Sometime back after we wrote that very little critical coverage in the Brownsville Herald of the shadow government called United Brownsville and run by the so-called United Brownsville Coordinating Board, if any, we received a comment from a Doubting Thomas accusing us of making IT up.
We had mentioned in the same post that UBCB member and United Brownsville founder IBC President Fred Rusteberg also owned part of the newspaper. We were also called to task on that one by Thomas and he demanded than we show him where we had acquired that information.
Well, we inquired where the statement of ownership, management and circulation reports went after they were published in the local newspaper as required by the U.S. Postal Service and we got nowhere.
It took us a while, but we finally dug up the statement that is required by the Postal Service. Apparently, it is to be published the first day of October every year.
The last one available was the October 2013 statement which still lists Daniel Cavazos as publisher. Cavazos is gone now replaced by Frank Escobedo, who took over February 28 2014. Unlike Cavazos, Esobedo rose through the ranks of the advertising departments and is credited with helping Freedom Newspapers and later, AIM Media, Texas, with its Spanish-language publications.

Well, there on paragraph 11 is the International Bank of Commerce of which Rusteberg is the president.
Now, Rusterberg also happens to be one of the three members of the so-called Coordinating Board set up by United Brownsville.
The other two are UT-Brownsville President Julieta Garcia and the other is Irv Downing, formerly a banker, before that a planner and now working out of the Office of the President at UTB (Julieta's office).
We've beat on this dead horse before, but it worth mentioning that United Brownsville is the offshoot of something called Imagine Brownsville, a fanciful document for which city taxpayers paid more than $1 million for Carlos Marin and his minions to produce. We call it fanciful because the document has no codification or ordinance-making power and subsequent city commissions can choose to ignore it if they want to.
But based on this foundation of quickie money-making sand, Rusteberg, Garcia and now Mayor Tony Martinez have managed to convince at least eight publicly-funded entities to chip in $25,000 a year to pay their staff and fund their budgets. And even though it is public funds that are involved, no one has elected Rusteberg et al and cannot hold them accountable on how their money is spent.
Marin, as well, who owns Ambiotech, a company that has wormed its way into the city's coffers and is a recipient of numerous multi-million dollar contract, sits on the United Brownsville Board and on the Brownsville Economic Development Council, which vets projects to be funded by the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation and the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation. Both of these boards share in a quarter-cent share of every dollar collected in sales taxes.
In fiscal year 2013, the GBIC and its sister corporation (the BCIC), have received $4,231,263 each. The two entities receive a quarter penny each from the city sales taxes. The city's general fund keeps the other half.
This fiscal year starting October 2013, each has received $1,828,145 as of the end of February.
And which organization receives constant funding from GBIC? Would you believe VIDA, a so-called worker training nonprofit which has had a difficult time explaining what they do with the money they get (about $25,000 each month).
Local blogger Jim Barton has been on the VIDA tail for some time now and wrote:

"When we asked the Director of V.I.D.A. for evidence of the group's claims, she resigned. On V.I.D.A.'s board of directors, as listed on their website, is a faceless image of Carlos Marin, rumored to be the primary manipulator behind the GBIC's dispersal of several million taxpayer dollars annually for "economic development."
In fact, GBIC so far this year (end of February) has paid more than $100,000 and is scheduled to hand it over $201,000 total before the fiscal year is up (see graphic).
Marin's wife also happens to be the director of Su Clinica Famiiar, which counts among its employees one Rose Gowen, a city commissioner. Julieta's son Oscar Garcia Jr., was its director of operations. Now he is a program manager at Jacob's.
Rusteberg, for his part, is also a member of the Brownsville Rio Grande Railroad and which is now trying to grant a 30-year franchise to a Colorado-based corporate raider that operates under the name of The Broe Group through its railroad OmniTrax.
That group is moving fast to grant the franchise before the port elections May 10. At least three hearings are scheduled to culminate in a May 8 vote by the port commissioners.
So far, the local newspaper has not made a peep about the questionable doings of Rusteberg and his compadres running the shadow government and usurping the democratic process. And we have not had one story about the proposed franchise of the railroad that smacks of self-dealing on their part. Will the port commissioners take the bait and bind the port's railroad to 30 years to a corporation with minimal investment on its part?
With Rusteberg riding herd on the community, we wouldn't hold our breath.
This is how the Cartels wash their Shekels by using the latest Maytags.
The Feds are on their trail!! The Rico Act is awaiting,,,
Well, there on paragraph 11 is the International Bank of Commerce of which Rusteberg is the president.
Juan, you little half-assed, pickled, jounalismo burn-out, you. Line 11 of the USPS Statement of Ownership Disclosure is for "Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or
Other Securities". Not quite the same as stock holders.
So the Herald (or its parent co.) does its banking at IBC. So what?
The Port Commissioners are there to protect their interests. They do business with the port. As the Aborigenes say : "no se hagan Pendejos "!!!
What are you, naive by choice or financial interest? Rusteberg has worked very hard to censor, shield and deny the existence of his shadow government that is siphoning tax monies to itself, overpaying for properties brokered by its partners, using public funds as start up money for private investments paid for by higher utility rates, and selling public properties at sweetheart prices to private investors. You think Rusteberg is sitting quietly on his thumbs neither encouraging nor discouraging the Herald to report on any of this? You.are either a fool or one of the pieces of shit getting rich by fucking the public.
Cameron County's unemployment rate dropped to a five-year low in March, but remained well above Texas and national rates, show new data from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Brownsville's unemployment rate was 7.6 percent in March, the Dallas Fed reported late last week. The last time the local rate was that low was in January 2009. The lowest previous rate this year was 7.9 percent in January. The Texas rate was 5.5 percent in March, and the national rate was 6.7 percent. The local rate was 8.1 percent in February, and 9 percent in March 2013. An estimated 23,800 local residents were unemployed and seeking work in March, the Texas Workforce Commission reported.
I thought John Ritter was dead. Is this him in the RGV?
Juan Montoya, can you please put a picture of Erin?
A number of government text books have been written about "elitism" in American politics. Fred Rusteburg and his cronies are a great example of how authors describe "elitism"....where a few are on all the boards and are involved with policy making on all the boards that impact the public. Juliet, Freddy, and their cronies personify "elitism" and enjoy exercising their "power"...which is the fuel of elitism. We shouldn't be surprised and most local citizens are ignorant of these boards and have no interest as long as their welfare existence isn't disturbed.
You tell em rustyburg!!
@11:22 a.m.: Oh, shut up, you stupid Mexican. Without DEMOCRATS you'd still be drinking out of "Messkins Only" water faucets. Dipshit cagapalo!
CameronCounty's unemployment dropped by 5 % . Thank the gods we have now more ditch diggers and taco stands!!!
It's one of those things manipulate the information coming out of government while mean time the tax payer getting jacked ,later must answer to the most high Jesus and explain all the greed against the poorest county in the country good luck
Apparently all of us in Nacoville are Pendejos! You could have a point !!!!!
LOL!!! all of you die. I have all the money and brains because I am a white guy.
To: 11:50 4/23
White and stupid! Baboso!!!
Who will provide the tacos,tortillas, enchiladas , etc. For the Pioneers ?
If it wouldn't be for the Pioneers you Nacos would still be picking cotton at the Plantation !!!!!
If you Nacos still had any Brains you'd be building Pyramids behind the Nylon Bldg. Da Mayor was seen disguised as a Mayan high priest wearing his usual G-String!
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