One of the tantalizing bits of fallout from the trial and conviction of former Cameron County District Attorney Armando Villalobos has been new evidence that might be helpful to the efforts of Mazz singer Joe Lopez to appeal his sexual abuse conviction.

Now, they say, evidence acquired by the federal government has bolstered their beliefs that there was something illegal in the Villalobos prosecution of their relative.
"Someone very close to the Villalobos investigation called my brother Lorenzo and told him that he knew what had happened in Joe's case," said his brother Raul Lopez, a local bail bondsman. "We can't say yet what bit is, but this person has offered to help us free of charge when Joe makes his appeal on the conviction."
That the federal Villalobos investigation may have touched on irregularities in the Lopez prosecution and may throw light on the motives behind it is something the family would welcome, Raul Lopez said.
"We always suspected there was something else behind Villalobos taking such a personal interest in it," he said. "Now we may actually find out from the people who were involved in the federal investigation of Villalobos."
In the past, the Lopez family has questioned the introduction of DNA evidence they say is questionable in light of revelations made in testimony by some law enforcement officers, particularly those by a Texas Ranger assigned to a the case of Amit Livingston, the fugitive convicted murderer.
Ranger Lt. Rolando Castañeda – under cross examination by U.S. prosecutors in the Armando Villalobos trial – was asked point blank why he questioned the DNA evidence submitted against Livingston, who absconded after he was given a 60-day grace period by convicted 404th District Judge Abel Limas prior to serving a 23-year prison sentence.

However, during the Livingston trial, the DA's office submitted DNA evidence they say was found on the jeans of the murdered woman showing Livingston had been the culprit. How?
Under cross examination by Asst. U.S. Attorney Michael J. Wynne, Castañeda said the evidence was "made up."
In fact, the DNA evidence on the victim's pants was never tested. Villalobos did not know if she was wearing the jeans the day of murder. The report indicated there was semen on the pants, but that there was no testing.And they were never turned over to the defense until one week before the trial. By that time, the DNA could have degraded and, theoretically, if handed over to them in time, it could have provided the defense with exculpatory evidence if the DNA proved to be that of a third party.
To Lopez supporters, this amounts to prosecutorial misconduct they said may have occurred in the case of the singer.
They point out in their relative's defense that the shorts of the victim where the alleged DNA samples were collected were mixed in a trash bag of dirty laundry and that not one, but three samples of male DNA were found on them along with DNA evidence coming from the victim.
In fact, the sample that was attributed to Lopez was collected from the rear waistband of the garment.
"If the DA's office could use 'made up' DNA evidence in the Livingston case, what was to stop them from using it in other cases like Joe's?" they ask. "The fact that there were another two male samples apart from Joe's point to contamination in the trash bag. The samples were microscopic and could have been collected there by the simple contact of the dirty laundry of the rest of the family with the garment."
Will this new source of evidence uncovered by federal prosecutors in the course of the Villalobos investigations shed new light on the Lopez case and eventually result in his freedom?
"We're praying to God," Raul Lopez said.
Joe Lopez should be kept in prison. He did it and Villalobos should not be his easy way out. He abused a minir, Juan. Que te pasa, buey!
The Lopez family need to spend their money on the child that Joe Lopez has in San Antonio from that MINOR child back then. Joe Lopez was a child predator and got caught! Joe Lopez, just pay the piper for Justice did prevail! It just too bad that Armando Villalobos turned out to be a crook and took money to upgrade his financial situation when he didn't have to, fucking scum bag!
This is what happens when you have a corrupt public official; all his actions are tainted and most attorneys will attempt to make him liable for all legal issues. Having his way with a 13-year old is just too much for me...let Lobez rot.
Both putos should be in jail. Joe Lopez for molesting teen age kids. And Villalobos for using the DA's office for personal gain. A la carcel putos.
I know nothing about Joe Lopez and really don't care one way or another what happens to him. But, I do care deeply about fairness and justice for all. There is nothing worse than police or prosecutors who play fast and loose with the law and the facts. The Lopez conviction should be examined in light of other evidence fabrications by Villalobos and his staff. If the evidence sustains the conviction, keep his sorry ass under lock and key. If it does not then turn him lose. That is the way things should work in America.
I wonder if Villalobos' former DA's office employees would know a little something about his former prosecutors?
The whole matter is that he might be innocent, you people just make stupid comments
@Anonymous April 9, 2014 at 8:51 AM
If you believe that, you must be a complete idiot! Read the transcripts from the trial and you will find out how innocent Joe Lopez was!
RGV law official's are fool of corrupted person,the law is blind.
First of all: Joe Lopez son with the San Antonio woman was not 13 years old and that son is already an adult. Joe paid his child support for his son and believe he also loves his son. Second of all: Joe Lopez is innocent! And don't forget it! He will be out soon to take over the spot lights that are rightfully his. His niece is afraid that they will put her in jail for lying, she should do some time for perjury!
Why would Joe sexually abuse a 13 year old girl when he could probably have any woman he wants. Women love him and his music and looks. I think these putos are just jealous of his lifestyle cause they can't live it.Let him go cause kids lie, I've seen this crap all the time. They do it just to brag or to look good to everybody, let' get the real truth from the from the victim, there is a 50 percent chance that she is lying, and afraid to go to jail, the truth will set you freeJoe, we love you man.
thats just nonsence
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