine and sexy and great to look at - remember, we are RAZA down here. So let them go to work even in a thong - no problem with me. My kind of women - Mmmmmmm.
Adela's favorite plant is the Amapola. She has one in her office.
Adele is now driving a Mercedes. Compliments of the Kardeshians !
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