There is an uproar over generous pay raises that University of Texas at Austin President Bill Powers and 20 professors received because the increases – $325,000 in extra compensation for himself alone while he was a law school dean – were not properly authorized.

That investigation has made some people wonder whether the investigation into Powers' raise will snowball into a probe that will also look at questionable raises by other UT System presidents.
In the supplements to the 2010-2011 budget passed pro forma by the TSC board was a $38,726 raise to Julieta Garcia. What rankled many at the time was that Garcia gave herself the raise while the UTB departments were under the gun to institute system-wide budget reductions.
And, since the salary increase was never disclosed to TSC trustees, they routinely approved the transfer of TSC funds not knowing they were giving Garcia additional money.
"It was never brought before us as a raise when we voted for the budget," said one. "We never knew that hidden within all those routine transfers was a raise for the president. It was included in the UTB budget as a transfer from TSC."
The raise, tucked away on page G.38 of the University of Texas at Brownsville Budget, includes a Supplemental Compensation appendix prepared by Marilyn Woods, Garcia's Executive Assistant. The transfer is from the TSC contract designate line item in the sum of $38,726 to be added to the $322,685 paid her in the 2009-2010 budget.
In that same summary is a notation of salary roster from the English Department that indicates that some of the money that goes to her salary was taken from that department. In other words, part of her salary and raise was taken from instruction to give her what (in her eyes) was a well deserved raise.
In Powers' case, the deferred compensation agreement was approved in 2001 by the university's president and its chief lawyer. An executive vice chancellor at the system was informed of the agreement, but the newspaper reported that officials could produce no record showing that the chancellor's office had authorized it.
The Statesman reported that there have been no suggestions that the foundation's payments to Powers and law professors broke the law. But a 2012 report by the UT system general counsel concluded that because the payments bypassed the university's payroll system, salaries were not accurately reported internally or to the public.
That seems to have also been exactly the case of the Garcia raise.
Witman is on a tirade again! He hates every man, who isn't gay of course! He is supporting Gracia who we all know is gay! Is Ed Rivera a homo? Wightman was supporting him since he announced! How did Whiteman meet him? At a gay bar? Let's keep Bobby loving homos out of politics. BTW, Weightman, you tubby, degenerate, psycotic fuck, we only hate fags that love your fairy ass. Other gay people are ok. BTW, we also hate abortion but think Weightman's ma shoulda had one. We know you read this Whitman! FUCK YOU FAGET!
Society for the Betterment of Humanity
It's old news. Everyone knows she is a thief using slight of hand and manipulation. All of this will be washed out. Just like her, she was someones washed out wet dream, thus no more.
Aunt Jemima looks like Chaquespir for the most powerful Nacas of the World. !!!!!!!
You mean again. Last week she invented a new position and without any of the usual hiring process appointed her daughter in law to it, doubling her salary.
So, you see, this is just business as usual for her.
She is one of the most powerful Nacas in the World! She was discovered right behind our back yard ,,!!!
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